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Guidelines for authors

Food, Nutrition and Agriculture reflects the concerns of the Food Policy and Nutrition Division of FAO, covering topics such as nutrition planning, assessment and evaluation; nutrition programmes; and food quality and safety. The review welcomes articles of interest to its readers working in government institutions, universities, research centres, nongovernmental organizations, the food industry and the communications media in 148 countries.

Articles may be written in English, French or Spanish. The style should be clear, concise and easy to understand, avoiding journalistic terms, colloquial expressions and professional jargon. Articles may be 2 500 to 5 000 words in length, with not more than about six tables and fewer than 35 references. Complete references must be provided when factual material and other viewpoints are mentioned. References require author name(s), date, title, place of publication and publisher (for books), journal title, volume and pages (for articles).

A summary of approximately 350 words and biographical information (35 words or less) about the author(s) should accompany the article. The article will be published in the original language and FAO will translate the summary into the other two languages of the review. Manuscripts must be typed and double spaced. When possible, provision of a word-processing diskette is appreciated. Tables, graphics and photographs should be provided on separate sheets with a title and number indicating their place in the text.

Manuscripts are reviewed by the Food Policy and Nutrition Division, and the decision to publish an article is made by the Editorial Advisory Board. Copyrights and other ownership rights are vested in the Food and Agriculture Organization, which usually grants permission to the author to reproduce the article. Authors should clearly state whether material included in a manuscript has been copyrighted elsewhere and certify that they have permission to use the material. When printed, up to 25 copies of the issue containing the article will be sent to the author free of charge.

Correspondence and manuscripts should be addressed to: Technical Editor, Food, Nutrition and Agriculture, Food Policy and Nutrition Division, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy.

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