This publication has been produced by the Farm Management and Production Economics Service (AGSP), Agricultural Services Division, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Rome, Italy. It was financed by UNDP as a TSSI programme. The publication is based on the contributions of two main authors, namely:
Tony Barnett, School of Development Studies, University of East Anglia, UK, who coordinated the programme and wrote the associated report cited below.
Martina Haslwimmer, Farm Management and Production Economics Service, FAO, who administered the project and carried out the study of the Nakambala Sugar Estate in Zambia.
However, the final text is derived from six earlier reports which provide the foundation for the present publication. These are:
Extensive comments on earlier drafts of this publication were provided by Daphne Topouzis and Günter Hemrich.
Alison Small was in charge of drafting and editing the text.
This publication does not constitute an exhaustive analysis of the very large amounts of material collected in the course of the project. Rather, it is an attempt to bring to the attention of a wider audience some of the major ways in which serious and fatal epidemic illnesses are currently affecting rural populations in parts of Africa and may in the near future affect other regions both in Africa and other parts of the world.