References on codes of forest practice and
similar guidelines
References on codes of forest practice and similar guidelines
APA. 1993. Best management practices survey. Technical Release 93-R-37. Washington, DC, USA, American Pulpwood Association. 2 pp.
British Columbia Ministry of Forests. 1989. Interim harvesting guidelines for the interior of BC. British Columbia Ministry of Forests, Victoria, BC, Canada. 10 pp. (Unpublished draft)
Cameron, A.L. & Henderson, L.E., eds. 1979. Environmental considerations for forest harvesting. Canberra and Melbourne, Australia, Harvesting Research Group, CSIRO. 71 pp.
Deal, E.L. & Hamilton, R.A. 1990. Pocket guide to the forest practices guidelines related to water quality. Extension Forest Resources, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA. 31 pp.
DEC. 1985. Timber harvesting guidelines for New York. Leaflet LF-P185. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Albany, NY, USA. 8 pp.
FAO. 1977a. Guidelines for watershed management. Conservation guide I . Rome, FAO. 293 pp.
FAO. 1988a. FAO watershed management field manual: landslide prevention measures. Conservation Guide 13/4. Rome, FAO. 156 pp.
FAO. 1989a. Forest management research and development, Papua New Guinea: project findings and recommendations. Project FO:DP/ PNG /84/ 003, Terminal report. Rome, FAO. 59 pp.
FAO. 1989b. Watershed management field manual: road design and construction in sensitive watersheds. Conservation Guide 13/5. Rome, FAO. 196 pp.
FAO & ILO. 1980. Chainsaws in tropical forests. FAO Training Series No. 2. Published jointly by FAO, Rome, Italy, and the International Labour Organisation, Geneva, Switzerland. 96 pp.
FERIC. 1984. Handbook for ground skidding and road building in British Columbia. Vancouver, BC, Forest Engineering Research Institute of Canada. 41 pp.
Fiji Ministry of Forests. 1990. Fiji national code of logging practice. Ministry of Forests, Suva, Fiji. 58 pp. (Plus 7-page booklet on chainsaw use and safety)
Forest Stewardship Council. 1993. Principles and criteria of natural forest management. Oaxaca, Mexico, Forest Stewardship Council. 13 pp.
Georgia Forestry Association. 1993. Best management practices. Georgia Trend, 8(11): 80.
Ghana Forestry Department. 1992. Logging manual for forest management in Ghana. Forestry Department, Accra, Ghana. 13 pp.
Green, R. & Tagamasau, A.1992. A blueprint for sustainable use of PNG's forests: definitions and indicators of progress. Report of a workshop for Papua New Guinea. Canberra, Australia, CSIRO Division of Wildlife and Ecology. 37 pp.
Hamilton, L.S. & Snedaker, S.C., eds. 1984. Handbook for mangrove area management. Published jointly by the East-West Center, Honolulu, HI, USA; Gland, Switzerland, IUCN; Paris, France, UNESCO; and Nairobi, Kenya, UNEP. 123 pp.
Hogan, B. & Clinch, B. 1991. Montana forestry best management practices: forest stewardship guidelines for water quality. Publication EB0096. Montana State University Extension Service, Bozeman, MT, USA. 33 pp.
Initiative Tropenwald. 1993. Testkriterien zur Erfassung und Bewertung von Waldwirtschaftsbetrieben der Tropen. Berlin, Germany, initiative Tropenwald. 29 pp.
ITTO. 1990. ITTO guidelines for the sustainable management of natural tropical forests. ITTO Technical Series No. 5. Yokohama, Japan, International Tropical Timber Organization. 18 pp.
ITTO. 1992. Criteria for the measurement of sustainable tropical forest management. ITTO Policy Development Series No.3. Yokohama, Japan, International Tropical Timber Organization. 5 pp.
IUCN. 1980. World conservation strategy. Gland, Switzerland, World Conservation Union. (Portfolio of 3 booklets and 5 maps)
IUCN. 1990. The management of tropical moist forest lands: ecological guidelines. 2nd ed. Gland, Switzerland, World Conservation Union. 69 pp.
Jones, G.T. 1993. A guide to logging aesthetics. Publication NRAES-60. Northeast Regional Agricultural Engineering Service, Cooperative Extension. Ithaca, NY, USA. 29 pp.
Kochenderfer, J.N. 1970. Erosion control on logging roads in the Appalachians. Research Paper NE-158. USDA Forest Service, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station, Upper Darby, PA, USA. 28 pp.
Korsgaard, S. 1985. Guidelines for sustained yield management of mixed dipterocarp forests of South East Asia. FAO Project GCP/RAS/106/JPN, Field Document No. 8. Bangkok, Thailand, FAO. 78 pp.
Lewis, T.1991. Developing timber harvesting prescriptions to minimize site degradation. Land Management Report No. 62. British Columbia Ministry of Forests, Victoria, BC, Canada. 64 pp.
Newton, C.M., Brynn, D.J., Capen, D.E., Clausen, J.C., Donnelly, J.R., Shane, J.B., Jr, Thomas, P.A., Turner, T.L. & Vissering, J.E. 1990. Impact assessment of timber harvesting activity in Vermont. University of Vermont, School of Natural Resources, in cooperation with Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Receation, and Associated Industries of Vermont. Burlington, VT, USA. 138 pp.
OFIA. 1992. Guiding principles and code of forest practices. Toronto, ON, Canada, Ontario Forest Industries Association. 12 pp.
Oregon Department of Forestry. 1992. Forest practice rules. Oregon Department of Forestry, Forest Practices Section, Salem, OR, USA. 72 pp.
OTA. 1984. Technologies to sustain tropical forest resources. OTA-F-214. US Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, Washington, DC, USA. 344 pp.
Packer, P.E. 1967. Criteria for designing and locating logging roads to control sediment. Forest Sci., 13: 2-18.
Pancel, L., ed. 1993. Tropical forestry handbook. Berlin, Germany, Springer-Verlag. 1 738 pp. (Two volumes)
Poore, D. & Sayer, J. 1990. The management of tropical moist forest lands: ecological guidelines. 2nd ed. Gland, Switzerland, World Conservation Union. 69 pp.
Queensland Forest Service. Undated. Guidelines for the selective logging of rainforest areas in north Queensland state forests and timber reserves. Queensland Forest Service, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. 12 pp.
Rainforest Alliance. 1993. Generic guidelines for assessing natural forest management. New York, NY, USA, Smart Wood Certification Program, Rainforest Alliance. 8 pp.
UNEFOR. 1994. Código de conducta. Unión Nacional de Empresarios Forestales. Revista Forestal Centroamericana, 3(7). 50 pp.
Vaughan, L., Visser, R. & Smith, M. 1993. New Zealand forest code of practice. 2nd ed. Rotorua, New Zealand, Logging Industry Research Organisation (LIRO). 102 pp
Washington State Forest Practices Board. 1982. Washington forest practices: rules and regulations. Public Lands Commission, State of Washington, Olympia, WA, USA. 104 pp.
WCB. 1981. Yarding and loading handbook. Workers' Compensation Board of British Columbia, Richmond, BC, Canada. 182 pp.
WCB.1983. Ground skidding handbook. Workers' Compensation Board of British Columbia, Richmond, BC, Canada. 144 pp.
WCB. 1990. Fallers' E buckers' handbook. Workers' Compensation Board of British Columbia, Richmond, BC, Canada. 132 pp.
WCB. 1990. Helicopter operations i)' the forest industry: a manual of standard practices. Workers' Compensation Board of British Columbia, Richmond, BC, Canada 66 pp