Tele food
B. United Nations/FAO World Food Programme
pledging target for 1999-2000
Recalling that the Heads of State and Government, gathered at the World Food Summit, pledged their political will and commitment to achieving food security for all and to an ongoing effort to eradicate hunger in all countries, with an immediate view to reducing the number of undernourished people to half of the present level of more than 800 million people by no later than 2015,
Recalling also that to reach this objective the Rome Declaration on World Food Security and the Summit's Plan of Action emphasized the need to involve all sectors of civil society as well as to mobilize all possible human, technical and financial resources to help countries fulfill their national commitment to achieve food security for all,
Welcoming the Director-General's decision to launch, within the framework of the World Food Day, the TeleFood initiative to raise public awareness of the issues underlying food security and to mobilize public support in the struggle against world hunger and malnutrition,
Acknowledging the success of the TeleFood operation in 1997 and convinced of the necessity to continue this initiative and expand its coverage in collaboration with the various components of civil society in their various countries:
1. Approves the Director-General's decision to allocate, in their entirety, the proceeds collected through the TeleFood appeal to the financing of concrete grassroot-level projects, none of these proceeds being diverted to administrative or other costs and to rely on sponsorship and other private and public voluntary contributions to meet the costs of promoting and coordinating this operation;
2. Endorses the Director-General's decision to establish under Financial Regulation 6.7:
a) a Special Fund to receive the proceeds collected through the TeleFood appeal, which proceeds will be used for the purpose of financing concrete grassroot-level projects, including those established under the Special Programme for Food Security, to help the poor farming families in the developing world produce more food; and
b) a Trust Fund to receive sponsorship and other private and public voluntary contributions for financing the costs relating to the promotion and coordination of the TeleFood operation worldwide;
3. Invites FAO Members to take all measures they deem appropriate to promote the TeleFood initiative.
(Adopted on 17 November 1997)
B. United Nations/FAO World Food Programme pledging target for 1999-2000
61. The Conference, after considering the report of the Council on this matter, approved the following Resolution: