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A. Amendments to the international plant
protection convention
B. Cooperation agreement between FAO and the
regional centre on agrarian reform and rural development for the
near east (CARDNE)
C. Cooperation agreement between FAO and the
centre for marketing information and advisory services for
fishery products in the Arab Region (INFOSAMAK)
D. Cooperation agreement between FAO and the
intergovernmental organization for marketing information and
technical advisory services for fishery products in the Asia and
Pacific Region (INFOFISH)
E. Review of FAO statutory bodies
A. Amendments to the international plant protection convention
Recalling its approval of the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) under Article XIV of the FAO Constitution at its Sixth Session in 1951, which Convention came into force on 3 April 1952,
Recalling its adoption of amendments to the Convention at its Twentieth Session in November 1979 by Resolution 14/79, which amendments came into force on 4 April 1991,
Being convinced of the continued need to protect plant life or health from the spread and introduction of pests,
Noting the agreements reached as a result of the Uruguay Round of Trade Negotiations and the references in the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures to the International Plant Protection Convention and international standards guidelines and recommendations developed for connection therewith,
Taking into account the need for the development of International Phytosanitary Standards to protect plant health without creating unnecessary impediments to the international transportation of plants, plant products and other articles deemed to require phytosanitary measures,
Recalling the agreement reached at its Twenty-fifth Session in November 1989 on the necessity of establishing a Secretariat within FAO for the International Plant Protection Convention,
Recalling that at its Twenty-seventh Session in November 1993, as an interim measure, it agreed to authorize the Director-General to establish the Committee on Phytosanitary Measures under Article VI.2 of the Constitution, and to establish the procedure that could be followed for the setting of harmonized international standards and guidelines,
Having considered the work of the Expert Consultation on the Revision of the IPPC held in April 1996, the Technical Consultation on the Revision of the IPPC held in January 1997, the Fourteenth Session of the Committee on Agriculture in April 1997 and the Hundred and Twelfth Session of the Council in June 1997,
Taking note of the recommendations contained in the report of the African Expert Consultation on the IPPC held in June 1997,
Having examined the text of the draft amendments to the IPPC endorsed by the Council at its Hundred and Twelfth Session in June 1997,
Having considered the observations contained in the Report of the Sixty-seventh Session of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters held in October 1997 and the Report of the Hundred and Thirteenth Session of Council,
Stressing that it is in the interest of the international community that the proposed amendments should enter into force without delay,
Noting that, in accordance with Article XII.4 of the Convention, the amendments will enter into force as from the thirtieth day after acceptance by two thirds of the contracting parties:
1. Approves the amendments to the International Plant Protection Convention set out in the Revised Text contained in Appendix G;
2. Takes note of the agreed interpretation contained in Appendix I;
3. Bequests the Director-General to transmit the revised text incorporating the amendments to the Contracting Parties for their consideration with a view to their acceptance of the amendments;
4. Urges the Contracting parties to accept the amendments as early as possible;
5. Urges FAO Members and Non-Member States that have not yet done so to adhere to the Convention as early as possible;
6. Notes the specific need of developing countries, in particular the least developed countries, for technical assistance in order to enhance their capacity to fulfill their obligations under the Convention and to facilitate its implementation;
7. Urges that high priority be given to the provision of reports on the occurrence, outbreak and spread of pests to the Secretary of the IPPC and, underlines the importance of establishing relevant procedures applicable to this reporting;
8. Agrees to the establishment of an Interim Commission on Phytosanitary Measures under Article VI. 1 of the FAO Constitution with the Terms of Reference contained in Appendix H;
9. Agrees that the present Secretariat to the IPPC shall continue until the amendments come into force and until then shall provide secretariat services to the Interim Commission;
10. Agrees that the present standard-setting procedure shall continue until the amendments come into force, or until the interim Commission decides otherwise, except that phytosanitary standards will be considered and adopted by the Interim Commission instead of by the Committee on Agriculture, Council and/or the Conference;
11. Agrees that the Secretariat to the IPPC commence work on International Standards for non quarantine regulated pests;
12. Allows the use of the amended phytosanitary certificate as an alternative on voluntary basis among Parties that accept it; and
13. Requests Parties to nominate an official contact point, and to communicate its nomination to the Secretariat.
(Adopted on 17 November 1997)
136. The Conference expressed its satisfaction with the strengthening of the cooperation between the Regional Centre on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development for the Near East (CARDNE) and FAO.
137. The Conference noted that the Council at its Hundred and Twelfth Session (Rome, 2-7 June 1997) had endorsed the proposed Agreement. The Conference confirmed the Cooperation Agreement as set out in Appendix J to this Report.
138. The Conference expressed its satisfaction with the strengthening of the cooperation between the Centre for Marketing Information and Advisory Services for Fishery Products in the Arab Region (INFOSAMAK) and FAO.
139. The Conference noted that the Council at its Hundred and Thirteenth Session (Rome, 4-6 November 1997), had endorsed the proposed Agreement. The Conference confirmed the Cooperation Agreement as set out in Appendix K to this Report.
140. The Conference expressed its satisfaction with the strengthening of the cooperation between the Intergovernmental Organization for Marketing Information and Technical Advisory Services for Fishery Products in the Asia and Pacific Region (INFOFISH) and FAO.
141. The Conference noted that the Council at its Hundred and Twelfth Session (Rome, 2-7 June 1997) had endorsed the proposed Agreement. The Conference confirmed the Cooperation Agreement as set out in Appendix L to this Report.
E. Review of FAO statutory bodies
142. The Conference expressed its appreciation for the report of the Ad Hoc Contact Group, as presented to the Hundred and Thirteenth Session of the Council (Rome, 4-6 November 1997) and reviewed the Draft Conference Resolution contained in document C 97/LIM/24.
143. The Conference approved the preambular and the operative paragraphs of the Draft Conference Resolution.
144. The Conference agreed to approve Annex A of the Draft Resolution for the Conference. One Member suggested that the Commission on Fertilizers (FERT) listed therein for abolition, be replaced by a new Commission on Plant Nutrients instead, but the Conference noted that such a proposal should be considered by the Committee on Agriculture (COAG).
145. The Conference agreed that the ECA Working Party on Women and Agricultural Family in Rural Development should be deleted from Annex B.
146. The Conference also agreed that the Joint FAO/ECE/ILO Committee on Forest Technology Management and Training of the European Forestry Commission (EFC) and the Joint FAO/ECE Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics of the European Forestry Commission (EFC) be deleted from Annex C.
147. The Conference also took note of the importance of some of the sub-committees of the European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission (EIFAC) contained in Annex B of the Draft Resolution for the Conference and suggested that EIFAC take action to ensure the continuation of this important work, inter alia, through ad hoc arrangements.
148. The Conference, after taking the above into consideration, then adopted the following Resolution:
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