Inducing hunger - a good method to stimulate hen to lay eggs
Keeping hen awake during hatching by a vinegar dose
Garlic - a good health protection additive for chicken
Nine indigenous methods to stimulate laying hen to produce more eggs
Stimulating hen to lay more eggs in winter season
Eight methods to prevent chicken pest
Two kinds of local chicken feed for increased egg production in Southern China
When a group of hen have come down to laying only half the amount of eggs it is a good time to induce hunger by only feeding water. After the hen looses 20% of its weight the normal diet can be resumed. After 14 days the egg deposition will be at its peak
A spoon of vinegar can be fed for 4 days to a sitting hen in the morning and evening on an empty stomach before hen enters the chicken house for 4 days. The sitting hen will be awake during the hatching process,
Garlic when added to forage can prevent white diarrhea and indigestion in chickens. To 50 g forage add 50 g garlic powder and 0.25 g terramycin. The forage should however, contain all the necessary nutrients.
1. Feed one gram of honey mixed with water with the forage to the hen every morning and evening.
2. 8% boiled vegetable seeds are added as additive with the forage. 4. Reduce 10% grain component from forage and add 20% earthworm gradually to the forage 4. Boil and cut earthworm in pieces and replace 10% of the grain component in the forage with this.
5. Add 3% peanut shell powder to the forage instead of the grain component and feed the hen.
6. Add 2% sunflower powder to forage.
7. Add 2% zinc in the forage for 7 days. The quantity of egg deposition will be reduced after the first 3 days, and will totally stop after 7 days. The quantity of eggs laid will, however, increase to 50% after 2 weeks and will continue to increase by more than 10% every week.
8. Dig a pit and put a layer of pig manure on the surface of the pit. Then put straw to cover the manure and add water to keep it damps every day. Maggots will be born after several days. Maggot is good food for the laying hen.
9. Mix pig blood to wheat bran in the proportion 1: 1. Then put the mixture on the ground for drying. This mixture can be added to forage with some water. With this feed hen can lay 30% more eggs than normal.
Hen is taken out to give as much sunshine as possible. At the same time the temperatures in a poultry house are maintained above 10°C. The poultry house should be spacious and juicy vegetables and forage are places at about 30-35 cm height so that the hen is required to jump to eat them. Trace elements like iodized potassium (10 mg/week/hen) are also fed. More fodder (5 times/day) mixed with boiled pumpkin (in spring season, 4gm/day/hen) is fed and warm water is provided for drinking. This way has been reported to stimulate 15% more egg production.
Following eight methods are reported to control 90% of the chicken pests:
1. 50 gm quick lime is mixed in o.5 lit water and filtered. Them 250 gram rice is soaked into this liquid. After 24 hours the rice is taken out and dried in shade. This rice is fed to the effected chicken in the morning and evening (2spoons/chicken/dose) for five days.
2. Vinegar socked soybean (dry) are fed (3 beans/hen) once a week for 6 weeks.
3. Mix some vinegar in millet and feed it to chicken for one week.
4. A single ground grain of white pepper powder is feed to a chicken in two dozes once in two days.
5. Soak millet in wine for 15 minutes and feed chicken in the morning and evening for 3 days continuously.
6. Chicken is bathed in water with 5% alkali. Especially clean the chicken under its wings and anus once every 7 days in summer and autumn.
7. Feed fodder mixed with some pounded garlic during the winter season.
8. Feed water to the chicken with 0.5% potassium permanganate in winter season.
Insect lured into poultry house by electric lamp
Sawdust - a good additive feed
25-40 watt bulbs are hanged 50 cm at every 2 m above ground level in the poultry house to lure insects. The lamps are lighted for 2 hours every night. The feed thus collected can increase egg laying by 30%.
80% sawdust, 19% bran, 1% distillers yeast are mixed in enough water to make a soft dow. The mixture is filled tightly into a jar with a thermometer and covered. When the temperature rises above 40°C during the day, 20% of this mixture is added with forage to feed chicken. Enough clean water should be provided to the chicken.