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Annex I - Programme
Annex II - List of Participants
Annex III - List of IFS Grants for Research on Aquaculture, 1974-77

The meeting noted that governments and aid-giving agencies have not yet given enough priority to aquaculture and everything possible should be done to get the importance of this sector fully recognized. It is essential to inform policy makers of the potential contribution of aquaculture to the protein food supply of the world during the next two decades. Compilation and dissemination of information on successful aquaculture projects in an appropriate form would be of considerable value in this regard. Services of a capable technical writer capable of describing the results of projects in lay-man's language would be necessary for this purpose. It was mentioned that the IDRC Aquaculture Mission report lists a number of successful projects in Asia, based on which suitable write-ups may be prepared. FAO, in cooperation with USAID, should take the initiative in this regard.

It was recognized that the present meeting, the first one held to discuss aid programmes in aquaculture, was very useful for the exchange of views and information. A free flow of information between multilateral and bilateral donors could greatly contribute to better utilization of available aid resources. Further meetings of this type with greater participation of donor agencies should be considered, possibly in conjunction with COFI or FAO regional fishery body meetings. Meantime, available relevant information on approved and pipeline aid projects should be compiled by the Aquaculture Development and Coordination Programme (ADCP) and distributed as regular issuances to the agencies concerned. The meeting noted that there may be differences in policies between aid agencies regarding release of information on pipeline or even on-going projects. While all efforts should be made to achieve completeness in the coverage of projects, even incomplete information would be of value.

The meeting was not able to discuss the details of the information to be collected but suggested that a small group may be asked to prepare a suitable questionnaire. This group could assist in determining the format and frequency of the issuances to be prepared for distribution.

The meeting did not attempt to negotiate the funding or implementation of specific projects, but the organization of aquaculture research on a regional basis received some special attention. Based on the accounts of different initiatives in this regard, it was agreed that discussions among donors concerned would be most valuable in developing a rational and harmonized approach. The UNDP representative was requested to explore the possibility of a unified approach by bilateral and multilateral donors to provide broad-scale financial support for aquaculture development.

Annex I - Programme


La Toja (Pontevedra), Spain
20-23 June 1978


Tuesday, 20 June

0900 - 1000


1000 - 1030


1030 - 1100

Adoption of the Agenda and arrangements for the Consultation

1130 - 1230

Review of aid requirements for aquaculture development

1430 - 1830

- ditto -

Wednesday, 21 June

0900 - 1030

Review of the aid programmes of international agencies

1100 - 1230

Review of bilateral aid programmes

1430 - 1600

Review of aid programmes of non-government agencies

1700 - 1800

Talk on the mussel farming industry in Galicia - arranged by the Host Government

Thursday, 22 June

0830 - 1230

Visit to shellfish farms and laboratories

1430 - 1800

Visit to shellfish depuration and processing plants

Friday, 23 June

0930 - 1200

Coordination of future aid for aquaculture development

1500 - 1800

Conclusions and closing of the Consultation

Annex II - List of Participants


La Toja (Pontevedra), Spain
20-23 June 1978




Rolf Rahe
Fisheries Biologist, Dept. 123
German Agency for Technical Cooperation
Dag-Hammarskjöld-weg 1
D-6236 Eschborn 1


Julio Luna
Chief, Fishery Section
Department of Project Analysis
Inter-American Development Bank
Washington, D.C.


W.H.L. Allsopp
Associate Director (Fisheries)
International Development Research Centre
University of British Colombia
Vancouver B.C. V6T 1L4


Jacques Gaillard
Project Secretary
International Foundation for Science
Sibyllegatan 47
114 42 Stockholm


R. Rosenberg
Assistant Professor
Marine Research Laboratory


C.P. Idyll
Chief, Division of International Fisheries Development and Services
National Marine Fisheries Services
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
U.S. Department of Commerce
3300 Whitehaven St.
Washington D.C. 20235


Richard Neal
Aquaculture Advisor
State Department
Washington D.C. 20523

World Bank

Alfredo Sfeir Younis
World Bank
1818 H Street NW
Washington D.C. 20433



Fuad Alzuguir
Eng. Agrónomo, SUDEPE
I.M. Agricultura
Brasilia - DF

Paulo Petraquini Greco
Secretaria Agricultura
São Paulo


V.G. Jhingran
Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute
Barrackpore, via Calcutta


Juanito Malig
Assistant Director
Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources

Q.F. Miravite
Executive Director
Aquaculture Department

Elizabeth Samson
Executive Director
Fishery Industry Development Council

Philippines - Observers

Z.B. Balangue
Tigbauan, Iloilo

J.C. Madamba
Los Baños


Manuel González Vidal
Gerente Plan
Plan de Explotación Marisquera de Galicia, Laboratorio Plan Marisquero
Villagarcia de Arosa

Camilo Isorna Artime
Director Laboratorio Central Plan
Plan de Explotación Marisquera de Galicia
Villagarcia de Arosa

F. López Capont
Tecnología Pesquera
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Santiago de Compostela

Jose Martínez Romero
Gerente Plan
Plan de Explotación Marisquera
Cultivos Marinos Regio Suratlántica

Jose Manuel Pérez Rodríguez
Jefe Sección Biológia Plan
Plan de Explotación Marisquera
Cultivos Marinos Regio Suratlántica

Héctor Quiroga
Instituto Español de Oceanografía
P.O. Box 130
La Coruña

Miguel Torre Cervigon
Director, Laboratorio La Coruña
Instituto Español de Oceanografía
P.O. Box 130
La Coruña

José Vera Kirchner
Jefe, Sección Cultivos Marinos
Dirección General Pesca Marítima
Ruiz de Alarcon 1
Madrid 14


Thiraphan Bhukaswan
Senior Fishery Biologist
Department of Fisheries
Rajdamnern Avenue


Wm. E. Ripley
Fisheries Advisor
Division of Global and Interegional Programs
United Nations Development Programme
New York


M.N. Mistakidis
Deputy Programme Leader
Aquaculture Development and Coordination Programme
Fisheries Department
FAO, Rome

T.V.R. Pillay
Programme Leader
Aquaculture Development and Coordination Programme
Fisheries Department
FAO, Rome

H. Watzinger
Assistant Director-General
Fisheries Department
FAO, Rome

A. de Wouytch
Aquaculture Development and Coordination Programme
Fisheries Department
FAO, Rome

Annex III - List of IFS Grants for Research on Aquaculture, 1974-77

1. "Rational and controlled exploitation of Alestes in Lake Dossou"
U.S.$ 5 000
Dr. N. Kouassi, Faculté des Sciences, Laboratoire de Zoologie, Université d'Abidjan, B.P. 4322, Abidjan, Ivory Coast

2. "Studies on Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus"
U.S.$ 13 400
Dr. B. Ezenwa, Nigerian Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research, P.M.B. 12579, Lagos, Nigeria

3. "Induced spawning and larvae rearing of grey mullet"
U.S.$ 8 800
Prof. M.J. Sebastian, Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Kerala Agricultural University, Mannuthy - 680651 Trichur, Kerala, India

3. "Growth parameters of the freshwater mullet"
U.S.$ 13 000
Prof. M.N. Kutty, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore - 641 003, Tamil Nadu, India

18. "Fry production and artificial feeding of Cyprinus carpio and Tilapia"
U.S.$ 6 000
Mr. M.A. Borhan, Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, 101 Kasr el Eini Street, Cairo, Egypt

19. "Captivity growth and induced spawning of the nicuro (Pimelodus clarias)"
U.S.$ 6 000
Mr. A.J. Brugman, INDERENA, Apartado Aéreo 17798, Bogota, Colombia

20. "Productivity studies of mullets"
U.S.$ 6 700
Dr. D.E.B. Chaytor, Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone, Freetown, Sierra Leone

21. "Rearing of groupers with floating cage culture"
U.S.$ 12 700
Dr. Chua T.E., School of Biological Sciences, Universitii Sains Malaysia, Minden, Penang, Malaysia

22. "Ecology studies on Chrysichthys species in relation to productivity"
U.S.$ 12 800
Dr. A.K. Dia, Centre de Recherche Océanographique, B.P.V. 18, Abidjan, Ivory Coast

23. "Reproduction, nutrition and tolerance of giant freshwater prawns"
U.S.$ 11 700
Dr. Piamsak Menasveta, Department of Marine Science, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand

24. "Parasitarian diseases on "sabaló" and "gamitana", artificially raised in Iquitos"
U.S.$ 2 900
Dr. V.E. Paredes Sánchez, Departamento de Piscicultura y Oceanología, Universidad Nacional Agraria, Apartado 456, La Molina, Lima, Peru

25. "Utilization of agricultural by-products for trout breeding"
U.S.$ 3 600
Mr. V. Venturi, Departamento de Piscicultura y Oceanología, Universidad Nacional Agraria, Apartado 456, La Molina, Lima, Peru

46. "A feasibility study of culture and polyculture of the grey mullet (Mugil cephalus L.) in the coastal waters of Sri Lanka"
U.S.$ 14 095
Dr. S.S. de Silva, Department of Zoology, Vidyalankara Campus, University of Sri Lanka, Lekaniya, Sri Lanka

47. "Biosystematic analysis on mullets of Porto Novo"
U.S.$ 6 700
Mr. P.S.R. Reddy, Marine Biological Station, Porto Nova - 608502, Tamil Nadu, India

48. "Induced spawning of mullets in Egyptian ponds"
U.S.$ 7 300
Mr. M.M. Shafik, Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, 101 Kasr el Eini Street, Cairo, Egypt

49. "Fry rearing of mullets"
U.S.$ 6 000
Dr. I. Ullah T., Institute of Hydrobiology, Department of Zoology, Fen (Science) Faculty, EGE University, Bornova-Izmir, Turkey

91. "Reproductive physiology of fishes with special emphasis on ovarian maturation and artificial spawning"
U.S.$ 7 100
Dr. K.H. Khoo, School of Biological Science, Universitii Sains Malaysia, Minden, Penang, Malaysia

92. "Development of carp and Tilapia hatcheries and identification of suitable sites for introducing fish culture activities in Ethiopia"
U.S.$ 4 670
Dr. F.H. Meskal, Addis Ababa University, P.O. Box 1176, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

93. "Nutritional studies and digestive physiology of air-breathing fishes under different ecological conditions"
U.S.$ 2 500
Dr. S.K. Banerjee, Department of Biochemistry, University College of Science, 35 Ballygunge Circular Road, Calcutta - 700 019, India

94. "Culture of local mollusc species in Malaysia"
U.S.$ 11 200
Dr. M.O. Sivalingam, School of Biological Sciences, Universitii Sains Malaysia, Minden, Penang, Malaysia

95. "Fish culture in cold freshwater ponds in the High Andes Mountains of Columbia"
U.S.$ 6 500
Dr. L. Bucheli, Facultad de Ciencias Agrícolas, Universidad de Nariño, Apartado Aéreo 279, Pasto, Colombia

97. "Studies on cage culture of Tilapia species"
U.S.$ 17 707
Dr. R. Guerrero III, Central Luzon State University College of Inland Fisheries, Munoz, Nueva Ecija 2311, The Philippines

102. "Project scheme on fish culture"
U.S.$ 5 000
Mr. S. Martinez, Instituto de Fomento Nacional, Apartado 629, Managua, Nicaragua

103. "Research on the potential sources of the industrial phycocolloids agar, carrageenan and algin in Tanzania"
U.S.$ 17 950
Dr. K.E. Mshigeni, University of Dar-es-Salaam, P.O. Box 35060, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania

104. "Pond culture of tilapia and other commercially important fish species"
U.S.$ 3 100
Dr. S. Dadzie, University of Nairobi, P.O. Box 30197, Nairobi, Kenya

105. "Improvement of artificial carp fry production in laboratory"
U.S.$ 8 000
Mr. A. Rabelahatra, Département de Recherches Forestières et Piscicoles, Cenraderu, B.P. 904, Tananarive, Madagascar

106. "A new trial of stocking of brackishwater ponds with Lates - Tilapia (predator - prey) combination to get maximal productivity"
U.S.$ 7 500
Mr. P. Joko, Faculty of Fisheries, Bogor Agricultural University, J. Raya Pajajaran 1, Bogor, Indonesia

107. "Physiological studies on culture of chosen prawns (Macrobrachium)"
U.S.$ 5 000
Dr. T.J. Pandian, Department of Biological Sciences, Maduari University, Maduari - 625 021, Tamil Nadu, India

108. "Physiology and culture of the Malaysian freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii"
U.S.$ 8 400
Dr. T. Singh, Department of Zoology, University of Malaya, Lembah Pantai, Kuala Lumpur 22-11, Malaysia

109. "Culture of giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) in small reservoirs"
U.S.$ 10 196
Dr. Danai Limpadanai, Faculty of Natural Resources, Prince of Songkla University, Haadya, Thailand

110. "Shrimp and prawn culture research, development and conservation"
U.S.$ 5 000
Mr. Suchint Deetae, Department of Marine Science, Faculty of Fisheries, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 9, Thailand

111. "The influence of different kinds of feed during the larval stages of the giant gouramy"
U.S.$ 6 000
Dr. Z. Alamsyah, Fakultas Perikanan, Institut Pertanian Bogor, J. Raya Pajajaran, Bogor, Indonesia

112. "Production ecology of Chilean gelidiales (Rhodophyta)"
U.S.$ 11 400
Dr. B. Santelices, Laboratorio de Zoología, Instituto de Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Católica de Chile, Casilla 114-D, Santiago, Chile

137. "Studies on growth, reproduction, nutrition and ecology of local algae of economic importance"
U.S.$ 8 700
Dr. Flora Majid, BCSIR Laboratories, Dacca, Bangladesh

177. "Cage culture of marble goby (Oxyeleotris marmorata, B.) in ponds and mining pools"
U.S.$ 6 000
Dr. Ang Kok-Jee, Universitii Pertanian Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia

178. "Large-scale cultivation techniques of Tilapia andersonii R. and machrochir"
U.S.$ 7 000
Mr. C.A. Mumba, Central Fisheries Research Institute, P.O. Box 100, Chilanga, Zambia

183. "An integrated approach to frog culture - developmental, immunological and ecophysical studies in Rana tigrina"
U.S.$ 3 000
Dr. V.R. Muthukkaruppan, Department of Biological Sciences, Madurai University, Madurai - 625 021, India

189. "Aquaculture of bivalves, crustaceans and fishes using treated sewage"
U.S.$ 7 000
Dr. R, Sen Gupta, National Institute of Oceanography, NIO Post Office, Dona Paula, Goa 403004, India

190. "Control of reproduction of Tilapia nilotica using cage culture"
U.S.$ 5 000
Mr. S. Adang Rifai, Faculty of Agriculture, Padjadjaran University, Bukit Dago Utara, Bandung, Indonesia

191. "Controlled breeding of the catfish, Clarias macrocephalus, and some riverine cyprinids"
U.S.$ 5 600
Dr. Tan S.P., School of Biological Sciences, Universitii Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia

192. "Fertilization of fish ponds and artificial feeding of cultivated fishes"
U.S.$ 8 500
Dr. A. Sheri, Department of Zoology, University of Agriculture, Lyallpur, Pakistan

193. "Induced spawning and larval rearing of mullet (Pisces: Mugilidae)"
U.S.$ 8 000
Mr. L. Alvarez-Lajonchere G., Centro de Investigaciones Marinas, Facultad de Biológica, Universidad de Habana, Ave. la No 2808, Miramar, Habana, Cuba

194. "Development of proper nursery management techniques for fry of Tilapia nilotica and Cyprinus carpio"
U.S.$ 8 000
Dr. T.T. George, Fisheries and Hydrobiological Research Section, P.O. Box 1489, Khartoum, Sudan

231. "Biological means of increasing fish production in ponds"
U.S.$ 8 000
Mr. J. Ochieng, Kenyatta University College, P.O. Box 43844, Nairobi, Kenya

232. "Investigations on the cage culture of fish and the availability of fry in Sri Lanka waters"
U.S.$ 5 150
Prof. K.O. Arudpragasam, Department of Zoology, University of Sri Lanka, Colombo Campus, P.O. Box 1490, Colombo, Sri Lanka

234. "Systems of polyculture of fishes in the warm inland waters of Colombia"
U.S.$ 10 000
Mr. J.M. Solano, Center of Fish Investigations of Córdoba, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Monteria, Colombia

235. "Studies on breeding and seeding techniques suitable for culture and propagation of the giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) in Sri Lanka"
U.S. $ 6 300
Dr. H.H. Costa, University of Sri Lanka, Vidyalankara Campus, Kelaniya, Sri Lanka

236. "Studies on the utilization of the by- and waste-products of sericulture in aquaculture"
U.S.$ 5 500
Dr. E.M. Cruz, Central Luzon State University, Muñoz, Nueva Ecija 2311, The Philippines

237. "Study of the fish fauna of the lakes Cohoha and Rweru to evaluate the stocks and to select fish species suitable for aquaculture in ponds"
U.S. $ 6 500
Mr. G. Ntakimazi, Laboratoire de Zoologie, Faculté des Sciences, Université de Burundi, BP 2700, Bujumbura, Burundi

238. "Inventory and infestation degree of ectoparasites on milkfish (Chanos chanos Forsk.) at Pangkajene (South Sulawesi)"
U.S.$ 5 000
Mr. A. Rantetondok, University of Hasanuddin, Campus Unhas, Baraya, Ujung Pandang, Indonesia

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