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Appendix 1: Derivation of cost-benefit equations
Appendix 2: Equations for estimating recovery rates

Appendix 1: Derivation of cost-benefit equations

Consider an individual with the utility function u(y). Positive elements of y represent consumption (demand), negative supply, e.g. items like labour.

In a static framework, the individual attempts to solve the problem:

(A.1) Maximize u(y) subject to y0 - p×y,
where y0 represents the monetary value of the consumers assets and p is the vector of prices corresponding to y.

Among the necessary conditions for solving (A.1) are the equations:

(A.2) du(y)/dy(j) = l p(j),
where l is the individual’s shadow value of assets.

Now, the change in utility caused by a government action dx is:

Which, on the basis of (A.2) may be rewritten as:
Now, considering a change social welfare function, W(u), we find:
Substituting (A.4) into (A.5) yields:

Appendix 2: Equations for estimating recovery rates

Consider a release n(a,a) at time a and let the number of surviving fish be n(a,t) at each subsequent time t. Let the recovery rate and natural mortality of these fish at each subsequent time t be represented by f(a,t) and m(a,t), respectively. Then clearly

Integrating we find:
where, for conformity with available data, it is assumed that the recovery and natural mortality rates are constant during each period and represents this constant.

By definition instantaneous recoveries from release a at time t are:

(A-3) y(a,t) = n(a,t f(a,t).
Integrating (A-3) over one time period, , say, yields:

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