Unasylva - No. 223


An international journal of forestry and forest industries - Vol. 57 2006/1

FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Editor: A. Perlis
Editorial Advisory Board Forestry Department:
F. Castañeda, R. Czudek, T. Hofer, D. Kneeland, J.P. Koyo, A. Perlis, L. Russo, M. Uemoto, T. Vahanen, M.L. Wilkie

Emeritus Advisers:
J. Ball, I.J. Bourke, C. Palmberg-Lerche

Regional Advisers:
H. Abdel Nour, C. Carneiro, P. Durst, P. Koné, K. Prins

Unasylva is published in English, French and Spanish. Starting in 2006, payment is no longer required. Free subscriptions can be obtained by sending an e-mail to [email protected]. Subscription requests from institutions (e.g. libraries, companies, organizations, universities) rather than individuals are preferred to make the journal accessible to more readers.

All issues of Unasylva are available online free of charge at www.fao.org/forestry/unasylva. Comments and queries are welcome: [email protected]

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Cover photo: Buddleja incana forest, Atapo Quichalán , Ecuador
FAO/CFU000796/R. Faidutti


(Download- 68KB)

Editorial (Download- 43KB)

D. Kneeland
FAO Forestry at 60 (Download- 495KB)

N. Byron
Challenges in defining, implementing and renewing forest policies
(Download- 315KB)

M. Ba Diao
Livestock production and conservation in and around protected areas: the Project for Integrated Ecosystem Management in Senegal
(Download- 148KB)

E. Raufflet and P. Moctezuma Barragán
Organizational dimensions of decentralized forest management: lessons from a farmers’ cooperative in central Mexico
(Download- 321KB)

M. Sreetheran, E. Philip, M. Adnan and M. Siti Zakiah
A historical perspective of urban tree planting in Malaysia
(Download- 217KB)

L. Christersson and K. Verma
Short-rotation forestry – a complement to “conventional” forestry (Download- 286KB)

C. Saint-Laurent and J. Carle
Looking at the bigger picture: the Global Partnership on Forest Landscape Restoration
(Download- 114KB)

FAO FORESTRY (Download- 96KB)


BOOKS (Download- 144KB)