I. National level
II. Management unit level
III. Services at the global level
Description: The Tarapoto Proposal of Criteria and Indicators for Sustainability of the Amazon Forest is sponsored by the Amazon Cooperation Treaty. The 8 participating countries propose 1 criterion and 7 indicators at the global concern. Furthermore, it identifies 7 criteria and 47 indicators for implementation at the national level. For the forest management unit level, the process recognises 4 criteria and 22 indicators.
Initiated: February 1995; Tarapoto, Peru
Member Countries(8): Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Suriname and Venezuela
www address: (under preparation)
Criteria and Indicators:
Criterion 1: Socio-economic benefits
1.1 Indicators of Income, Production and Consumption
1.2. Indicators of Investment and Economic Growth in the Forest Sector
1.3 Indicators of Cultural, Social and Spiritual Needs and Values
Criterion 2: Policies and legal-institutional framework for sustainable development of the forests
2.1 Appropriate political and legal framework that stimulates sustainable development as a joint effort between the various levels of government and non-governmental groups.
2.2 Policies and legal framework for environmental planning through ecological-economic zoning.
2.3 Capacity to implement international instruments on which the country is part.
2.4 Harmonization and implementation of existing legislation in the country.
Criterion 3: Sustainable forest production
3.1 Extension and proportion of forest lands and forests dedicated to sustainable production in relation to the total permanent production area.
3.2 Quantity and proportion of sustainable forest production in comparison with the national total forest production.
3.3 Quantity and proportion of units of sustainable production, by area class, in comparison with the national total number of units.
3.4 Area and percentage of forest lands managed for recreation and tourism, in relation to total forest area.
3.5 Level of diversification of sustainable forest production.
Criterion 4: Concervation of forest cover and of biological diversity
4.1 Area, by forest type, in categories of protected areas, in relation to total forest area.
4.2 Measures for «in situ» conservation of species in danger of extinction.
4.3 Measures for the conservation of genetic resources.
4.4 Area and percentage of forest affected by processes or other agents (insect attack, disease, fire, flooding etc.)
4.5 Rate of natural regeneration, species composition and survival.
4.6 Rate of conversion of forest cover to other uses.
4.7 Area and percentage of forest lands with fundamental ecological changes.
4.8 Impact of activities in other sectors on the conservation of forest ecosystems (mining, ranching, energy, infrastructure, etc.).
Criterion 5: Conservation and integrated management of water and soil resources
5.1 Measures for soil conservation.
5.2 Area and percentage of forest lands managed for environmental protection.
5.3 Percentage of forest flooded in relation to the historic range of variation, and maintenance of the relationship between the forest and hydrobiological resources.
5.4 Effects of forest conservation on the integrated management of water resources.
Criterion 6: Science and technology for the sustainable development of the forests
6.1 Quantity and quality of adequate technology for forest management and sustainable production.
6.2 Level of recuperation and degree of use of autochthonous technologies.
6.3 Investment in research, education and technology transfer.
6.4 Quantity and quality of research and sustainable development in execution.
6.5 Mechanisms for remuneration for traditional knowledge.
6.6 Degree of access to technology and information by different social groups.
Criterion 7: Institutional capacity to promote sustainable development in Amazonia
7.1 Quantity and quality of institutions and of their intersectoral and inter-institutional coordination.
7.2 Existence of plans and their degree of execution.
7.3 Quantity and quality of education and research programs.
7.4 Degree of effective participation by civil society (academic institutions, grassroots groups, NGOs, trades unions and the private sector).
Criterion 8: Legal and institutional framework
8.1 Forest management plan approved by the competent authorities.
8.2 Periodicity of evaluation of management plan implementation and average percent; age of implementation.
8.3 Legal framework that guarantees the stability of long-term investments in the forest sector.
Criterion 9: Sustainable forest production
9.1 Annual extraction of timber and non-timber forest products compatible with the sustainability capacity of the resource base.
9.2 Area and percentage of forest soils affected by significant alterations in physical-chemical properties and erosion.
9.3 Effectiveness of systems of administration and control.
9.4 Degree of diversification of production.
9.5 Degree of utilization of environmentally friendly technologies.
Criterion 10: Conservation of forest ecosystems
10.1 Proportion of area of permanent production in areas of environmental protection.
10.2 Measures to protect, recuperate and sustainable use wild populations of species in danger of extinction.
10.3 Area and percentage of forest affected by processes or other natural agents (insect attack, disease, fire, etc.) and by human actions.
10.4 Rates of regeneration and forest ecosystem structure.
10.5 Soil conservation measures.
10.6 Measures for protection of water courses from forest activities.
Criterion 11: Local socio-economic benefits
11.1 Quality 'of life of local populations.
11.2 Profitability and rate of return of forest management.
11.3 Efficiency of systems of production and transformation of forest products.
11.4 Impact of the economic use of the forest on the availability of forest resources of importance to local populations. Amount of direct and indirect employment, and income level.
11.5 Nature and quantity of benefits deriving from forest management.
11.6 Annual quantity of products extracted per hectare.
11.7 Aggregate value of production.
11.8 Mechanisms for consultation and the effective participation of local communities in the management of forest resources, depending upon the scale of management.
Criterion 12: Economic, social and environmental services performed by Amazonian forests
12.1 Contribution to satisfying the global demand for sustainable produced timber and non-timber forest products.
12.2 Contribution to the global carbon balance.
12.3 Contribution to the global water cycle.
12.4 Contribution to the conservation of biological diversity.
12.5 Contribution to radiation balance and regulation.
12.6 Contribution to the maintenance of cultural values and diversity, and of indigenous and local populations' knowledge.
12.7 Contribution to the economy, health, culture, science and recreation.
Source: ACT, 1995. Proposal of Criteria and indicators for sustainability of the Amazon Forest. Pro Tempore Secretariat, Lima, Peru.