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Fish and shellfish utilization in Portugal has a long history and includes mainly extensive culture methods. Marine fishes have been cultivated mainly in connexion with salt production at the water entrance ponds serving salinas, in estuarine ponds and in coastal lagoons. A total of over 28 000 ha was suitable for coastal aquaculture; 18% was used for salt production. By 1986, with access to EEC funds, about 3 000 ha had already been devoted to aquaculture (Programme de orientacao plurianual para a aquacultura).


2.1 Sea water culture

The total surface utilized for aquaculture is now about 1 690 ha. There are two classical installations: saline and coastal ponds both utilizing total movement for water renewal and stocked with wild fry. Average production is 200–300 kg/ha/year with the exception of the Algarve region where production reaches 400 kg/ha/year. Production of sea water culture is mainly represented by mullet (50%), sea bass and sea bream (35%) and sole (5–8%). (Programme de orientacao pluriannual para a aquacultura).

A commercial sea bass/bream/sole hatchery was expected to be operational by the end of 1987 and two firms started semi-intensive sea bass/sea bream grow out operations, projecting 10 t/ha/y (ADCP/REP/87/29).

2.2 Shellfish culture

There are about 1 600 shellfish parks covering a surface of 1 030 ha, mainly located in the Algarve region.

Clam (Ruditapes decussata) is the principal production, about 7 000 t. Production is extensive and spat is collected.

Now oyster (C. angulata) culture is starting again in the regions of Algarve and Setubal.

2.3 Eel culture

There are on the whole three eel farms (one in the Algarve region) with prefattening and fattening units.

2.4 Trout culture

This production is mainly located in the north ad in the centre of Portugal.

There are 37 farms of which 27 specialized in fingerling and troutling production. They are intensive units, mainly with receway structures.

2.5 Shrimp culture

Shrimp culture is at an experimental level. Research is carried out on P. japonicus in extensive rearing. Results are encouraging: 250–300 kg/ha in 4 months (Programa de orientacao para a aquacultura).


The main objectives of the National Plan for Aquaculture (1987–1991) are to fully utilize natural potentiality and to increase coastal and inland aquaculture production. These main objectives will be reached with different strategies:

-   development and consolidation of the sector;

-   construction of productive units;

-   research on artificial reproduction of some species;

-   national production of trout feed;

-   increase of the national production of troutlings;

-   improvement of fry collection.


Aquaculture production when compared to fishery production is insignificant:

1 000tpolyculture (mariculture)
8 220tshellfish culture
1 165ttrout

(Programa de orientacao plurianual para a aquacultura)


Based on data of FAO, Yearbook of Fishery Statistics total fishery landing in 1985 was 289 543 t, import 144 594 t and export 65 188.

Imports are mainly represented by dried, salt or smoked fish: 90 558 t.

Aquaculture production of sea fish (sea bass, sea bream, eel) and part of clam production is exported while total trout production is consumed in the country.


Research on environmental aspects of mariculture have, in the past, been sporadic and have focussed mainly on water quality variation in fish ponds, shellfish beds and supporting estuaries and coastal lagoons.

The present research activities consider more specific aspects, include often an experimental part and aim at well defined key issues:

-   optimization of environmental conditions for shrimp farming including nutrient evaluation, benthos studies and plankton growth;

-   identifying conditions in fish ponds and studying the influence of the intake water on system performance. Consideration is given to water exchange rates and their importance on environmental conditions in the variety of farm sites;

-   monitoring shellfish beds from a sanitary viewpoint. (Report of the ad hoc Study Group on Environmental impact of Mariculture).

The institutes working on aquaculture are:

INIP (Instituto Nacional de Investigacao dos Pescas)

FCL (Faculdade de Ciencias de Lisboa)

ICBAS (Instituto de Ciencias Biomedicos Abel Salazar)

IZ/FPC (Instituto de Zoologia. Faculdade de Ciencias do Porto)

ISA (Instituto Superior de Agronomia).

INIP has its headquarters in Lisbon and other centres in the north (Matosinhos and Aveiro), in the Centre (Setubal) and in the south (Faro) of the country. Its staff is working both on marine and freshwater aquaculture and several other subjects related to fishery and aquaculture.

INIP has experimental aquaculture farms in Lisbon and Faro working on artificial reproduction of sea bass, sea bream, sole (S. solea, S. senegalensis) and rearing of other species.

The university of Porto and Lisbon have research teams working on trout, shrimp and eels.

Pathology research and sanitary control on aquatic animals is carried out by LNIV (Laboratorio Nacional de Investigacao Veterinaria) and 12/FCP.


Programa e orientacao plurianual para a aquacultura (1987–1991) Secretaria de Estado dos Pescos. Gabinete de Estudo e Planeamento dos Pescos. Lisboa, abril 1987.

ADCP/REP/87/29. The markets for the prime Mediterranean species - sea bass, sea bream, mullets and eel and their links with investment.

MEDRAP - FD/86/03. Mission to Portugal. mars 1986.

Report on the ad hoc Study Group on “Environmental Impact of Mariculture” ICES.

Table 1: Main Market Parameters in Mediterranean Countries in 19841 in cons

 Domestic LandingsImportsExportsFish Trade BalanceApparent ConsumptionSelf Sufficiency (%)
Albania4 000-- -4 000100
Algeria275 00045 91778-45 839120 83962
Cyprus2/32 2056 549--6 5498 75425
Egypt2/326 146143 014250-142 764168 91015
France3738 813532 699163 552-369 1471 107 96067
Greece2/391 38066 6149 817-56 797148 17762
Israel9 710-- -9 710100
Italy3451 223421 167113 143-308 024759 24759
Lebanon1 200-- -1 200100
Libya7 8008 149856-7 29315 09352
Malta21 2162 438595-1 8433 05940
Morocco2466 130324162 480+162 164303 966153
Portugal2/3285 153108 24257 879-50 163335 51685
Spain31 243 581293 650205 048-88 6021 337 18393
Syria292313 737--13 73714 6606
Tunisia2/374 9448179 012+8 19566 749112
Turkey2/3520 43726922 993+22 724497 713105
Yugoslovia248 420198 40815 968-182 440230 86021
Total4 048 2811 841 994761 679-1 080 3145 128 59679

1 Source: FAO Yearbook of Fishery Statistics, Vol. 58 – Vol. 59

2 Countries participating in MEDRAP at the time of the workshop (December 1986)

3 Countries represented by participants at the workshop. Participants from the Netherlands and Norway with commercial interests in Mediterranean aquaculture were also present.

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