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Recommendation of the GOI/FAO Review of the Mediterranean Regional Aquaculture Project, July 1987

The mission made the following recommendations:

1. Concerning the Current Project (GCP/REM/049/ITA)

  1. Remaining project funds should not be used to retain project staff after the planned termination of the project (31 July 1987). Had there been a firm indication that the staff would have been absorbed into a new MEDRAP funded by UNDP from October 1987, the mission's recommendations might have been different. In fact, shortly before the mission was mounted, FAO received a telex from the Arab Bureau of UNDP indicating that it would not be providing funds to MEDRAP in the foreseeable future. Since there has been no UNDP funding for MEDRAP since 31 December 1986 (and thus, in effect, the core programme which the GCP project was supporting had ceased to exist from that moment), the mission is unable to recommend extending the availability of Italian funding.

  2. Remaining funds may be used partly to cover the costs of closing down the project but should mainly be utilized to draw up project proposals for future aid to aquaculture in the Mediterranean for consideration by the Italian Government. The latter projects should be along the general lines indicated in section 2. below.

  3. Efforts should be made to preserve the information already gained by the UNDP and GCP projects for use in any possible future projects. Project files should be transferred from Tunis to the Fisheries Department in Rome, pending the continuation of activities in the region. Contacts which have been established (i.e. through National Coordinators) within the region should be maintained to help pick up momentum should a new project be activated.

2. Concerning possible Future Aid to Mediterranean Aquaculture

Since the GCP project document was prepared aquaculture development in the region has proceeded at nationally differing paces and its current status is quite different. The mission recommends that four new proposals for assistance relevant to current aquaculture development in the Mediterranean should be prepared. These are outlined below.

2.1 Mediterranean Regional Programme

A project proposal for a new Mediterranean regional aquaculture project should be prepared which addresses current needs common to the area, which the mission believe include:

-   exchanging information

-   establishing the current ‘state of the art’ of aquaculture in the Mediterraean, including technology, current production. production targets, and research training facilities, marketing and economics, monitoring future developments and establishing linkages

-   establishing a system of national focal points to enable the above work

-   providing support to governments in the preparation, updating and monitoring of national aquaculture plans

-   providing assistance to governments in identifying potential national projects and in the preparation of project proposals

-   providing high-level managerial training (short-and medium-term specialised courses).

This project should be designed to evolve, within a specified time, into an inter-governmental body jointly supported by the governments of the region.

2.2 Sub-regional Project for the Mahgreb

The mission recommends that a sub-regional project designed to stimulate the development of small-scale aquaculture in the Mahgreb countries - Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia - should be considered. Concentration on this grouping of countries would capitalize on the contacts already made during the life of the UNDP/GCP MEDRAP projects and would avoid the difficulties encountered in a multilingual project. The project must concentrate on assisting the development of aquaculture which produces fish for home consumption rather than export. Three specific topics should be addressed:

-   lagoon management, including aquaculture

-   aquaculture in inland waters

-   integrated aquaculture, i.e., the multi-purpose utilization of water resources.

2.3 National Project for Egypt

The mission recommends that a proposal for a national project for Egypt be prepared for consideration. This should have very specific objectives and should be related to the needs already identified during the GCP project, specifically the improvement of fry collection, transport, and rearing technology. which the mission believes would significantly benefit Egyptian aquaculture1 The project should not include the provision of sophisticated hatcheries or other infrastructure but must develop appropriate technology and incorporate training in specific technology provided in Egypt. The project must be serviced be full-time international staff posted on-site.

1 During the debriefing session the mission was informed that the Investment Centre would be mounting an identification mission to Egypt in August 1987 on behalf of IFAD. This would be considering an investment project covering these and other topics.

2.4 Training Programme

On-farm technical training of production and management operations is of direct benefit to Mediterranean countries and should be continued. The Policoro model is successful, and it is important that this type of practical training continues to receive technical assistance. Minor modifications should be made to promote:

  1. short-term training on biotechnical aspects of aquaculture for 4–8 weeks duration for active practitioners in the field.

  2. short-term training on non-biotechnical aspects of aquaculture for 1–4 weeks duration for active practitioners in the field,

  3. general training for administrators and staff of relevant government departments (agriculture, fisheries, planning, development, etc.) and organizations (investment banks, credit officers, etc.), and managers in the private sector.

A proposal for a technical training programme should be prepared for Mediterranean regional countries which incorporates these three elements. Although the present farm at Policoro can play a useful role in such a programme, the programme should not be built around the farm but around a number of farms and institutions which have expertise and facilities to offer.

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