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1. Molenaar, A., Water Lifting Devices for Irrigation, FAO, Rome. 1956
2. World Bank, Energy in the Developing Countries, Washington, DC. 1983
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22. Morgan, letter in Appropriate Technology Journal Vol 9 No 1, IT Publications, London. 1983
23. Wilson, S.S., Pedalling foot power for pumps, World Water, Liverpool, Nov 1983. 1983
24. Schioler, T., private communication. 1985
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28. Klassen, The Rower Pump, proc. FAO/DANIDA Workshop on Water Lifting Devices in Asia and the Near East, held in Bangkok Dec 1979, FAO, Rome. 1981
29. Tata Energy Research Inst., Energy Update, Bombay. 1979
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42. Schioler, T., Water Lifting Devices for Irrigation - History and General Background, proc.FAO/DANIDA Workshop on Water Lifting Devices in Asia and the Near East, held in Bangkok Dec 1979, FAO, Rome.1981
43. Gilmore, E., Barieau, R. E., and Nelson, V., Final Report on the Feasibility of using Wind Power to Pump Irrigation Water, for the Governor's (of the State of Texas) Energy Advisory Council, Austin, Texas. 1977
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65. Nguyen Trong Lac, Norias in Vietnam, proc. FAO/DANIDA Workshop on Water Lifting Devices in Asia and the Near East, held in Bangkok Dec 1979, FAO, Rome.1981
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84. Meynell, P-J., Methane: Planning a Digester, Prism Press, Dorchester. 1982
85. UN ESCAP, Renewable Sources of Energy: Volume II, Biogas Bangkok. 1981
86. ITDG Mission to China, Internal Report, Intermediate Technology Development Group, London. 1981
87. Hofkes, E.N., et al., "Renewable Energy Sources for Rural Water Supply in Developing Countries", International Reference Centre for Community Water Supply and Sanitation, the Hague.1986

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