Vol. 37
An international journal of forestry and forest industries
FAO - Food and agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Editor: Robert Wazeka
Consulting Editors: Fay Banoun, Marcelle Biagini, Griselda Gomez, Farhana Haque Rahman
Editorial Advisory Board
Forestry Department: J.E.M. Arnold (Chairman), B. Ben Salem, C. Chandrasekharan, A. Contreras, M. R. de Montalembert, B. Kyrklund, M.K. Muthoo, C. Palmberg, R.D. Pardo, R. Wazeka (Secretary)
Publications Division: K. Richmond (Editorial Branch)
Unasylva is published quarterly in English, French and Spanish editions. Subscription price one year. $10.00, payable to the Distribution and Sales Section, FAO, Via delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy, or to any of the FAO sales agents listed on the inside back cover.
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Forestry and the crisis in Africa
Jean Gorse
in the Sahelian and Sudanian zones of West Africa
El Hadji Sène
food production and the struggle against desertification
Henri Chazine
West Africa: Impressions
and interviews
E.M. Mnzava
tree-planting: A voice from the villages
FAO Forestry Department
Changes in shifting
cultivation in Africa
Maharaj K. Muthoo
FAO's field
programme: The first 40 years
Mankoto Ma Mbalele
Part of African culture
T.M. Pasca
On the return
of Unasylva
Appropriate technology in logging
Acorns: a crop for the future
World timber trade increases
Wood energy in dry countries
FAO promotes wood energy
Features of Mediterranean forests
Forests and the law
A focus on Zaire
Improving tropical genetics
World wilderness conference
NGOs meet in Nairobi
Engineering nitrogen fixation