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On the return of Unasylva

T.M. Pasca

The publication of Unasylva was suspended after issue 104 in 1972 and was resumed with issue 105 in 1974. The magazine's new editor, T.M. Pasca, who served in that capacity from 1974 to 1983, told the story of its revival in that first issue.


· With this issue, after an absence of two years, Unasylva resumes regular publication. We have our readers to thank for this.

Soon after it was announced that FAO was suspending Unasylva for economy reasons, letters and statements began to arrive urging that this decision be reversed and the magazine brought back. To these messages was added the important support of leaders of national forest services during the Seventh World Forestry Congress in Buenos Aires and the First Session of the FAO Committee on Forestry in Rome in 1972. To bring Unasylva back to life, however, required the formal approval of FAO's Member Governments. This was forthcoming at the FAO Conference of November 1973, where the necessary funds were appropriated.

The resumption of Unasylva is also due to Leslie J. Vernell, who was its editor since its second issue in 1948 and who retired last year. He, more than anyone else, made it a solid, respected and useful journal, and brought it a faithful following. He remains its editor emeritus.

In resuming publication, Unasylva's aim is to continue bringing its readers the kind of authoritative articles and information which are useful today and still worthy of being read years later in the forestry collections of libraries throughout the world. This has been Unasylva's strong point since it was founded 27 years ago. We will attempt to make it stronger.

If a magazine expects to be stimulating and pertinent, it should take account of the opinions of its readers. We look forward to having yours about anything we publish.

To those who have been inconvenienced or in doubt about its status during the time Unasylva did not appear, we apologize. And to all those who helped bring Unasylva back, we send thanks for the opportunity to continue serving international forestry and forest industries.


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