1.1 |
Generalized map of arid and semi-arid regions |
2.1 |
Risk of failure of improved varieties |
2.2 |
Coefficient of variation of annual rainfall |
4.1 |
Types of bench terraces |
4.2 |
Progressive slope reduction with 'fanya juu' terraces |
4.3 |
Sketch of a contour bund |
4.4 |
Intermittent terraces |
5.1 |
Soil surface modification for rainfall retention |
5.2 |
Alternative crop and row arrangements on broad beds |
5.3 |
Conservation bench terraces compared with other practices |
5.4 |
Improved soil moisture from contour bunds |
5.5 |
Simple structures to retain surface run-off |
5.6 |
Shaping the soil surface into run-off and run-on areas |
5.7 |
A non-symmetrical furrow former |
5.8 |
The effect on soil moisture of contour ridges and furrows,
and mulching in the furrow |
5.9 |
Ridging in Botswana |
5.10 |
Floodwater farming in Arizona by Navajo Indians |
5.11 |
A run-off farming system from Kenya |
5.12 |
Run-off diversion and spreading in Australia |
5.13 |
Sketch of a 'khadin' or submergence tank |
5.14 |
A small flood diversion scheme in Tigre, Ethiopia |
5.15 |
A pilot project in Turkana, Kenya, diverting flood water
onto pasture and crop land |
5.16 |
The main areas of dark heavy clay soils in the tropics and
subtropics |
6.1 |
Roaded catchments are widely used in Western Australia for
harvesting run-off |
6.2 |
Plan of a small earth dam with a cut spillway |
6.3 |
A reservoir with a natural spillway into an adjacent
watercourse |
6.4 |
A reservoir with a mechanical (pipe) spillway and an
emergency spillway |
6.5 |
Installation of an outlet pipe under a dam wall |
6.6 |
An earth dam with an impermeable clay core |
6.7 |
Examples of small weirs |
6.8 |
Off-stream storage in a tank dam |
6.9 |
Off-stream storage in a ring dam |
6.10 |
Off-stream storage in a turkey's nest dam |
6.11 |
Horizontal wells |
6.12 |
The 'qanat' system of horizontal wells |
7.1 |
Changes in cattle population (a) Mambilla Plateau,
Nigeria, 1930-1980(b) Swaziland, 1947-1980 |
7.2 |
A modified disc plough for making pits on range land |
7.3 |
Plan and cross-section of a negarin plot |
7.4 |
Small microcatchments for trees, Baringo, Kenya |
7.5 |
Combination of stone lines (cordons) with tree planting,
Niger |