Edited by
Kazuhisa Miyamoto
Osaka University
Osaka, Japan
FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
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ISBN 92-5-104059-1
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© FAO 1997
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Chapter 1 - Biological energy production
1.1 Energy and environmental issues
1.2 Photosynthesis and biomass
1.2.1 Photosynthetic efficiency
1.2.2 Biomass wastes and their conversion
1.2.3 Fuel production via microalgal CO2 fixation
Chapter 2 - Energy conversion by photosynthetic organisms
2.1 Photosynthetic capture of solar energy
2.1.1 Solar energy
2.1.2 Why is biotechnology now applied to energy technology?2.3 Hydrogen production through solar energy conversions
2.3.1 Cyanobacterial hydrogen production (plant-type photosynthesis)
2.3.2 Bacterial hydrogen production (bacterial-type photosynthesis)
2.3.3 Use of photosynthesized proteins in photoelectric conversion elements
3.2.1 Cellulase
3.2.2 Screening of cellulase-producing microorganisms
3.2.3 Strain improvement for cellulase production Development of a process for high-titer cellulase production Cellulase production at low cost Potential for mass production of cellulase3.3 Saccharification of cellulosic waste materials
3.3.1 Pre-treatment of cellulosic waste
3.3.2 Saccharification of cellulosic waste Saccharification Recovery and re-use of cellulase Sugar concentration using reverse osmosis3.4 Use of immobilized yeast cells in alcohol fermentation's
3.4.1 Preparation of immobilized yeast cells
3.4.2 Continuous plant operation using immobilized yeast cells
3.4.3 Fermentation processes used in ethanol production
3.4.4 Flash fermentation using immobilized yeast cells3.5 Alcohol production using an integrated pilot plant
3.5.1 Outline
3.5.2 Pre-treatment of cellulosic biomass
3.5.3 Cellulase production
3.5.4 Saccharification of biomass
3.5.5 Enzyme recovery from biomass
3.5.6 Concentration of sugar solutions
3.5.7 Alcohol fermentation
3.5.8 Alcohol recovery
Chapter 4 - Methane production
4.1 Microbial consortia and biological aspects of methane fermentation
4.1.1 Hydrolysis and acidogenesis
4.1.2 Acetogenesis and dehydrogenation
4.1.3 Methanogenesis4.2 Molecular biology of methanogens
4.2.1 Genetic markers
4.2.2 Molecular cloning of methanogenic genes
4.2.3 Genetic transformations4.3 Developments in bioreactor technology
4.3.1 Upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB)
4.3.2 Upflow anaerobic filter process (UAFP)
4.3.3 Anaerobic fluidized-bed reactor (AFBR)
4.3.4 Two-phase methane fermentation processes
Chapter 5 - Hydrogen production
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Biophotolysis of water by microalgae and cyanobacteria
5.2.1 Hydrogenase-dependent hydrogen production
5.2.2 Nitrogenase-dependent hydrogen production5.3 Hydrogen from organic compounds
5.3.1 Hydrogen production by photosynthetic bacteria
5.3.2 Combined photosynthetic and anaerobic and bacterial hydrogen production5.4 Enhancement of hydrogen-producing capabilities through genetic engineering
5.5 Research and development on biological hydrogen production
5.6 Future prospects
6.1 Oil substitutes from biomass
6.2 Microalgae as biological sources of lipids and hydrocarbons
6.3 Thermochemical liquefaction of microalgae
6.3.1 Liquid fuels from microalgal biomass
6.3.2 Cultivation of microalgae
6.3.3 Liquefaction of microalgae
Chapter 7 - The future of renewable biological energy systems
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Biomass production potential and efficiencies
7.3 Fuel alcohol production from biomass
7.4 Methane fermentations
7.5 Fuels derived from microalgae
7.6 Conclusions