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Chronological List of EU Membership

Baker, Stanley [1973] Milk to Market - Forty Years of Milk Marketing (William Heineman).

Buchanan, James. M. [1975] The Limits of Liberty between Anarchy and Leviathan (The University of Chicago Press).

Buchanan, James M. [1975a] A Contractarian Paradigm for Applying Economic Theory (American Economic Review, 65 No. 2 - Papers and proceedings pp 225-230).

Buchanan, James M. [1987] The Constitution of Economic Policy (American Economic Review 77 No. 3 pp 243-250).

Buchanan, James M. [1988] Contractarian Political Economy and Constitutional Interpretation (American Economic Review 78No.2ppl35.139).

Buckley, Peter J. and Jonathan Michie (Ed) [1996] Firms, Organisations and Contracts. A Reader in Industrial Organisation (Oxford University Press).

Burrell, Alison (Ed) [1989] Milk Quotas in the European Community (CAB International).

Case 23/84: Commission of the European Communities versus United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland -Failure of a Member State to Fulfil its Obligations - Dual Pricing System. Judgement. 2.12.86. Report 1986 p.3581.

Case 394/85: Commission of the European Communities versus the Republic of Italy. Failure of a Member State to Fulfil its Obligations - Milk Quotas. Judgement. June 1987. Report 1987 p.2741.

Case 120/86: Mülder J. versus Kingdom of the Netherlands (Minister van Landbouw en Visserij) Milk Quotas Judgement 28.11.89 Report 1988p.2321.

Case 40/92: Commission of the European Communities versus United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland -Failure to Fulfil Obligations - Special Rights of the Milk Marketing Boards - Skimmed and Semi-Skimmed Milk -Supervision of the Milk Marketing Boards by a Member State Judgement 24.3.94 Report 1994 I p.989.

Coase R.H. [1937] The Nature of the Firm Reproduced in The Firm, the Market and the Law by R. H. Coase University of Chicago Press 1988. Also in Buckley and Michie [1996].

Commission of the European Communities (19.4.1995) COM (95) 147 final. Report to the Council and the European Parliament on the application of the milk quota scheme in Italy and Greece.

Commission of the European Communities (November 1995) CSE (95) 607. Study on alternative strategies for the development of relations in the field of agriculture between the EU and the associated countries with a view to future accession of these countries (Agricultural Strategy Paper).

Dixit, A. K. [1996] The Making of Economic Policy. A Transaction-Cost Politics Perspective (The MIT Press).

Empson, J. [1983] International Study of Dairy Co-operative Country Case Studies (International Dairy Federation Document 155).

Empson, J [1990] Structural change: Contrasting Stages in the Development of Producer Co-operatives in the Dairy Industry (Proceedings of the XXIII International Dairy Congress).

Empson, J. [1996] The History of the Milk Marketing Board 1933-1994. British Farmers' Greatest Commercial Enterprise (Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England).

Hay, Donald A. and Derek J. Morris [1992] Industrial Economics and Organisation - Theory and Evidence (Paperback Edition, Oxford University Press).

Hendriks, Gisela [1991] Germany and European Integration: The Common Agricultural Policy, An Area of Conflict (New York/Oxford).

Hill, Berkley [1989] Farm Incomes, Wealth and Agricultural Policy (Avebury Aldershot).

House of Commons Agriculture Committee, Sessions 1995-96. First Report. The Dairy Industry and the CAP Dairy Regime (HMSO).

International Dairy Federation Bulletin No. 245. 1989. Quota Controls on Milk Supplies and Supply Management.

Milk Marketing Board [1977] Understanding the British Butter Market (MMB).

Milk Marketing Board [1987] Understanding the British Butter Market: Ten Years On (MMB).

Milk Marketing Board [1989] Five Years of Milk Quotas: A Progress Report (MMB)

Milk Marketing Board [1992] Towards New World (MMB).

Milk Marque [1993] Buying milk from Milk Marque. Contract types and offer process (Milk Marque).

National Dairy Council [1996] Dairy Facts and Figures, 1996 Edition.

OJ English Special Edition 1968 (I) (December 1972) p. 176 L. 148 Council Regulation (EEC) 804/68 on the common organisation of the market in milk and milk production.

OJ English Special Edition 1968 (I) (December 1972) p.256 L. 169/1 Council Regulation (EEC) 985/68 laying down general rules for the intervention in the market in butter and cream.

OJ English Special Edition 1968 (I) (December 1972) p.277 L. 173 Council Regulation (EEC) 1014/68 laying down general rules for the public storage of skimmed milk powder.

OJ English Special Edition 1969 (I) (December 1972) p. 194 L.90 Commission Regulation (EEC) 685/69 on detailed rules of application on the market in butter and cream.

OJ English Special Edition 1971 (II) (December 1972) p.412 L. 148/4 Council Regulation (EEC) 1411/71 laying down additional rules on the common market organisation in milk and milk products for drinking milk.

OJ L.67. Vol. 19 (15.3.76) p.23 Council Regulation (EEC) 566/76 amending Regulation (EEC) 1411/71 as regards the fat content of whole milk.

OJ L.51 Vol. 20 (23.2.77) p. 1 Council Regulation (EEC) 355/77 on common measures to improve the conditions under which agricultural products are processed and marketed.

OJ L.130 Vol. 20 (25.5.77) Council Regulation (EEC) 1079/77 on a co-responsibility levy and on measures for expanding the markets in milk and milk products.

OJ L.84 Vol. 21 (31.3.78) p.19 Commission Regulation (EEC) 625/78 on detailed rules of application for public storage of skimmed milk powder.

OJ L.171 Vol. 21 (28.6.78) p.12 Council Regulation (EEC) 1421/78 amending Regulation (EEC) 804/68 on the common organisation of the market in milk and milk products.

OJ L.171 Vol. 21 (28.6.78) p.14 Council Regulation (EEC) 1422/78 concerning the granting of certain special rights to milk producer organisations in the United Kingdom.

OJ. L. 188 Vol. 22 (22.7.79) p.29 Commission Regulation (EEC) 1565/79 laying down rules for implementing Regulation (EEC) 1422/78 concerning the granting of certain special rights to milk producer organisations in the United Kingdom.

OJ L.90 Vol. 27 (1.4.84) p. 10 Council Regulation (EEC) 856/84 amending Regulation (EEC) 804/68 on the common organisation of the market in milk and milk products.

OJ L.90 Vol. 27 (1.4.84) p.13 Council Regulation (EEC) 857/84 adopting general rules for the levy referred to in Article 5c of Regulation (EEC) 804/68 in the milk and milk products sector.

OJ L. 139 Vol. 3 (4.6.88) Commission Regulation (EEC) 1546/88 laying down detailed rules for the application of the additional levy referred to in Article 5c of Regulation (EEC) 804/68.

OJ C.12 Vol. 37 (15.1.94) Report of the Court of Auditors on the milk quota policy.

OJ L.197 Vol. 37 (30.7.94) Council Regulation (EC) 1880/94 amends Article 5 of Regulation (EEC) 804/68 to omit Grana Padano and Parmigiano Reggiano cheeses and repeals Regulation (EEC) 971/68 laying down general rules for intervention in the market for Grana Padano and Parmigiano Reggiano cheeses.

Parnell, Edgar (1995) Reinventing the Co-operative: Enterprises for the 21st Century (Plunkett Foundation, Oxford).

Petit, M et al. [1987] Agricultural Policy Formation in the European Community: The Birth of Milk Quotas and CAP Reform. Developments in Agricultural Economics (Elsevier Amsterdam).

Pitts, E., M. Haines and T.N. Jenkins [1987] Dairy Industry Structure and Milk Price Comparisons: A Comment (Journal of Agricultural Economics Vol. 38 no. 3).

Residuary Milk Marketing Board (1995) EC Dairy Facts and Figures 1994.

Sandiford, Frances and Ed. Rossmiller [1996] Many a Slip: Studying Policy Delivering Systems (Typescript. Paper presented at Agricultural Economics Society Conference, University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne March 1996).

Sørensen, H.H. [1996] in Market Development for Dairy Quotas -Denmark (Bulletin of the International Dairy Federation No. 309/96).

Smith, Adam [1976] The Wealth of Nations (Glasgow Edition. Clarendon Press, Oxford 1976).

Strauss, Erich [1972] Milk Marketing in Britain - A Short History (Dairy Industries, 1972).

Treaty concerning the Accession of the Kingdom of Denmark, Ireland, the Kingdom of Norway and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the European Economic Community and the European Atomic Energy Community (with Final Act) (1972) (HMSO).

Thatcher, Margaret [1993] The Downing Street Years (Harper Collins. Paperback Edition 1995).

Williams, R.E. [1986] Perspectives on Milk Marketing (Journal of Agricultural Economics Vol. 37, No. 3).

Williams, R.E. [1987] Dairy Industry Structure and Milk Price Comparison - A Rejoinder (Journal of Agricultural Economics Vol. 38 No. 3).

Williams, R. E. [1993] The Future of Milk Marketing (Journal of Agricultural Economics Vol. 44, No. 1).

Williamson, Oliver [1979] Transaction Cost Economics: The Governance of Contractual Relations (Reproduced in Buckley and Michie, 1996).

Notes: A complete listing of legislation in force is impractical. References to the main legislation above are to the original publications in the Official Journal (English text). Amendments can be located in the "Directory of Community Legislation in Force and other acts of the Community institutions" Vol. I 27th Edition 1st June 1996. Milk Products p.361-382.

OJ = Official Journal of the European Communities.

Only a few of many Court cases affecting the dairy industry have been referred to. The Court of Justice publishes an index from time to time. "Index A-Z, Numerical and alphabetical index of cases before the Court of Justice of the European Communities since 1953, Situation on 31 August 1995. Luxembourg 1995" is the latest edition.

Chronological List of EU Membership

1957 Treaty Establishing the European Community, Rome, 25 March 1957. Belgium; Federal Republic of Germany; France; Italy; Grand Duchy of Luxembourg; the Netherlands.

1973 Accession of Denmark, the Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom,

1981 Accession of Greece.

1986 Accession of Portugal and Spain.

1990 Accession of the former German Democratic Republic.

1992 Treaty on European Union, Maastricht.

1995 Accession of Austria, Finland and Sweden.

Applications for membership have been made by: Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia.

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