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A. Basic concepts and definitions
B. ET equations
C. ET and weather measurement
D. Parameters in ET equations
E. Crop parameters in PM equation
F. Analysis of weather and ET data
G. Crop evapotranspiration
H. Crop coefficients
I. Lengths of crop growth stages
J. Effects of soil mulches
K. Non-growing season evapotranspiration
L. Soil water holding characteristics
M. Rooting depths
N. Salinity impacts on evapotranspiration
O. Soil evaporation
P. Factors affecting ETc
Q. Soil water balance and irrigation scheduling
R. General

A. Basic concepts and definitions

Allen, R. G., Smith, M., Perrier, A., and Pereira, L. S. 1994a. An update for the definition of reference evapotranspiration. ICID Bulletin. 43(2). 1-34.

Jensen, M. E., Burman, R. D., and Allen, R. G. (ed). 1990. Evapotranspiration and Irrigation Water Requirements. ASCE Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practices No. 70., Am. Soc. Civil Engrs., New York, NY, 360 p.

Monteith, J. L., 1965. Evaporation and Environment. 19th Symposia of the Society for Experimental Biology, University Press, Cambridge, 19:205-234.

Monteith, J. L. 1973. Principles of Environmental Physics, Edward Arnold, London.

Monteith, J. L. and Unsworth, M. H. 1990. Principles of Environmental Physics, 2nd ed., Edward Arnold, London.

Penman, H. L. 1948. "Natural evaporation from open water, bare soil and grass." Proc. Roy. Soc. London, A193, 120-146.

Penman, H. L. 1963. Vegetation and hydrology. Tech. Comm. No. 53, Commonwealth Bureau of Soils, Harpenden, England. 125 p.

Pereira, L. S., Perrier, A., Allen, R. G. and Alves, I. 1996. Evapotranspiration: Review of concepts and future trends. J. Irrig. And Drain. Engrg., ASCE 25. (in press).

Perrier, A. 1978. Importance des définitions de l'évapotranspiration dans le domaine pratique de la mesure, de l'estimation of de la notion de coefficients culturaux. XV' Journal of Hydraulics, Société Hydrotechnique de France, Question IV, Rapport 1:1-7 (in French).

Perrier, A. 1982. Land surface processes: vegetation. pp. 395-448 in P. S. Eagleson (Editor), Land Surface Processes in Atmospheric General Circulation Models. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, Mass.

Perrier, A. 1985. Updated evapotranspiration and crop water requirement definitions. In: Perrier, A. and Riou, C. (eds) Crop Water Requirements (ICID Int. Conf., Paris, Sept. 1984). INRA, Paris: 885-887.

Rijtema, P. E., (1965). "Analysis of actual evapotranspiration." Agric. Res. Rep. No. 69, Centre for Agric. Publ. and Doc., Wageningen.

Slatyer, R. O. and McIlroy, I. C. 1961. Evaporation and the principle of its measurement. In: Practical Meteorology, CSIRO (Australia) and UNESCO, Paris.

Smith, M., Allen, R. G., Monteith, J. L., Perrier, A., Pereira, L., and Segeren, A. 1992. Report of the expert consultation on procedures for revision of FAO guidelines for prediction of crop water requirements. UN-FAO, Rome, Italy, 54 p.

B. ET equations

Allen, R. G. 1986. A Penman for all seasons. J. Irrig. and Drain. Engrg. 112(4): 348-368.

Allen, R. G. 1992. Evaluation of a temperature difference method for computing grass reference evapotranspiration. Report submitted to UN-FAO Water Resources Development and Management Service, Land and Water Dev. Div., Rome. 50 p.

Allen, R. G., 1995b. Evaluation of procedures for estimating grass reference evapotranspiration using air temperature data only. Report prepared for FAO, Water Resources Development and Management Service, FAO, Rome.

Allen, R. G. and Pruitt, W. O. 1986. Rational use of the FAO Blaney-Criddle formula. J. Irrig. and Drain. Engrg., ASCE 112(IR2): 139-155.

Allen, R. G. and Pruitt, W. O. 1991. FAO-24 reference evapotranspiration factors. J. Irrig. and Drain. Engrg., ASCE 117(5): 758-773.

Allen, R. G., Pruitt, W. O., Businger, J. A., Fritschen, L. J., Jensen, M. E., and Quinn, F. H. 1996. Chapter 4 "Evaporation and Transpiration" m ASCE Handbook of Hydrology. New York, NY. p. 125-252.

Batchelor, C. H. 1984. The accuracy of evapotranspiration functions estimated with the FAO modified Penman equation. Irrig. Science 5(4): 223-234.

Blaney, H.F. and Criddle, W. D. 1950. Determining water requirements in irrigated areas from climatological and irrigation data. USDA Soil Conserv. Serv. SCS-TP96. 44 pp.

Brutsaert, W. H., 1982. Evaporation into the Atmosphere. R. Deidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht, Holland.

Burman, R. and Pochop, L. O. 1994. Evaporation, Evapotranspiration and Climatic Data. Elsevier Science B. V., Amsterdam.

Businger, J. A. 1956. Some remarks on Penman's equations for the evapotranspiration. Netherlands J. Agric. Sci. 4: 77.

Castrignanò, A., de Caro, A., and Tarantino, E. 1985. Verifica sulla validità di alcuni metodi empirici di stima dell'evapotraspirazione potenziale nel Metapontino. (Verification of validity of several empirical methods of estimating potential evapotranspiration in southern Italy). L'Irrigazione XXXII (4): 23-28 (in Italian).

Chiew, F. H. S., N. N. Kamadalasa, H. M. Malano and McMahon, T. A. 1995. Penman-Monteith, FAO-24 reference crop evapotranspiration and class-A pan data in Australia. Agric. Water Management 28: 9-21.

Choisnel, E., de Villele, O., and Lacroze, F. 1992. Une approche uniformisée du calcul de l'évapotranspiration potentielle pour l'ensemble des pays de la Communauté Européenne, Com. Commun. Européennes, EUR 14223 FR, Luxembourg, 176 p.

Christiansen, J. E. 1968. Pan evaporation and evapotranspiration from climatic data. J. Irrig. and Drain. Div., ASCE 94: 243-265.

Cuenca, R. H. and Nicholson, M. T. 1982. Application of the Penman equation wind function. J. Irrig. and Drn. Engrg. Div., ASCE 108(IR1): 13-23.

Doorenbos, J. and Kassam, A. H. 1979. Yield response to water. FAO Irrig. and Drain. Paper No. 33, FAO, Rome, Italy. 193 pp.

Doorenbos, J. and Pruitt, W. O. 1975. Guidelines for predicting crop water requirements, Irrigation and Drainage Paper 24, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, 179 p.

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Frevert, D. K., Hill, R. W., and Braaten, B. C. 1983. Estimation of FAO evapotranspiration coefficients. J. Irrig. and Drain Engrg., ASCE 109(IR2): 265-270.

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Gosse, G., Perrier, A., and Itier, B. 1977. Etude de l'évapotranspiration réelle d'une culture de blé dans le bassin parisien. Ann. Agron. 28(5): 521-541. (in French).

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Itier, B., Brunet, Y., Mcaneney, K. J., and Lagouarde, J. P. 1994. Downwind evolution of scalar fluxes and surface resistance under conditions of local adection. Part I: A reappraisal of boundary conditions. Agric. and For. Meteorol. 71: 211-255.

Itier, B. 1996. Measurement and estimation of evapotranspiration. In: Pereira, L. S., Feddes, R. A., Gilley, J. R., Leseffre, B. (eds) Sustainability of Irrigated Agriculture. Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, pp. 171-191.

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C. ET and weather measurement

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D. Parameters in ET equations

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H. Crop coefficients

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I. Lengths of crop growth stages

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J. Effects of soil mulches

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K. Non-growing season evapotranspiration

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M. Rooting depths

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N. Salinity impacts on evapotranspiration

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P. Factors affecting ETc

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Q. Soil water balance and irrigation scheduling

Bastiaanssen, W.G.M. 1995. Regionalization of surface flux densities and moisture indicators in composite terrain. Doctoral thesis, Wageningen Agricultural University, Wageningen, 273 pp.

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Pereira, L. S., Perrier, A. Ait Kadi, M. and Kabat, P. (eds) 1992. Crop Water Models. Special issue of the ICID Bulletin. 41 (2), 200 pp.

Pereira, L. S., van den Broek, B. J., Kabat, P. and Allen, R. G. (eds) 1995. Crop-Water Simulation Models in Practice. Wageningen Pers, Wageningen, 339 pp.

Raes, D., Lemmens, H., Van Aelst, P., Vanden Bulcke, M. and Smith, M. 1988. IRSIS - Irrigation Scheduling Information System. Reference Manual n° 3. Institute for Land and Water Management, K. U. Leuven, Belgium. Volume 1&2, 119 & 71 p.

Smith, M. 1992. CROPWAT, a computer program for irrigation planning and management. FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper 46, FAO, Rome.

Teixeira, J. L., Farrajota, M. P. and Pereira, L. S. 1995. PROREG simulation software to design demand in irrigation projects. In: Pereira, L. S., van den Broek, B. J., Kabat, P. and Allen, R. G. (eds) Crop-Water Simulation Models in Practice. Wageningen Pers, Wageningen: 273-285.

Tuzet, A., Perrier, A. and Masaad, C. 1992. Crop water budget estimation of irrigation requirement. ICID Bull. 41(2): 1-17.

Xevi, E. and Feyen, J. 1992. Combined soil water dynamic model (SWATRER) and summary crop simulation model (SUCROS). ICID Bull. 41 (2): 85-98.

R. General

Doorenbos, J. and Pruitt, W. O. 1975. Guidelines for predicting crop water requirements, Irrigation and Drainage Paper 24, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, 179 p.

Doorenbos, J. and Pruitt, W. O. 1977. Guidelines for predicting crop water requirements, Irrigation and

Jensen, M. E., Burman, R. D., and Allen, R. G. (ed). 1990. Evapotranspiration and Irrigation Water Requirements. ASCE Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practices No. 70., Am. Soc. Civil Engrs., New York, NY, 360 p.

Martin, D. L. and J. R. Gilley 1993. Irrigation Water Requirements. Chapter 2 of the SCS National Engineering Handbook, Soil Conservation Service, Washington D. C., 284 pp.

Pereira, L. S. and Allen, R. G. 1998. Crop water requirements. Chapter 1.5.1 of Handbook of Agricultural Engineering, CIGR and ASAE (in press).

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