1. Silk glands of the larva of Bombyx mori
2. Cocoon spinning curvature
3. Bivoltine F1 hybrid (Japanese x Chinese) cocoons
4. Cross section of raw silk thread (1,300 times by SEM)
5. A brin of degummed cocoon bave (5,000 times by SEM)
6. Cocoon grades by visual inspection
7. Standards of assorted cocoons
8. Dimension of "Honey comb Tub"type cocoon storage
9. Cross section of cocoon storage
10. Cabinet type cocoon dryer (Shelf-carrier type)
11. Hot air circulating type cocoon dryer (hot air blower)
12. Cocoon deflossing machine
13. Cocoon assorting table
14. Pan cooking basin
15. Three-pan type cooking appliance
16. Cocoon cooking machine (1 basket circulating type)
17. Treadle type reeling machine
18. Sitting type reeling machine (motor driven)
19. Multi-ends type reeling machine
20 Automatic reeling machine for cocoon testing (3 ends per basin)
21. Picking-ends part of automatic silk reeling machine
22. Automatic silk reeling machine
23. Vacuum pre-treatment for rereeling
24. Raw silk rereeling machine
25. Lacing of silk skeins
26. Booking appliance of silk skeins
27. Water softening equipment (for cooking machine)
28. By-product silk treating machine
29. Floss silk prepared from double cocoons
30. Hand-spun silk reeling machine (from floss silk)
31. Automatic degumming machine of by-products for spun silk
32. Settling machine for spun silk
33. Conditioning oven of raw silk
34. Winding tester of silk skein
35. Small skein sampler for size deviation test
36. Denier balance
37. Seriplane winder
38. Seriplane inspection for cleanness and neatness
39. Duplan type cohesion tester
40. Tenacity and elongation tester
41. Tasar cocoons (Antheraea Pernyi)
42. Wild cocoons (Antheraea Yamamai)