Implications of Economic Policy for Food Security : A Training Manual

Prepared by

Anne Thomson
Manfred Metz

for the

Agricultural Policy Support Service
Policy Assistance Division

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

and the

Deutsche Gesellschaft f�r Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ)

Rome, 1998


Table of contents

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� FAO 1999

Table of contents

  Introduction to the Manual

  Chapter 1: Food Security: The Conceptual Framework

1. Concepts of Food Security

2. Recent Trends in the World Food Economy

3. Food Security and Major Development Objectives

4. The Role of Increasing Food Production in Achieving Food Security
Activities related to Chapter 1

  Chapter 2: Nutrition Requirements and Food Consumption

  1. Nutritional Requirements and Reference Nutrient Intakes
2. Food Consumption
3. Direct Measures of Nutritional Status

4. The Aggregate Household Food Security Index

5. Assessing the Nutrition Situation at Different Levels of Aggregation

Activities related to Chapter 2

  Chapter 3: Food Security: the Economic and Institutional Framework

  1. The Role of the Food Chain
2. The Open Economy and the Role of Food Imports and Exports
3. The Political and Institutional Environment of the Food System
4. The Food System Under Stress
5. Monitoring Food Security
Activities related to Chapter 3

  Chapter 4: Impact of Policy on Food Security

  1. The Macro-Economy and Food Security
2. The Impact of Macro-Economic Policy on Food Security: A Framework for Analysis

3. Impact of Exchange Rate Policies

4. Fiscal Policy
5. Monetary Policies
6. Trade Policy
7. Agricultural Market Reforms and Sectoral Adjustment
8. Further Elements of Structural Adjustment Programmes
9. Assessing the Overall Impact of Adjustment Programmes on Food Security

Activities related to Chapter 4

  Chapter 5: Domestic Policy Interventions to Improve Food Security

  1. Introduction: Embodying a Food Security Dimension in Macro- and Sector Policies

2. Production and Supply Based Approaches

3. Improving Access to Food
4. The Impact Paths of Policies to Improve Food Security - an Overview

Activities related to Chapter 5

  Chapter 6: International Policy Interventions for Improving Food Security

  1. Introduction

2. Food Aid and Food Security

3. International Development Co-operation and Food Security
4. International Trade and Food Security
5. Summary of the Major Results of the World Food Summit

Appendix to Chapter 6

Activities related to Chapter 6

  Annex 1 A Conceptual Framework for the Analysis of Policy. Impacts on the Food Economy and on Food Security

  Annex 2 Theoretical Concepts for the Analysis of Economic Policies
Annex 2A The Salter-Swan Model

  Annex 2 Theoretical Concepts for the Analysis of Economic Policies
Annex 2A The Salter-Swan Model

  Annex 2B The Exchange Rate-Price-Market Mechanism

  Annex 2C The Process of Money Creation and Credit Expansion

  Annex 2D Measures of Protection

