Agroforestry parklands in sub-Saharan Africa | |
Table of Contents |
J.-M. Boffa
The designations employed and the presentation of material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
ISBN 92-5-104376-0
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The ecological and socio-economic importance of traditional agroforestry systems is now widely recognized. These land-use systems provide various useful products for household and national economies including food and medicinal products for humans and animals, wood for construction and fuel, and cash income. They contribute to the sustainability of soil nutrient and water cycles and buffer climatic extremes. This is particularly true of agroforestry parklands, the most widespread agroforestry systems in the semi-arid zones of West Africa. Their social and ecological values also carry a high significance. This and the fact that they have been subject to severe droughts and utilization pressure in the last decades have led to a growing interest in promoting their conservation and in further improving their management to increase the benefits they provide to farmers.
A basic challenge in the field of agroforestry is how to make a tangible difference for farmers. The capacity of researchers, practitioners, conservationists and policy-makers to learn how to assist farmers to manage agroforestry parkland systems in more productive and sustainable ways relies primarily on the availability of cogent, comprehensive, up-to-date information, which reflects the complex nature of farmers' decisions. The initiative taken by FAO to contribute to a better knowledge of concepts and the synthesis of experiences relating to Soudano-Sahelian parklands reflects the awareness of the Organization of the roles and functions of these systems.
Several meetings and publications have helped research and development efforts in this field. A particularly significant event was the 1993 conference on Agroforestry Parklands of the West African Semi-Arid Lands organized by ICRAF in Ouagadougou, which brought together people from various disciplines and geographic areas. Other major initiatives include the recent ICRAF/SALWA country reports on parklands in Senegal, Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger, the 1991 ICRISAT-ICRAF workshop on Faidherbia albida in the West African semi-arid tropics in Niamey, CIRAD-Forêt's works on F. albida including the 1998 monograph on the species, and the 1998 Working Meeting on shea nut tree (Vitellaria paradoxa, karité) at FAO. The recent Vitellaria paradoxa and Parkia biglobosa monographs from the University of Wales at Bangor add to this interesting collection. In order to give a renewed impetus to the work on these systems, FAO felt that the time was ripe to attempt the production of a state of knowledge paper integrating a wide range of information on the biophysical, socio-economic and policy aspects relating to the understanding and sustainable management of parkland species and systems. Jean-Marc Boffa, who has done extensive systems-oriented research, both biophysical and socio-economic on Vitellaria parklands in West Africa was an excellent candidate to be assigned the task.
The project originated with and has been coordinated by El-Hadji Sène, Chief of Forest Conservation, Research and Education Service in the Forest Resources Division of FAO's Forest Department. Susan Braatz, then forestry officer in charge of agroforestry in the Forest Resource Division started off the process. Michelle Gauthier, replacing Susan Braatz, took up the final steps of the project. Lise Andreasen and Michel Malagnoux have provided valuable comments and been involved in its follow-up. FAO also commissioned six parkland experts, Edouard Bonkoungou, Denis Depommier, Mark Freudenberger, Amadou Maïga, Madické Niang, and Kathrin Schreckenberg, to carry out a thorough review of the document. Technical and copy-editing was undertaken by Kathrin Schreckenberg from the Overseas Development Institute in London.
This study is part of the Conservation Guides series. It is targeted at all those with an interest in rural development, particularly agroforestry practitioners and researchers, but also policy- and decision-makers in the fields of agriculture, forestry and conservation in West Africa and beyond. I hope that it will encourage more integration in approaches, a higher degree of multidisciplinarity and more practical solutions to rural needs. It will be particularly useful for people working in the Sahel and Sudan zones of West Africa, but should also be of interest to a wide range of professionals working on agroforestry systems in other regions of the world outlining, as it does, many concepts underlying the value of trees within farming landscapes. This review is also relevant to FAO's interest and involvement in the assessment of forest resources outside forests, which are of increasing importance as pressure on resources in natural forest and tree stands rises. More research cooperation in development and dialogue on parklands are still needed and FAO welcomes observations and comments from readers for inclusion in future related studies.
Jean Clément
Forest Resources Division
This document attempts to present the current state of knowledge on agroforestry parkland systems. These systems, which for many local populations are very important for food security, income generation and environmental protection, are found primarily in the semi-arid and sub-humid zones of West Africa. The document first provides a thorough description of their distribution and diversity and discusses different ways of classifying them. It also presents data on current trends in parkland development and assesses determining factors. The document then provides an in-depth analysis of biophysical tree-soil-crop interactions and the factors regulating them, and describes various improved parkland management techniques. It goes on to examine the strength and limitations of institutional arrangements as well as the constraints imposed by Sahelian forest policies on the sustainable management of parklands. The production, use and marketing of parkland products is reviewed with an emphasis on their contribution to food security, local and national income as well as social values. Overall costs and benefits of the practice of parkland agroforestry are evaluated. In conclusion, the document identifies crucial research needs and promising avenues for promoting sustainable management of parkland systems.
Permission to use Vitellaria paradoxa, Parkia biglobosa and Balanites aegyptiaca distribution maps was kindly provided by Bangor University and specific thanks go to Jeremy Williams for supplying the first two in the correct format. Thanks are also expressed to CIRAD-Forêt for permission to reproduce the map of Faidherbia albida in Western Senegal. Photographs were provided by Christelle Bernard, Jean-Marc Boffa, Pascal Danthu, Roberto Faidutti, Dominique Louppe, Peter Lovett, Eliot Masters, Sibidi Jean Ouédraogo, Régis Peltier and Kathrin Schreckenberg.
AFRENA | Agroforestry Research Network for Africa |
APROMA | Association des produits à marché (Bruxelles, Belgique) |
ARD | Associates in Rural Development (Vermont, USA) |
CADEF | Comité d'action pour le développement de Fogny (Sénégal) |
CBE | Cocoa butter equivalent |
CBRs | Cocoa butter replacers |
CDR | Comité pour la défense de la révolution (Burkina Faso) |
CEC | Cation exchange capacity |
CFDT | Compagnie française de développement des textiles (France) |
CIEPAC | Centre international d'éducation permanente et d'aménagement concerté (Senegal) |
CIFOR | Centre for International Forestry Research (Indonesia) |
CILSS | Permanent Interstate Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel / Comité interétats de lutte contre la sécheresse au Sahel |
CINTEC | Compagnie internationale de négoce en transport et commerce (Burkina Faso) |
CIRAD-SAR | Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement, Département systèmes agroalimentaires et ruraux (France) |
CITEC | Compagnie industrielle du textile et du coton (Burkina Faso) |
CNSF | Centre national de semences forestières (Burkina Faso) |
COVOL | Cooperative Office for Voluntary Organizations of Uganda (Uganda) |
CTFT | Centre technique forestier tropical (today CIRAD-Forêt) (France) |
dbh | Diameter at breast height |
DFSC | DANIDA Forest Seed Center (Humlebaek, Denmark) |
ENEA | École nationale d'économie appliquée (Senegal) |
FCFA | CFA franc (Communauté financière africaine) — currency used in French-speaking West Africa |
GERES-CTFT | Groupe d'études sur la restauration des sols, Centre technique forestier tropical (France) |
GIS | Geographic Information System |
GRAAP | Groupe de recherche et d'appui pour l'auto-promotion paysanne |
IAA | Indol-3-acetic acid |
IBA | Indol-3-butyric acid |
ICRAF | International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (Kenya) |
ICRISAT | International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (Niger) |
ILCA | International Livestock Centre for Africa (Ethiopia) (today, International Livestock Research Institute, Nairobi, Kenya) |
IDRC | International Development Research Center (Canada) |
IPGRI | International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (Italy) |
IRHO | Oils and Oilseeds Research Institute / Institut de recherche pour les huiles et oléagineux |
ISRA | Institut sénégalais de recherche agricole (Sénégal) / Agricultural Research Institute of Senegal |
IUFRO | International Union of Forestry Research Organizations (Austria) |
KES | Kenyan Shilling |
LTC | Land Tenure Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA) |
NAA | Napthalene acetic acid |
NARS | National agricultural research systems |
NGO | Non governmental organization |
NTFPs | Non-timber forest products |
ODEPA | Oficina de Planificación Agrícola (Chile) |
ORSTOM | Office de la recherche scientifique et technique outre-mer (today, Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, IRD) (France) |
PAR | Photosynthetically active radiation |
PRSPR | Programme de recherche sur les systèmes de production ruraux (Mali) |
R&D | Research and development |
RDBF | République du Burkina Faso |
RDM | République du Mali |
RDN | République du Niger |
RDS | République du Sénégal |
SALWA | Semi-Arid Lowlands of West Africa |
SOCADA | Société centrafricaine de développement agricole Central African Agricultural Development Agency |
SODECOTON | Société de développement du coton (Cameroon) |
UNIFEM | United Nations Development Fund for Women |
USAID | United States Agency for International Development |
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Rome, 1999 © FAO
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Parklands: A review of definitions and terminology
Parklands in West Africa
Areal extent
Characterization by dominant species
Faidherbia albida
Vitellaria paradoxa
Parkia biglobosa
Other important parkland species
Factors used in establishing parkland typologies
Degree of human intervention
Functional classification
Spatial analysis
Parklands as a reflection of agrosystems and ethnicity
Changes in tree density over time
Natural factors
Economic and socio-cultural driving forces
Agricultural development policies
Role of trees in agricultural development models
Crop introduction and development
Fertilizer policies
Savanna tree species
Parkland tree species
Influence of trees on mineral content of understorey plants
Mechanisms of soil fertility improvement
Soil microbial activity and structure
Atmospheric inputs
Nitrogen fixation
Dung deposition
Pre-existing soil fertility
Soil management practices
Nutrient enrichment with increasing tree size
Parkland density and soil fertility
Nutrient redistribution versus enrichment
Underground tree-crop interactions
Relations between woody and herbaceous plants
Influence of trees on biomass productivity
Influence of trees on grain yields of crops
Faidherbia albida, a tree with reverse leaf phenology
Soil type, topographic position and fertilization
Distance from the tree
Influence on yield components
Influence on cotton
Influence on groundnuts
Vitellaria paradoxa, Parkia biglobosa and other species
with typical leaf phenology
Soil type
Influence on groundnuts and cotton
Distinctions between tree species
Parkland tree density and ‘parkland effect’
Influence of trees on microclimate
Light interception
Evapotranspiration and soil moisture
Seasonal variations in soil moisture
Soil moisture variations according to tree size
Air humidity
Influence of trees on species composition
Influence of trees on phenology
Parkland management practices
Assisted tree regeneration
Planting of parkland species
Improved fallows
Fire protection
Silvicultural techniques
Coppicing and pollarding
Tree fertilization
Management techniques for improved crop production
Pruning and coppicing
Organic fertilization and mulching
Tree/crop associations
Genetic improvement of parkland species
Management and conservation of parkland genetic resources
Traditional tenure of agricultural land
Socio-economic organization and land allocation
Modes of access to land
Land borrowing
Traditional versus state tenure security
Indigenous institutions regulating the management
of parkland resources
Regulating use by outsiders
Regulating use within communities
Changing traditions
Constraints and opportunities in traditional tree tenure
Traditional rights to parkland trees on inherited land
Tree-planting on borrowed land
Commoditization of land and trees
Women's rights
Implications of traditional tenure regimes
Impact of State policy on parkland management
Forestry legislation in the Sahel
Ambiguities in forest codes
Inappropriate rules
Institutional structure
Farmers' perceptions of their rights
The neglect of pastoral practices in land policies
Implications for improved parkland management
Local participation in the fuelwood sector
Production of parkland trees
Fruit production
Foliage production
Gum production
Wood production
Food security
Quantitative aspects of consumption
Qualitative contribution of parkland foods
Nutritional quality
Food variety
Seasonal food balance
Economic importance of parkland products at the local level
Diversity of products
Market volume and income
Parkland products of international economic importance
Gum arabic
Vitellaria paradoxa
General description
Market constraints
International market opportunities
Social differentiation in NTFP activities
Socio-cultural and spiritual values of parkland products
Analysis of costs and benefits of parkland production
The significance of agroforestry parklands
Conservation and reproduction of agroforestry parklands