Unasylva - Vol. 1, No. 3

Table of Contents

November-December, 1947

An international review of forestry and forest products

FAO - The Food And Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

A Magazine of Forestry and Forest Products
Published Bimonthly by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Annual Subscription, $3.50
Single copy, 65 cents

Unasylva is prepared by the Division of Forestry and Forest Products and published by the Information Service of FAO at the Organization's temporary headquarters in Washington, D. C. It is printed in Baltimore, Maryland, U. S. A.

Unasylva is now published in English and French editions with a Spanish edition planned for the near future.

Distributing agents are being selected for various countries and areas. Meanwhile, orders for subscriptions or individual copies are-being taken by the Documents Office, FAO, 2000 Massachusetts Avenue, N. W., Washington 6. D. C.. U. S. A.

This electronic document has been scanned using optical character recognition (OCR) software and careful manual recorrection. Even if the quality of digitalisation is high, the FAO declines all responsibility for any discrepancies that may exist between the present document and its original printed version.

Table of Contents

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations



by A. Howard Gron
The Economic Foundations of Forest Politics

by Jean E. Gobert
The Forester and Nature

by Ellery Foster
Woodworkers and World Forestry

by Dr. Herman Mark
The Position of Cellulose as a Fiber-Forming Polymer

National Situations

by G.J. Rodger
Research Work in Forestry and Forest Products in Australia

As seen by a European Forester on the Staff of the Division of Forestry and Forest Products
Forestry in the Northwestern United States of America

The Work of FAO

The Third Session of the FAO Conference

The Second Session of the FAO Standing Advisory Committee for Forestry and Forest Products

The Activities of the Subcommittee on Mechanical Wood Technology

ECE and FAO Co-operate to Solve Europe's Timber Crisis

First Meeting of FAO's Subcommittee on Wood Chemistry

FAO's Participation at the Fifth British Empire Forestry Conference

News of the World

Converting factors

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