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451. The Conference expressed full support for the activities of the Fisheries Department. Many delegates felt however that the budget allocated to this department would not enable it to be adequate to its tasks and that an acute problem of priorities would arise. They noted with regret the fact that the rate of growth of the department endorsed by the Conference at its Thirteenth Session (1965) had not been maintained and expressed the hope that the further enlargement of the department in the subsequent biennium, as envisaged by the Director-General in document C 69/33, would bring the department to the level originally planned.
452. The Conference recommended that if funds should become available within the Organization's budget for the coming biennium, priority should be given, in accordance with the wishes expressed by the Committee on Fisheries at its Fourth Session to finance those projects which had had to be dropped or postponed to later biennia.
453. The Conference emphasized the need for strengthening the inland fisheries unit of the department so that it could meet the increasing requests for assistance received from developing countries which were intensifying the exploitation of inland resources and fish culture practices. It reiterated the urgency of establishing an intergovernmental inland fishery body for Africa.
454. Many delegates expressed satisfaction at the establishment of the Fishery Industries Division, which would bring together the gear, vessels, marketing and processing units of the department and thus allow for a more efficient support of the industrial activities and projects of Member Nations.
455. The Conference agreed not to replace the World Fisheries Abstracts with a review journal. Despite the improvement of library facilities, abstracts were considered by a number of developed and developing countries to provide easy access to technical literature on fisheries.
456. The Conference, while expressing satisfaction with the work of the Committee on Fisheries, recommended that the Council, charged with the study of the procedures for the consideration of the Programme of Work, contemplate the possibility of changing the character of the Committee on Fisheries, whose current members were 34 Member Nations, to convert it into a committee open to all interested nations.
457. Subject to above comments, the Conference approved the programme of work and budget proposed for the Fisheries Department.
458. The Conference approved the establishment of a Forestry Department composed of an Office of the Assistant Director-General, a Forest Resources Division, and a Forest Industries and Trade Division. The Conference agreed to the proposed organization of the department, which reflected the integrated approach to forestry production and forest industries which had been a prominent feature of FAO forestry activities since the foundation of the Organization. The Conference looked upon the establishment of a department as a due recognition of the importance of FAO activities in the field of forestry and of the positive impact that the work carried out in this field by the Organization had had and continued to have on world forestry and particularly on the development process of developing countries.
459. The Conference expressed some concern that the resources made available to the Forestry Department, mainly for personnel, travel and publications, were not in proportion to what was expected in view of the upgrading of the FAO forestry sector to departmental rank. It was felt that, should any savings accrue in the course of the 1970-71 biennium, part of them should be devoted to strengthening the department, the reinforcement of which should in any event receive a high priority for subsequent biennia.
460. The Conference pointed out that a substantial number of activities under the programme of the Forestry Department were to be carried out with extra-budgetary resources. The Conference noted the efforts made to enlist the cooperation of national agencies for development aid as a means for strengthening the activities of the department in the light of the limited resources available, and expressed its satisfaction at the extent to which the Forestry and Forest Industries Division had been able to ensure the mobilization of external resources to reinforce the developmental assistance of FAO in the field of forestry.
461. The Conference took note that the reservations made by some countries with regard to the approach and conclusions of the Indicative World Plan did not apply to the forestry sector of that study. On the contrary, the countries in question felt that the treatment of the forestry sector in the IWP was realistic and its conclusions helpful. The Conference noted with satisfaction that the methodology used for the forestry sector of IWP would be made available to member countries seeking to establish medium-and long-term indicative plans for their forestry sector.
462. The Conference pointed out that in the light of present trends in forestry science and technology, a number of forestry activities should receive special consideration when preparing the programme of work of the Forestry Department for the subsequent biennium. Activities singled out were forestry education, training and research, utilization of quick-growing species, forest trade and marketing, environmental forestry, utilization of tropical timber, and wildlife management.
463. The Conference expressed concern over the fact that some activities were not receiving, in the programme of work, the attention they deserve. Special mention was made of forestry extraction and transportation, as well as management of natural forests and forest protection against fire, pests and diseases. The Conference expressed the hope that the department would endeavour to seek ways and means of reinforcing its activities in these sectors.
464. The Conference stressed the need, within the FAO machinery, of a standing committee, wherein heads of forest services of all Member Nations could
(a) conduct periodic reviews of forestry problems of an international character and appraise such problems with respect to possible effective action by FAO for their solution; and
(b) to advise the Director-General on the medium- and long-term programme of work of the Organization in the field of forestry and on its implementation.
Such a committee should preferably meet early in the non-Conference years. The Conference requested the Council at its Fifty-Fifth Session to advise the Director-General how best to satisfy the foregoing expressed wish of the Conference. Pending the establishment of permanent machinery, the Director-General should consider convening a further Ad Hoc Committee on Forestry.
465. The Conference approved the programme of work and budget of the proposed Forestry Department, subject to the above comments.
466. The Conference noted that the department had been established in accordance with the recommendations of the Joint Report by the Director-General and the Ad Hoc Committee on Organization which had been approved by the Fifty-Second Session of the Council, and that a further modification in organization had been approved by the Fifty-Third Session of the Council, which would transfer the Budget Branch of the Programme Formulation and Budget Division to the new Office of the Controller, while the programme formulation function would be strengthened by the establishment of a D-2 post, the incumbent of which would report directly to the Assistant Director-General Other units of the department were the Area Service Division, International Agency Liaison Division, FAO/Industry Cooperative Programme and the Investment Centre.
467. With regard to the work of the Food Standards Branch and the Codex Alimentarius Commission, the Conference noted its importance and felt that it should be accelerated to the extent possible, particularly with regard to additives and pesticide residues, so that whilst contributing to the greater freedom of international trade in foodstuffs, due attention was paid to the safeguarding of the consumers' health. The Conference noted that the Codex Alimentarius Commission needed more time in which to consider, in the light of further comments from Member Nations of FAO and WHO, what arrangements should be made to give effect to the recommendation of the Fourteenth Session of the Conference that steps should be taken to integrate fully into the procedural framework established by the Codex Alimentarius Commission the Joint FAD/WHO Committee of Government Experts on the Code of Principles concerning Milk and Milk Products. The Codex Alimentarius Commission would be examining these matters at its Seventh Session in April 1970 and would report to the Council or Conference, as appropriate.
468. The Conference welcomed the establishment of five area service officer posts at a junior level and approved also the new posts proposed for a reports officer, programme analyst and two food standards officers. The Conference approved the Director-General's proposals with regard to the relationships between the Area Service Division and regional and country representatives
469. The Conference recognized the work of the industry-financed FAO/Industry Cooperative Programme in mobilizing industry resources for productive projects to implement and follow-up pre-investment activities. The Conference urged that this project work be oriented to fit in with the countries' overall economic planning and the general development strategy of FAO
470. The Conference approved the programme of work and budget of the Development Department as set forth in Chapter II. A.
471. The Conference gave strong support to the proposed expansion in the programme of work of the Investment Centre, the activities of which in project identification and preparation had proved to be of strategic importance to developing countries. It noted that the real increase in 1970-71 would be under the FAO/IBRD Cooperative Programme, the staff and budget estimates of which had been drawn up in accordance with the increased lending programme of IBRD and consequent increase in projected workload and manpower requirements. As regards cooperation with the area banks, the Conference emphasized the need for further development of these programmes and acceleration of the activities to higher levels in 1970-71. It noted with satisfaction the cooperation arrangements that were being worked out with the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development and the discussions being held with the private banks. Keeping in view the nature of the work and responsibilities that the Investment Centre staff had to handle, it also emphasized the need for appointment of high-caliber personnel.
472. As regards the budget of the FAO/IBRD Cooperative Programme, the Conference took note of the adjustments in the amount of $50 000 approved by the Finance and Programme Committees and the Council during 1968-69, following which FAO's share in its total budget rose to $675 000. It approved the net increase of $575 000 proposed in the budget for 1970-71, which also included mandatory increases, and which raised the total budget of the Programme for the next biennium to $5 000 000, covering an IBRD contribution of $3 750 000 and FAO's direct contribution to $1 250 000, but excluding a further contribution by FAO of $195 000 in respect of indirect operating expenses.
473. The Conference approved the proposed budget of $531 800 for 1970-71 for cooperation with the area banks and the $50 000 proposed for indirect operating expenses to be furnished by FAO. It also noted that a total amount of $650 000 worth of services was authorized under the regular programme from the field and headquarters, including use of the regional office consultants funds. Several delegates stated that in the light of actual developments of the cooperative activities with the area banks, the Director-General should consider an increase in the allocations and request from the area banks a corresponding increase in their allocations.
J. Regional and Country Services
Regional Offices
Country Representatives
Joint Divisors with the UN Regional Economic Commissions
474. The Conference approved the Director-General's proposals for strengthening the regional offices and the redeployment of staff and funds as indicated in C 69/3 and its two addenda. Some delegates felt, however, that officers in several posts were each vested with a multiplicity of functions and would not be able to perform all of them adequately. It was suggested that their programmes of work be defined more closely.
475. The Conference agreed to the budgetary provisions required for the establishment under the regular programme of 27 senior agricultural advisers/FAO country representatives.
Joint Divisors with the UN Regional Economic Commissions
476. The Conference noted that the joint divisions which FAO maintained with the United Nations Regional Economic Commissions represented an appropriate cooperative arrangement. As set out in the Joint Report on Reorganization, each of the regional representatives, on behalf of the Director-General, would exercise general supervision over the joint division(s) in his region. Technical supervision and backstopping for the joint divisions continued to be provided by the Economic and Social Department, chiefly through the Economic Analysis Division, except in the case of the ECE/FAO Timber Division in Geneva, which was technically backstopped by the Forestry Department.
477. The Conference was informed that the programmes of work to be undertaken were established for each of the joint divisions by the regional representative and the Executive Secretary of the Regional Economic Commission. These work programmes varied depending on the priority problems in the respective regions, but had involved generally the review and analysis of the food and agricultural sectors in the regions and the provision of documentation for the Regional Economic Commissions and FAO including contributions to The State of. Food and Agriculture and the medium-term food outlook. During the current biennium, increased attention had been given to agricultural development planning activities within the framework of the economic and social programmes of the respective regions.
478. The Conference noted that during the coming biennium the work of the joint divisions would focus increasingly on the regional and multinational planning aspects of agricultural development, especially in the context of the Second Development Decade and of follow-up action on the Provisional Indicative World Plan, and that the closer relations with regional offices would permit provision of needed technical as well as economic expertise.
479. The Conference approved the programme and the additional staff proposed for the joint divisions.
Conference and Council (Chapter I. A)
Office of the Director-General (Chapter I. B(i))
Policy Advisory Bureau (Chapter I. B(i))
FFHC - Office of the Coordinator (Chapter I. B(iii))
World Food Congress (Chapter I. B(iv))
Miscellaneous Expenditure (Chapter VIII)
Contingencies (Chapter IX)
Reserves (Chapter X)
Miscellaneous Income (Chapter XI)
Conference and Council (Chapter I. A)
480. The Conference noted the increased costs for Conference servicing staff, as well as increased provision for travel, general operating expenses and documents. It noted that the estimates were built on the assumption of two technical committees and included also the costs for Arabic and German language interpretation during the Conference and also at the Near East and European Regional Conferences respectively. The estimates included the provisions for Regional Conferences in the forthcoming biennium.
481. Organization of the Technical Committees of the Conference. The Conference recalled that at its Fourteenth Session, in Resolution 22/67, it had invited the Council "to study as quickly as possible, but in any event not later than the Fifty-First Session of the Council, by procedures it deems most appropriate, and in collaboration with the Director-General, such reforms as should be made in the organization of Conference sessions in order to permit the fullest examination of the basic problems on the agenda, the formulation of guidance to the Director-General and the adoption of a report fully reflecting the conclusions reached in the Conference's deliberations."
482. The Conference noted that the Programme Committee at its Fifteenth and Sixteenth Sessions and the Council at its Fifty-First Session had considered all aspects of the organization of Conference sessions with regard to the technical committees, and that the Council had approved on l trial basis the reduction of the number of technical committees to two. The first of these would be the Technical Committee on Field Programmes which would be concerned with a detailed examination of the field activities of the Organization, and the second would be the Technical Committee on Areas of Concentration which would be concerned with the five Areas of Concentration on a multi-disciplinary basis and with emphasis on the strategy for development.
483. The Council at its Fifty-First Session requested the Programme Committee in cooperation with the Director-General, to examine in greater detail at its forthcoming session how the two committees would operate.
484. The Council at its Fifty-Second Session considered the arrangements for the Fifteenth Session of the Conference and its technical committees, and it noted the recommendations of the Sixteenth Session of the Programme Committee on the need for an integrated consideration of the subject matter fields covered by the two technical committees. The Council at its Fifty-First Session had endorsed the suggestion with regard to Commission II that discussions should follow the agenda and not divisional lines, and that matters thoroughly debated in the technical committees should not be debated in Commission II at the expense of consideration of other aspects of the work of the Organization.
485. It was agreed that the basic documents for Commission II should be The Work of FAO, the Review of FAO's Field Programmes, the Draft Programme of Work and Budget, and a document setting out medium-term programme proposals.
486. The Conference agreed generally that the new arrangements represented a considerable improvement, and in particular that the Technical Committee on Field Programmes had been very satisfactory. It felt, however, that further improvements could still be made in the case of the Technical Committee on Areas of Concentration, in which discussion had often ranged over too wide a field. It was considered that the introductory material for this committee was of too general a nature to lead to detailed technical discussions. Some delegates considered that limiting the number of technical committees to two did not allow for adequate technical examination of the Programme of Work and Budget.
487. Despite the recommendations of the Fifty-First Session of the Council, the Conference felt that there was still some duplication between discussions in the technical committees and Commission II, while any delegate could, of course, ask to reopen any matter at the plenary of the Conference (although this was in fact not often done). There was a question, however, as to whether further improvement could be expected in this connexion. In fact the reports of the technical committees had served as the basic texts for the draft reports of Commission II on both field activities and the areas of concentration.
488. Some delegates felt that there was need for discussion of the technical details of the programmes of each technical department in depth. Some felt that this could be attained by the setting up of additional technical committees, and others felt that this might be achieved by working parties within the present technical committees. In this way it was hoped to combine an interdisciplinary and a multi-disciplinary approach. Most delegates felt, however, that the matter had to be referred to the Council for further consideration, that the experiment had been an improvement and that a general return to the old system would be most questionable.
489. Some delegates proposed that the sessions of the technical committees be held early enough to be taken into account in the preparation of the forthcoming Programme of Work and to enable results to be studied in their home countries before the Conference, so that the Conference delegations could be both smaller and better briefed.
490. The Conference considered that the experiment of having only two technical committees had been worthwhile, but that there was still much room for improvement in the machinery for the Conference's consideration in depth of technical details. The Conference recommended that the whole organization of technical committees within the biennial cycle, and the provision of technical advice to the Conference, should be reviewed by the Council, taking into account the experience at the Fifteenth Session of the Conference and the views expressed there. While deciding in principle that its Sixteenth Session should be preceded by technical committees on the lines of those at its current session, the Conference agreed to delegate the final decision on their number, form and timing to the Council.
491. Commission I of the Conference. Some delegates considered that the report of Commission I was too long and diffuse. In part this was because most of the Commission's discussions consisted of prepared speeches rather than actual debate, so that it was difficult to determine the extent of consensus or divergence of views on a particular matter.
492. The Conference therefore requested the Director-General and the Council to examine ways in which the discussions could be made more effective and the reporting of them more succinct.
493. Agenda of the Conference and Shortening of the Sessions. Several delegates stressed the need to review the structure of the Conference which constituted the supreme governing body of the Organization, and that consideration should be given as to whether improvements could not be made for more effective procedures in order to have a greater impact on FAO's policies and programmes The Conference suggested that the whole matter should be discussed thoroughly by the Programme Committee and the Council, including the organization of technical committees as suggested earlier. In this connexion, the Conference adopted the following resolution:
Agenda of the Conference and Shortening of the Sessions
The Conference
Realizing that protracted Conference sessions make difficult participation by those countries whose representatives are unable to remain in Rome for such a long period of time;
Considering that, in particular, the so-called ''General Discussion" is far from fulfilling its intended purpose as an exchange of ideas and opinions;
Bearing in mind that the principal objective of the Conference must be to provide guidance for the work of the Organization, and that there are other bodies in it to deal with the food and agricultural situation at the world, regional and country levels;
Considering that the Organization and its Member Nations can only benefit from any measure designed to improve the agenda of the Conference and to shorten its duration;
Requests the Council, after analysing the proceedings of the current session of the Conference, to consider the drawing up of an abridged agenda for the Conference, to enable it to deliberate more efficiently in a shorter period of time than at present.
(Adopted 27.XI.69)
494. The Conference was also informed that the United Nations Joint Inspection Unit had attended the Council session in June 1969 and had sent two inspectors to the present Conference. The report on their findings as to the efficiency of procedures in Conference and Council would also be taken into consideration.
495. Regional Conferences. The Conference also noted and agreed with the proposal that the regional conferences should take place in the first year following a regular session of the Conference and before the Council meets, so that their recommendations would be available to the Council.
Office of the Director-General (Chapter I. B(i))
496. The Conference noted that the immediate Office of the Director-General consisted of the Director-General, the Deputy Director-General, Internal Audit and Legal Counsel. It was proposed to establish 4 new posts in this Office on a permanent basis, a P-5 reports officer; a P-2 legal officer; a D-1 chef de cabinet and a P-3 assistant chef de cabinet the last two posts having already been established on a fixed-term basis with the approval of the Council. The principal change in the budget of the Office of the Director-General provided for the inclusion of a consultants fund of $654 250 which had formerly been allocated to the various user divisions, with certain exceptions. The Director-General expected that this new arrangement would allow him to exert central management and more efficient use of these funds, and that it would be possible not only to meet the basic needs of the divisions but also to engage in some small contracts with institutions and organizations to provide work of a consultative nature of particular interest to FAO, and in addition to provide for advisory missions and assistance to countries.
Policy Advisory Bureau (Chapter I. B(i))
497. The Conference noted that the Policy Advisory Bureau was established in 1968-69, in accordance with the recommendations of the Joint Report by the Director-General and the Ad Hoc Committee on Organization and approved by the Council. It would continue to guide the follow-up activities of the Indicative World Plan, act as adviser to the Director-General, consider and recommend strategies for FAO action and collaborate with other members of the United Nations family in joint planning, including that for the Second Development Decade. It also noted that the staff would include a director, two assistants for economics and general agriculture and three other senior officers who would devote themselves to work on particular regions and disciplines. The budget estimate for 1970-71 would decrease by $649 800 from $1 145 000 to $495 200
498. The Conference emphasized the need that policy formulation be conducted in close consultation with Member Nations, and that the establishment of the Policy Advisory Bureau should in no way lead to policy formulation in isolation from the Member Nations. It also recognized the need to include in the staff of the Policy Advisory Bureau expertise on rural institutions. The Conference was informed that the Policy Advisory Bureau was a consultative unit and had no operational or decision making tasks. The staff was accordingly kept relatively small. Every effort, however, would be made to see that one of the senior officers of the Policy Advisory Bureau was well versed in the subject of rural institutions. The Policy Advisory Bureau would conduct the policy formulation activities assigned to it in close consultation with Member Nations following guidelines of the Conference, the Council and the Programme Committee, as well as with the Development Department and the technical divisions of FAO. Some delegates raised reservations concerning the ability of the Bureau, in the form mentioned in the proposal, to formulate world-wide policies.
FFHC - Office of the Coordinator (Chapter I. B(iii))
499. The Conference noted that there were no significant changes for the forthcoming biennium. The minor adjustments proposed reflected changed programme emphasis to give more service to youth activities.
500. The Conference pointed out that efforts should be made to strengthen FFHC education and information, so as to provide direct assistance and more guidance to developing countries in the formulation of education programmes and preparation of information materials, and also ensure a better feed-back of information to developed countries and donor groups.
World Food Congress (Chapter I. B(iv))
501. The Conference noted that preparations for the Second World Food Congress were proceeding satisfactorily and that the response to the Director-General's request for pre-congress discussion of the programme had been encouraging. Several delegations expressed reservations about the Director-General's intention to restrict invitations to participants in their personal capacities.
Miscellaneous Expenditure (Chapter VIII)
502. The Conference was informed that this chapter covered the cost of the Staff Pension Committee, FAO's contributions to the United Nations and ILO and FAO's share in the costs of the United Nations Inspection Unit. It also included "Profit and Loss on Exchange."
503. The last item had been discussed in particular by the Finance Committee which had recommended that the increase of $35 000 originally proposed be eliminated and this had been agreed to by the Director-General.
504. The Conference was informed that an amount of $350 000 was included since 1962-63 in the budgetary proposals for each biennium to cover unforeseen expenditures, and in particular interagency activities initiated during the biennium. In the Director-General's view this fund was not available for items which could now be identified and which should be included in the general budgetary provision within which the item belonged.
505. The Conference noted that the amounts contained therein covered salary and wage adjustments and related common staff costs expected to become effective during the biennium. However, the forecast in respect of these increases had changed since the original preparation of the Programme of Work and Budget. Partly because of wage index adjustments which had become already effective and partly because of revised forecasts in respect of further such adjustments, the Reserve Chapter had been reduced to an amount of $496 000, which represented the residual amount of "full budgeting" recommended by the United Nations Ad Hoc Committee of Fourteen. This amount was intended to cover one professional post adjustment and one 5 percent wage index adjustment which were expected to become effective for nine months in 1971.
Miscellaneous Income (Chapter XI)
506. The Conference took note also of the estimates for miscellaneous income and was informed that the Finance Committee had increased the amount twice, first by $500 000 and recently by $100 000, so as to reach a total of $2 350 000. This amount was used as offsetting reduction against the Expenditure Budget thereby reducing the Assessment Budget to $63 880 000, to be covered by contributions of Member Nations and Associate Members.
507. The Conference approved the programme and budgetary proposals contained in the above sectors of the Organization.
L. Office of General Affairs and Information
Office of General Affairs and Information (excluding Publications Division)
Publications Division (including Publications Revolving Fund)
508. The Conference noted that, following the reorganization of FAO's structure, this office consisted of four divisions: Conference, Council and Protocol Affairs; Documentation, Legislation and Library; Information; Publications.
Office of General Affairs and Information (excluding Publications Division)
509. The Conference noted that the Conference, Council and Protocol Affairs Division provided part or all of the services required in connexion with the Conference and Council sessions, the technical committees of the Conference, the five regional conferences, the sessions of the Programme and Finance Committees, the sessions of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters, and also assisted in the scheduling and preparation of all technical meetings of the Organization. The introduction of Arabic as a limited working language, as well as of German, had increased its workload.
510. The Liaison and Protocol Branch was responsible for liaison with the embassies of member governments in Rome, with the permanent representatives to FAO and with the Italian authorities. Its workload had increased considerably during the last few years, reflecting the growth of the Organization itself. There were now 81 permanent representatives and their alternates, representing 68 countries.
511. With regard to the Information Division, the Conference welcomed the increasing emphasis being given to communications support for field projects and the broadening assistance being provided to Member Nations in strengthening their agricultural information services.
512. The Conference, while commending the work of the Information Division, requested that more attention be given to producing in-depth material for publication since many press releases were of "transitory" interest only.
513. The Conference recommended that special care should be taken in the distribution of press material to ensure that it was sent only to recipients who would make good use of it. This would also keep down the cost of postage.
514. The Conference urged that further consideration be given to the need to keep the staff members of the Organization adequately informed about its activities. It was however informed that, with this purpose in mind, steps had been taken to transfer the responsibility for House News from the Administration and Finance Department to the Information Division.
515. Finally, the Conference stressed the need to pay attention to public attitudes to development in the context of the Second Development Decade.
516. With regard to the Documentation, Legislation and Library Division the Conference indicated appreciation of the results achieved so far by the Documentation Centre and expressed full support for its objectives and activities. It emphasized the importance of documentary activities aimed at timely and selective dissemination of basic information and data necessary for agricultural development, particularly as regards research projects and research results.
517. For this purpose, FAO should not only take advantage of modern documentation methods and equipment, but keep abreast of the developments in the field of information storage and retrieval, in order to serve as a guide to member governments as regards agricultural documentation activities, at country or regional level, and provide the related technical assistance as required. The need to train users as to how best to utilize the documentary services was also underlined.
518. So far as legislation was concerned, several delegates suggested that the technical and economic divisions of the Organization strengthen their liaison with the Documentation, Legislation and Library Division so as to make fuller use of the services it could provide in this field.
519. The Conference expressed the view that it would be desirable also to aim at a further expansion and intensification in the dissemination of scientific and technical information in FAO's subject-matter fields available in the FAO Library to the world agricultural community, and to this end indicated that the most modern available means should be explored to achieve this.
520. The Conference approved the programme of work and budget proposed for Chapter III. A.
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