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United nations conference on trade and development
265. The Conference requested the Director-General to provide the fullest possible assistance in the preparation for, and follow-up action to, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, and especially in the aspects that relate to the deterioration of the terms of trade of commodities, particularly those which are means of economic and social development for developing countries. Measures should be taken to carry out a full study of these issues.
266. The Conference endorsed the action taken by the Director-General in strengthening the work on policy matters through the continuation during 1964-65 of the post of Director for Special Studies. The Conference recommended that the position be reviewed again at the next session of the Conference.
267. The Conference was impressed with the excellence and importance of the work done by the Director for Special Studies, especially in relation to the preparations for the impending United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. The Director should be able to call on the staff of the Department as a whole.
a) Commodity trade and development
b) Intergovernmental consultations
268. The Conference approved the work on commodities during 1962-63. Specialized commodity analysis was the basis for assessing the current economic position and the longer-range trade outlook, as well as for commodity policy decisions generally. The Conference welcomed the stress being placed on work on the most urgent problems facing international trade in agricultural commodities, and particularly on examining means of expanding the export earnings of developing countries. It emphasized that trade policies should be considered as instruments for economic development and should be assessed within a dynamic, rather than a static, economic framework.
269. Commodity studies were found useful by Member Governments in forming their national policies and development programs, and particular mention was made of reports prepared on coarse grains, dairy products, and rice, as well as the annual FAO commodity reviews and the special study on agricultural projections for 1970. Delegates expressed interest in strengthening the work on meat, cotton and jute in the forthcoming biennium. The Conference recommended that dispersal of effort over too broad a field should be avoided in order to maintain the high quality of the commodities work.
a) Commodity trade and development
270. The Conference generally endorsed the proposed strengthening of work on commodity policy and on long-term trend studies in the 1964-65 biennium. Both these lines of activity formed an essential part of FAO's work on economic development planning and international trade problems. The preparatory work for the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development included, amongst other papers, a comprehensive trade analysis that covered all commodities and examined ways of stimulating export earnings so as to establish a more favorable basis for accelerating economic growth. It was agreed that, since the broad nature of the problems was well known, the main task now was to assess concrete policy measures likely to lead to remedial action. The Conference requested the Director-General to give greater attention to the economic aspects of the growth of processing industries in the primary-producing countries, as well as to the economic interrelationships between competing commodities. Generally, the FAO studies should set forth in specific terms to the United Nations Conference the agricultural and food problems that arise from the economic and social structure of agriculture. The Conference requested the Director-General to give priority to this preparatory work, as well as to any follow-up action required.
271. It was appreciated that maintenance of the quality of the commodity trend studies partly depended on improvements in the basic economic data, especially in developing countries. The Conference, therefore, welcomed proposals to hold further regional meetings on projections and requested the Director-General to give greater assistance to developing countries in the formulation of their commodity projections as an aid to the preparation of their plans for agricultural development. In this connection, attention was drawn to the desirability of establishing regional posts in the commodities field.
b) Intergovernmental consultations
272. Agreeing that FAO should exercise in full its responsibilities in the examination of international stabilization issues, the Conference commended the increasing assistance given to, and participation in, commodity conferences held by other intergovernmental bodies. It noted with satisfaction that the Committee on Commodity Problems (CCP) and its study groups were now dealing with the more fundamental commodity policy problems including the consideration of international arrangements applicable to certain commodities. The Conference recognized that CCP was fully alive to the need to avoid proliferation of study groups, and was applying the criteria which it had laid down for the establishment and termination of such groups.
273. The Conference expressed satisfaction with the quality of the work of the Economic Analysis Division, and commended it for adapting its program of work to keep pace with the needs of the times. This was evident in the increasing orientation of the work toward agricultural development and planning, which had now penetrated the life of the developing countries, and in the increasing activities in marketing. The greater provision of training facilities in these fields was welcomed.
274. The growing operational responsibilities of the Division was in accord with the needs of the developing countries. However, it was necessary to maintain a balance between field programs and analytical work and basic studies. Without this the effectiveness of the field work and also the general usefulness of the Division's activities to member countries would be impaired. The country surveys and studies that had been carried out, e.g. the study of Japanese agriculture, were of considerable value in indicating measures for agricultural development which had proved successful.
275. The Conference welcomed the increasing orientation of The state of food and agriculture toward agricultural development. The continuing high quality of this publication was noted: the special chapters had provided much useful information of particular help to both developed and developing countries.
276. The Conference endorsed the continuing high priority accorded to work on agricultural development and planning in 1964-65. The increased training activities proposed were welcomed. Still closer collaboration should be developed with the planning institutes being set up by the United Nations regional economic commissions. Several delegations expressed support for the recommendation of the World Food Congress for a permanent institute for agricultural development, and for specialized regional agricultural development institutes, as proposed by the FAO Regional Conference for the Near East. Emphasis was laid on the growing need of developing countries for direct consultation and expert advice on their particular planning problems. Further studies were also needed to explore more fully the place and problems of agriculture in general economic development, and the strategic factors of development within agriculture itself.
277. The Conference adopted the following resolution:
National production boards as instruments of joint planning by the public and private sectors
Considering that it is advisable to make use of the experience gained in various countries to improve economic and social planning systems,
Considering that in most countries the private sector must shoulder most of the task of implementing economic and social development plans, since it is incumbent upon that sector to achieve the production targets proper to its own sphere of activity,
Considering that the collaboration of the private sector through consultations and advice is of paramount importance to national planning,
Considering that the participation of the private sector in such planning is necessary in ensuring that such planning takes due account of the realities of the situation, and that timely attention is paid to problems as they arise, as well as in arousing a sense of responsibility in this sector in attaining the said objective,
Considering that after consideration of the experience with such boards gained by various Latin-American countries, a recommendation to this effect was approved at the Seventh FAO Regional Conference for Latin America, and
Considering that this system can be adopted by other countries throughout the world, especially those which do not have good statistical services and need to improve their economic and social development planning,
Recommends that Member Governments set up permanent consultation machinery, as part of their own planning arrangements, in the form of production boards composed, in a manner similar to national commissions, of representatives of the public and private sectors to advise on their specific spheres of production.
(Adopted 5/12/63)
278. Many delegations favored follow-up work on the Mediterranean Development Project and the Africa Survey. (These are considered more fully later in the Report.) With regard to the first-mentioned, the planned meeting at Nīmes in 1964 was on the whole approved. As regards Africa, several delegations emphasized that the Survey should be followed up by preinvestment surveys along the same lines as those undertaken pursuant to the Mediterranean Development Project. Many delegations expressed approval for the proposal in the program of work that a specialized section on African problems be established within the Regional Analysis Branch.
279. The Conference attached considerable importance to the increased work on marketing proposed, particularly increased training activities and to additional work in reducing costs and losses in storage and marketing. It was recommended that attention be given to the incidence of transportation costs, and to the role of marketing in improving prices to farmers in developing countries and thus giving incentives to needed increases in production. There was a need for more permanent marketing institutes, such as that already established for Latin America, equipped to undertake practical training and research programs. The Conference recognized that the increased consumption of protein foods, badly needed in developing countries, could not be obtained without considerable improvements in their marketing systems, and endorsed additional work on this subject.
280. The importance of adequate finance for agricultural credit and development was stressed by the Conference. It emphasized the importance of close collaboration with the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development in implementing its recently announced policy of extending credit for agricultural development on a considerably increased scale. The Conference also expressed appreciation for the Division's work on agricultural price policies. It noted with approval that a review of developments during the preceding five years had been requested by CCP
281. The Conference requested the Director-General:
1. to continue to give high priority to work on agricultural development and planning, and to marketing;
2. to organize further training centers in development and planning in marketing, and in financing of agricultural credit, the latter activity in co-operation with the Rural Institutions and Services Division;
3. to aid in the establishment of permanent marketing institutes on a regional or national basis where appropriate;
4. to explore further the proposal of the World Food Congress to establish a permanent institute for agricultural development; the proposal of the FAO Regional Conference for an agricultural development institute in the Near East; as well as possible means of strengthening further the work of the United Nations regional development institutes in the agricultural sector.
Rural institutions and services
a) Co-operatives, credit and rural sociology
b) Agricultural education and extension
c) Organization of agricultural services
d) Land tenure and settlement
282. The Conference expressed satisfaction with the work of the Rural Institutions and Services Division during 1962-63 and recognized that there had been an increase in responsibilities and work output. Particular emphasis was placed on the value of, and need for, work in co-operatives and credit, agricultural education, research and development organization, and land-tenure problems. The proposed program of work for 1964-65 was therefore, approved, and it was agreed that strengthening of the Division and augmentation of staff was needed to carry it out successfully.
283. The Conference approved the proposal to form a four-man team with competence in land tenure and rural sociology, agricultural education and extension, co-operatives and credit, and the organization of agricultural services including agricultural research.
284. The Conference adopted the following resolution:
Organizational and institutional barriers to agricultural development
Aware that weaknesses in organization, essential services and the rigidity of the social pattern and institutional structure are now generally recognized to constitute the main obstacle in implementing agricultural development plans, and constitute a major impediment in their preparation, thereby limiting the benefits to be obtained from planning and advances made in science and technology,
Considering the absence in many countries of the machinery necessary for the mobilization and coordination of all available human, financial and material resources, which is indispensable if the objectives and targets of social and economic development plans are to be realized,
Recognizing the need for research to be orientated to developmental requirements for institutional, social and administrative reform, for expansion and improvement of agricultural education and extension for the transmission of knowledge to the farmers, for the development of co-operatives, farmers associations and rural welfare activities and the creation of adequate credit facilities, and for the settlement of rural people and the reform of defective tenure systems,
Requests the Director-General to help member countries to make a concerted effort on a broad but carefully integrated basis to overcome the organizational, social and institutional barriers to the implementation of their agricultural development plans and projects, paying special attention to the possibilities of developing co-operative organizations for production, marketing and credit and channelling national and international funds for agricultural development through such organizations.
(Adopted 5/12/63)
285. The Conference endorsed the Division's work in coordinating activities within its field of competence internally, between the Organization and its sister agencies, and between it and other governmental and nongovernmental bodies. It also stressed the need to strengthen co-ordination with other international agencies in the apportionment of responsibility in such fields as agricultural education and co-operation. This was in accordance with the agreements reached with Unesco and the International Labour Organisation in 1960 and 1961.
286. The Conference commended in particular the work done in association with the United Nations Children's Fund, World Health Organization, and other units within FAO in formulating a program for the provision of teaching aids and textbooks related to the particular environments of developing countries, for which there was an increasing need.
a) Co-operatives, credit and rural sociology
287. Further efforts were necessary in the field of cooperatives and other voluntary forms of association. The projects for the improvement of cooperative management techniques were welcomed and it was suggested that further training centers on this subject might be planned. It was considered that the proposed Glossary of Co-operative Terms would be of value to Member Governments. For it to assume the responsibility in this important field of the work of FAO, it was felt necessary that the co-operative staff at Headquarters should be strengthened by further increasing the number of posts in the Section. The Director-General was authorized, subject to the availability of funds, to add an additional post for 1964-65.
288. The Conference appreciated the emphasis placed on programs integrating agricultural credit with other services, such as agricultural extension, farm supply, marketing, adequate agrarian structure, and home economics, and supported the establishment of pilot projects of this type in each developing region. It hoped that training facilities in agricultural credit would be reinforced and intensified at international, regional and national levels. Systems of supervised credit were of value in accelerating the rate of progress of a developing agriculture.
289. The Conference welcomed the progress made in rural sociology and supported the proposal for a panel of experts to assist in broadening the scope of action in this field.
b) Agricultural education and extension
290. The Conference requested that priority be given to agricultural education and training at all levels, with emphasis on the needs of the local trainers responsible for instructing the field personnel who would be dealing with the farmers.
291. The Conference appreciated the preparatory work undertaken in the planning of agricultural education in Latin America and recommended that similar activities be undertaken in other regions. The urgent need to carry out studies of existing systems and future requirements in order to promote sound planning of the agricultural education systems required by the developing countries was recognized. The strongest emphasis should be on national and local training of the personnel needed for agricultural development, in both the official and the private sectors, particularly at the intermediate level.
292. There was a need for assistance to Member Governments in the preparation of their requests to the United Nations Special Fund, particularly in the field of agricultural education, and it was suggested that some priority should be given to this task.
293. The Conference recognized that co-ordination of this work within FAO was specially necessary and the establishment of the Interdivisional Working Group in Agricultural Education and Training was approved.
294. The Conference adopted the following resolution:
Strengthening and co-ordinating food and agricultural educational and training activities
Emphasizing the basic importance of agricultural education and training to progress in developing countries, the economies of which are based primarily on agriculture, and
Recognizing that the rendering of sound advice on the development of agricultural education and training facilities requires a co-ordinated effort in all specialized technical, economic and statistical subject matter areas,
Commends the Director-General on the establishment of machinery to render advice in all these competences to Member Governments;
Further recognizing the need to expand and strengthen general education at primary and secondary levels in rural areas and also to improve basic sciences programs at the university level,
Notes with appreciation the activities undertaken by Unesco in these fields which are essential to the work undertaken by FAO;
Recognizing also the importance of manpower surveys in the planning of agricultural education and training and the necessity for complementing agricultural with nonagricultural training in rural areas,
Expresses appreciation to the International Labour Organisation (ILO) for its contribution in those fields;
Expressing satisfaction with the emphasis given by the Director-General to education and training in all food and agricultural sectors,
Requests the Director-General to:
1. accord high priority to FAO's assistance to Member Governments in conducting studies, preparing plans aiding the establishment of education and training institutions in all fields of food and agriculture commensurate with local resources and needs, including attention to the requirements of social and economic development planning for adequate technical and administrative machinery and reliable food and agricultural statistics;
2. continue, within the United Nations system, to exercise initiative and primary responsibility for education and training in food and agriculture;
3. continue to co-operate with other agencies and programs; and in respect of Unesco and ILO, to intensify efforts for better co-operation and coordination in agricultural education and training, as specified in the agreement concluded between the three agencies in 1960-61.
(Adopted 5/12/63)
295. Through its Regular Program and technical assistance programs, FAO should devote attention to helping countries to organize national centers on subjects of local importance for the training of the urgently needed extension personnel.
296. The results of the agricultural extension meeting held in Tehran in 1958 were appreciated. The Conference, therefore, suggested that another meeting should be organized for the Near East in the ensuing biennium, as well as a similar meeting for Latin America, both with Expanded Program of Technical Assistance support.
297. The Conference requested that the Organization should help countries to improve the coordination of rural development programs, and the work in extension and agricultural education, which were often being carried out as independent, uncoordinated activities at field level by different government departments.
298. It was recommended that farmers' leaders be trained for active participation in the organization and application of extension programs, utilizing and adapting the experience of countries where this approach has been successfully tried.
299. The Conference adopted the following resolution:
Use of farmer leaders as assistants in agricultural extension
Convinced of the need to strengthen agricultural extension work conducted by government agencies in order to develop agriculture effectively,
Noting that the Seventh FAO Regional Conference for Latin America was informed by several countries of that region of their experience with farmer leaders helping and supplementing the efforts of professional extension workers,
Considering that this system makes possible a wider impact of extension work in those countries where the technical staff is inadequate to meet the needs of a significant portion of the rural population,
Aware that the great receptivity of farmers to guidance which they receive from their local leaders has been demonstrated,
Being convinced that similar experiments can be tried in other countries of the world if adapted to conditions there,
Recommends that Member Governments avail themselves of the experience of countries where such an arrangement has already been tried with success, and incorporate their farmer leaders as assistants in agricultural extension work, after intensive practical training taking into account the natural conditions of each region.
(Adopted 4/12/63)
c) Organization of agricultural services
300. The Conference firmly supported the work on the organization of research and development and expressed satisfaction with its scope. It was noted that the number of requests from Member Governments for consultations and direct assistance in problems of research and development organization had exceeded anticipation and the success resulting from the assistance provided was commended.
301. Unless more attention was given to organization and administration, development planning could have but limited benefits. The Conference endorsed the conclusion of the World Food Congress that many development plans remain unrealized because of sufficient regard for the practical problems of their implementation. The view was expressed that, whenever possible, senior posts in ministries of agriculture should be occupied by officers with technical qualifications. Training in administration should be given to technical staff when they reached the point in their careers at which they must assume administrative responsibilities.
302. The Conference expressed strong interest in the comparative studies on systems of organization for agricultural development and research which were being carried out. It was suggested that investigations should be directed toward the type of organization most appropriate to the different regions.
303. The Conference recognized the need for African countries to receive assistance in improving the organization of their agricultural research and development services, and supported the proposed post for an officer to be stationed in Africa for this work. The possibilities of co-ordinating regional research programs should be investigated.
304. The Conference approved the special emphasis to be given in the ensuing biennium to the African region, which was at the initial stage of structural improvement policies when land tenure was of vital importance for development.
305. ECOSOC Resolution 887 (XXXIV) conferred the major responsibility for land reform on FAO and work had been started in close co-operation with the United Nations and the International Labour Organisation on the preparation of the fourth report on progress in land reform to be submitted to ECOSOC. The employment of a consultant in 1964 for the drafting of this report was approved.
306. The Conference welcomed the forthcoming land policy center in Sierra Leone, and it hoped that there would be sufficient support for a training center for the Near East region under the Expanded Program of Technical Assistance. It suggested that in organizing such a center, attention should be paid to new settlement areas. The offer of the Director-General to hold a national seminar on agrarian reform in Iran was welcomed.
307. The Conference examined with interest the resolutions regarding agrarian reform adopted by the Seventh Regional Conference for Latin America and noted with approval the progress that had been made and the interesting experiences of some countries. The Conference adopted the following resolution:
Integrated land reform
Considering that all land reform requires joint action by the government of the particular country and the public and private institutions concerned with agriculture,
Recognizing the right of every tiller of the soil to acquire the land he works on,
Considering that this implies a right to expect from the community', and chiefly its legal embodiment the State, all means necessary for farming such land,
Recognizing the further right of every farmer to obtain credit, which is sufficient, timely and appropriate for sound farming,
Considering further that the right to technical assistance is equally fundamental, since technological advances which make high yields possible are beyond the reach of most farmers' unaided resources,
Convinced that particular attention must be given to the question of assured markets and also of equitable prices not only in respect of what the farmer sells but also as regards what he buys, and
Noting that the concept of land reform was accepted by the Sixth and Seventh FAO Regional Conferences for Latin America,
Recommends that governments of countries which have not yet done so should give thought to incorporating in their political and social structures and fundamental legal institutions a system of integrated land reform, which, while recognizing the right of the tiller of the soil to acquire or obtain ownership title to the land he works, acknowledges as equally fundamental the right both to adequate and timely credit at low rates of interest, to technical assistance, social welfare, and assured markets, so that the land may come to constitute not only the foundation of his economic stability, but also the chief means of the gradual betterment of his position in the community, as well as the guarantee of a decent, independent life for himself and his family.
(Adopted 5/1 2/63)
308. The Conference noted that a national institute for training and research in agrarian reform would be inaugurated in Chile in the spring of 1964. It also noted the efforts being made to establish a similar national institute in Cairo and the possibility of a like development in the Far East.
309. The Conference adopted the following resolution:
Latin-American Agrarian Reform Research and Training Institute
Recalling that the governments of Latin-American countries at the Seventh Regional Conference for Latin America adopted three recommendations emphasizing the need to proceed with the various recommendations or resolutions on land reform adopted over five years ago at specialized meetings and regional conferences and by the Conference of FAO,
Noting that one of these resolutions recommended the setting up of a regional institute for research and training in land reform,
Noting further that such institute has still not yet been set up,
Conscious of the fact that a number of Latin-American governments are implementing or propose shortly to introduce land-reform programs which may be seriously jeopardized by the lack of appropriate information and trained technical staff,
Appreciating the efforts of the international organizations in organizing courses and seminars to improve research and training in land reform, and also to assist governments in creating research and training institutes in this field, and
Convinced of the need for co-ordination of effort and avoiding unnecessary expenditure,
Recommends the Director-General to take steps to assist with the creation of the Latin-American Agrarian Reform Research and Training Institute; and
1. that, in pursuance of resolutions adopted at earlier meetings, the Governments of Latin-American Member Nations give thought to the possibility of supporting such a regional institute with funds and personnel, so that it may become a reality, and
2. that its headquarters be established preferably in a country where an integrated land-reform program is under way, so that the government of that country may enter forthwith into negotiations with the governments whose adhesion is needed for the creation of the institute, and draft a specific program of work for it.
(Adopted 5/12/63)
310. The Conference appreciated the satisfactory collaboration with the Legislation Research Branch. A compilation of annotated laws relative to agrarian structure would be published in the series on Land reform, land settlement and co-operatives. This was noted with satisfaction by the Conference, which recommended continuation of the series and its further development on a twice-yearly basis. The collaboration might also include studies on taxation affecting land-use practices and land distribution.
311. The Conference adopted the following resolution:
Agrarian law
Realizing that for successful land reform the presence of experts in that and all related fields is essential,
Considering that jurisprudence is basic to land reform which involves the transformation of political and social structures and affects, changes or supplements existing legal institutions,
Considering further that the complex legal problems entailed by integral land reform necessitate the participation of experts in agrarian law, and
Noting that the Fifth and Sixth FAO Regional Conferences for Latin America recommended the participation of experts in agrarian law,
Suggests that Member Governments request the Director-General to include experts in agrarian law in all FAO technical assistance programs of agricultural development and land reform;
Recommends that the Governments of Member Nations and the Director-General take steps to include agrarian law in the basic curricula of national or regional institutes or seminars on land reform since a knowledge of that subject is essential in dealing with the complex legal problems involved in the implementation of integral land reform.
(Adopted 5/12/63)
312. The Conference welcomed the proposed technical meetings on methods of evolution of agrarian structure in Asia and the Far East, as such methods were of great interest to Asian countries that were well advanced in the implementation of programs of land reform.
313. It would be of value to undertake a study on the special problems presented by the consolidation of irrigated agricultural land or lands soon to be irrigated, with reference also to the question of water rights and their reform, as proposed by the Fifth Session of the Working Party on Consolidation of Holdings (now the Working Party on Agrarian Structure).
314. The Conference approved the proposed establishment of a panel of experts to advise the Organization on alternative land-tenure systems with a view to overcoming the disadvantages of the small operational units likely to result from land reform.
315. The Conference welcomed the close co-operation with the World Food Program in the preparation and supervision of the settlement projects developing under that Program.
316. The Conference suggested that, in accordance with the recommendations of the United Nations Conference on the Application of Science and Technology for the Benefit of the Less Developed Areas, the Director-General should consider taking the necessary preliminary steps to organize a second world land tenure conference to follow up the first such conference which was held in Madison, Wisconsin in 1951. This second conference should particularly emphasize the progress achieved in the implementation of agrarian reform programs.
317. The Conference adopted the following resolution:
Strengthening the activities carried out in the interest of indigenous populations with respect to land tenure arrangements and new settlement areas
Noting that FAO, in accordance with Resolution 887 (XXXIV) of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations has the major responsibility for assistance in the work of land reform and has taken the initiative in co-ordinating international efforts in this field,
Expressing satisfaction with the attention given by the Director-General to activities in the field of land reform,
Recognizing particularly the importance of the specific land tenure and socio-economic problems of tribal, nomadic, and seminomadic groups, and
Considering that guidance is urgently needed in order to help these groups to adapt themselves to settled agriculture and social life, and to modernized tenure system,
Requests the Director-General:
1. to give high priority to a continued expansion and strengthening of FAO's assistance to Member Governments in their efforts to modernize traditional tenure systems including grazing rights, leading to integration of tribal, nomadic and seminomadic groups in the economic and social development of their countries;
2. to strengthen training and research in these fields by the organization of ad hoc regional and country centers; and
3. to continue to exercise initiative and primary responsibility in this field and to co-operate with other international agencies, particularly with the United Nations and the International Labour Organisation.
(Adopted 5/12/63)
a) Regional activities
b) Freedom from hunger campaign
c) Statistics advisory committee
d) Publications
e) Crop responses to fertilizers
f) Agricultural sector accounts and productivity statistics
g) 1970 world census
h) Food consumption statistics
i) Methodology
j) Training
318. The Conference noted the role of the Statistics Division in providing information to member countries and the Organization itself and in promoting the development of statistics in the developing countries.
319. The intensification of the work in 1962-63 in response to the recommendations of the Eleventh Session of the Conference was noted, but it was recognized that it would have to be further intensified in the 1964-65 biennium, so that FAO could play its full part in assisting countries in their development planning.
320. The Conference approved the program of work as presented. While no major shifts of emphasis were considered to be necessary in the future, the Conference looked forward to a gradual change in the balance of the Division's work through the intensification of its regional and other more practical activities.
321. The Conference approved the proposed appointment in 1964-65 of additional statisticians to the African and Latin-American regions and of a biometrician to serve both Africa and the Near East, subject to the availability of funds. It was recognized, however, that a single biometrician could not adequately meet the needs of both these regions and the Director-General was requested to look into the possibility of establishing a second pest in 1966-67.
322. Concern was expressed at the inadequacy of the resources devoted to the development of agricultural statistics in the Asia and the Far East region. The Conference felt strongly that the staff in this region should be strengthened by the addition of a statistician and a biometrician and requested the Director-General to give this matter high priority in 1966-67.
323. The Conference was pleased to note the reports of the African and Near East Commissions on Agricultural Statistics and the progress they had made. Continuity in their work was important and the Conference approved the establishment of an executive committee to serve the Near East Commission, which, it was noted, would involve a small additional travel allocation. The Conference welcomed the proposal to establish joint machinery with the Inter-American Statistical Institute to stimulate development of agricultural statistics in Latin America. It was noted with concern, however, that no machinery for co-ordination and development of agricultural statistics had been proposed for the Asia and the Far East region. The Conference approved the establishment of a Regional Commission on Agricultural Statistics for the Asia and the Far East region as soon as possible in the 1964-65 biennium, it being noted that this would not involve additional costs in the forthcoming biennium.
b) Freedom from hunger campaign
324. The reorientation of the work to meet the needs of the Freedom from Hunger Campaign and the work carried out for the Third World Food Survey were noted. The Conference considered that the responsibilities to be undertaken in connection with the United Nations Population Conference in 1965 represented a logical development of the work of the Division in this sector of its activities.
c) Statistics advisory committee
325. It was noted that, following the recommendations of the Tenth and Eleventh Sessions of the Conference, the Statistics Advisory Committee had been established. The Conference noted with satisfaction the report of the Committee's first session and the contribution being made by its members, acting in their individual capacities, to the development of agricultural statistics.
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