A. Appointment of chairman, vice-chairmen,
general committee and credentials committee
Agenda of the session
Arrangements for the session
D. Appointment of chairmen and vice-chairmen
of commissions
General discussion
Drafting committee
G. Election of the members and appointment of
the independent chairman of the council
Verification of credentials
Admission of observers
A. Appointment of chairman, vice-chairmen, general committee and credentials committee
1. The Council and the Nominations Committee elected by the Council recommended and the Conference approved the following appointments:
Chairman of the Conference
Mr. Georges Hraoui (Lebanon)
Vice-Chairmen of the Conference
Mr. Orlando Sandoval (Chile)
Lt. Gen. K. M. Sheikh (Pakistan)
Mr. Jacques Kuoh Moukouri (Cameroun)
Members of the General Committee
Australia | India |
Brazil | United Arab Republic |
France | United Kingdom |
United States of America |
Members of the Credentials Committee
Argentina | Finland |
Austria | Ghana |
Canada | Iran |
Ceylon | Morocco |
Venezuela |
2. The Conference adopted the provisional agenda circulated by the Director-General in June 1961 (C 61/1 FIRST DRAFT) subject to the following amendments:
and subitem 9 (XV) to read:
Regional activities including:
(b) the addition under item 14 (b) of a second heading, Establishment of a Regional Fisheries Advisory Commission for the Southwest Atlantic, and
(c) the addition under item 15 of a further subitem, (i) Biennal budgeting.
The agenda as adopted is set out in Appendix A to this report.
C. Arrangements for the session
3. The Conference adopted the Council's proposals in C 61/2 concerning the plans for the session.
It established:
(ii) a Commission on the Current and Prospective Activities of the Organization (Commission II), to consider and report on the items in Part II of the agenda, and
(iii) a Commission on Constitutional, Legal and Administrative Matters (Commission III) to take up all the constitutional, financial and administrative questions in Part III of the agenda.
D. Appointment of chairmen and vice-chairmen of commissions
4. The Conference considered the nominations put forward by the Council in conformity with Rule VII of the General Rules of the Organization and appointed:
Mr. Michel Cépède (France) | Chairman of Commission I |
Dr. S. C. Barry (Canada) | Chairman of Commission II |
H. E. German Arciniegas (Colombia) | Chairman of Commission III |
The Conference further took into consideration the proposals of
the General Committee in accordance with Rule XIII of the General
Rules of the Organization and appointed:
Mr. James V. Moroney (Australia) and Mr. Jacob C. Obande (Nigeria) | Vice-Chairmen of Commission I |
Mr. Jesus Patiño Navarrete (Mexico) and Mr. F. L. A. Maandag (Netherlands) | Vice-Chairmen of Commission II |
H. E. Roberto Regala (Philippines) and Mr. John Cambiotis (Greece) | Vice-Chairmen of Commission III. |
5. In the light of the Council's suggestions in C 61/2 and having regard to Rule XII.19 of the General Rules of the Organization concerning the time allowed to speakers, the Conference:
(b) recommended to the Heads of delegations that they accept a time-limit of 20 minutes as the maximum duration of any statement, so as to ensure a satisfactory allocation of the time allotted to the general discussion (6 to 9 November, inclusive).
6. In accordance with the practice adopted at recent sessions of the Conference and bearing in mind the Council's proposals regarding the preparation of the report of the session, the Conference decided (a) that each Commission should appoint either a rapporteur or a drafting subcommittee for the preparation of its report and (b) appointed such rapporteurs or the chairmen of such subcommittees as members of a drafting committee on resolutions responsible for examining draft resolutions before they are submitted to the Conference for final approval.
G. Election of the members and appointment of the independent chairman of the council
7. Having regard to Rule XXII.10 of the General Rules of the Organization, which lays down the procedure for filling vacant scats on the Council, the Conference decided that the Council elections would take place on 22 November and that 18.00 hours on Wednesday, 15 November, would be the deadline for submitting to the Secretary-General of the Conference the nominations for Council seats to be filled at this session. The Conference also decided that the appointment of the Independent Chairman of the Council should take place on Wednesday, 22 November.
8. The Conference requested Commission III to give top priority to item 14 (a) (i), " Increase in Number of Council Seats" and to submit its report thereon not later than Friday, 10 November.
H. Verification of credentials
9. On the report of the Credentials Committee, the Conference found the credentials of the 101 delegations of Member Nations and Associate Members attending the session to be in order, including those of the delegations of the newly-admitted Member Nations and Associate Members.
10. The credentials of the delegation of the Holy See, Permanent Observer to FAO, was found satisfactory.
11. The names of the representatives of 41 participating international organizations, including the United Nations and specialized agencies, were duly deposited as prescribed by Rule 111.2 of the General Rules of the Organization.
12. The Conference approved the list of international organizations to which the Director-General had extended a provisional invitation to send observers to this session and invited the representatives of such organizations to participate in the activities of the Conference in the capacity of observers.