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Convention on the privileges and immunities of the specialized agencies
483. The Conference noted that as at the opening date of its Eleventh Session, out of 82 Member Nations and 6 Associate Members of the Organization, only 29 had acceded to the Convention on the privileges and immunities of the specialized agencies. In this connection, the Conference wished to remind Member Nations and Associate Members that the General Assembly of the United Nations, in Resolution 179 (II) adopted on 21 November 1947 " recognized as necessary that the specialized agencies enjoy, at the earliest possible date, the privileges and immunities essential for an efficient exercise of their respective functions," and that the Fourth Session of the Conference of the Organization in 1948 accepted the Convention and invited Member Governments of the Organization to accede thereto.
484. Furthermore, the Special Session of the Conference in 1950 noted that only a small number of Member Nations had acceded to the Convention, adopted a resolution drawing the attention of Member Nations to the previous resolution, and requested Member Nations to accede to the Convention as soon as possible.
485. The Conference again wishes to urge Member Nations and Associate Members that have not yet acceded to the Convention to take early steps to do so.
J. Procedure for approval of amendments to basic texts
486. The Conference discussed the procedure that should be followed prior to the approval by the Council or the Conference of amendments made by bodies established under Article XIV of the Constitution to their basic instruments. The Conference suggested that in order to facilitate the task of the Council or the Conference, the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters (CCLM), as the specialized body in this field, be given the opportunity to consider the amendments adopted by the bodies referred to above, and to submit in good time its views on these amendments to the Council or the Conference as appropriate.
487. The Conference noted in this connection that the terms of reference of CCLM included the formulation of multilateral conventions and agreements concluded under Article XIV of the Constitution and the consideration of any problems relating to these conventions and agreements. Furthermore, under Rule XXX.3 of the General Rules of the Organization as amended by the Eleventh Session of the Conference, CCLM can now hold sessions to consider specific matters referred to it by the Director-General, which provision would facilitate the application of the procedure advocated by the Conference.
K. Approval of statutes (including rules of procedure) of article VI bodies
Asia-Pacific forestry commission
Joint EFC/NEFC/AFC subcommission on Mediterranean forestry problems
Latin-American forestry commission
European forestry commission
African forestry commission
North American forestry commission
International chestnut commission
FAO advisory committee on pulp and paper
488. The Conference had before it Documents C 61/31 and C 61/31-Add. I submitted by the Director-General.
489. The Conference was happy to note that the European Commission on Agriculture, the European Forestry Commission, the loins EFC/NEFC/AFC Subcommission on Mediterranean Forestry Problems and the Latin-American Forestry Commission had incorporated into their Rules of Procedure the amendments that the Tenth Session of the Conference, by Resolution No 63/59, had requested them to adopt.
Asia-Pacific forestry commission
490. The Asia-Pacific Forestry Commission at its Fifth Session held in New Delhi in February 1960 amended its Rules of Procedure to bring them into line with the principles adopted by the Ninth Session of the Conference in 1957. These Rules of Procedure were approved by the Director-General.
491. The Eleventh Session of the Conference hereby confirms these Rules of Procedure, the text of which is attached to Document C 61/31 as Appendix A.
Joint EFC/NEFC/AFC subcommission on Mediterranean forestry problems
Latin-American forestry commission
492. The Conference hereby decides to amend paragraph 2 of the Statutes of the Joint Subcommission on Mediterranean Forestry Problems by the addition of the word " African " in the following sentence:
493. The Conference also hereby confirms the amendment which the Subcommission at its Seventh Session (Lisbon, May 1960) made to Rule I of its Rules of Procedure by the addition of the word "African" in the following sentence:
494. The Conference further confirms the amendments to Rule I "Officers", Rule III (new) "Executive Committee" and Rule [IX] X "Expenses" which the Joint Subcommission on Mediterranean Forestry Problems, the Latin-American Forestry Commission and the European Forestry Commission adopted at the sessions they held respectively in Lisbon (May 1960 - Seventh Session), Mexico City (August 1960 - Seventh Session) and Rome (May 1961 - Eleventh Session), which amendments are given in paragraphs 11, 12 and 13 of Document C 61/31.
495. However, confirmation by the Conference of the amendment to Rule X.1 of the Rules of Procedure of the Joint Subcommission on Mediterranean Forestry Problems and of the European Forestry Commission is made subject to the subsequent adoption by each of these Commissions of the appropriate modification to Rule X.1 given in paragraph 15 of Document C 61/31.
496. The African Forestry Commission which was established by the Tenth Session of the Conference (Resolution No. 26/59), adopted Rules of Procedure at its First Session held in Ibadan, Nigeria, in November 1960.
497. The Conference hereby confirms these Rules of Procedure which are attached to Document C 61/31 as Appendix B and which had previously been approved by the Director-General of the Organization.
North American forestry commission
498. The North American Forestry Commission, which was established by the Tenth Session of the Conference (Resolution No. 27/59), adopted Rules of Procedure at its First Session held in Mexico City in July 1961.
499. The Conference hereby confirms these Rules of Procedure which are attached as an annex to Document C 61/31-Add. 1,95 and which had been previously approved by the Director-General of the Organization.
International chestnut commission
500. The Tenth Session of the Conference, by Resolution No. 60/59, placed the International Chestnut Commission within the framework of the Organization under Article VI of the FAO Constitution.
Working Party on Chestnut of the European Forestry Commission
Noting that since the establishment of the International Chestnut Commission within the framework of the Organization only five European Member Nations had, in conformity with the statutes of the Commission, notified the Director-General of their desire to be considered as members of the Commission,
Considering that in the circumstances the work of the Commission could he satisfactorily carried out by a Working Party on Chestnut of the European Forestry Commission, and
Noting further the action taken by the European Forestry Commission to set up a Working Party on
Chestnut which would become operative only with the abolition of the International Chestnut Commission,
Decides to abolish the International Chestnut Commission;
Endorses the establishment of the Working Party on Chestnut of the European Forestry Commission, with the terms of reference outlined by EFC;
Draws the attention of non-European Member Nations and of Associate Members interested in the activities of the Working Party on Chestnut to the fact that they can be represented at its sessions in an observer capacity in accordance with the principles governing the granting of observer status to nations.
FAO advisory committee on pulp and paper
501. The Conference noted with satisfaction the action taken by the Director-General in establishing an Advisory Committee on Pulp and Paper in pursuance of Resolution No. 30/59 of the Tenth Session of the Conference and concurred with the subsequent action of the Director-General in redefining the Statutes of that Committee as indicated in paragraph 26 of Document C 61/31. 36
L. Relations with international organizations and granting of consultative status
502. The Conference took note of the Director-General's biennial report on the progress of working relations with international governmental and nongovernmental organizations (other than United Nations organizations). It was gratified to note that these working relations were developing satisfactorily and wished to express its thanks to all the organizations concerned for the assistance they were rendering to FAO in the pursuance of its objectives.
503. The Conference, however, agreed with the views expressed by the Council that great care should be exercised not only in granting official status to nongovernmental organizations, but also in establishing working relations with them. While the over-all principle should be that FAO should refrain from establishing any official or formal relations with organizations so long as the Director-General was not fully satisfied that these are in a position to give active support to FAO in the achievement of its objectives, the Conference reiterated the importance it attached to the specific criteria which it had itself laid down in its Policy Statement concerning relations with international nongovernmental organizations (adopted in 1953 and reproduced on pages 18-27 of Volume II of Basic texts).
504. Acting on a proposal of the Council, the Conference granted consultative status to the International Federation of Plantation, Agricultural and Allied Workers.
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