
Report of the Conference of FAO

Tenth Session

Rome, 31 October - 20 Novembre 1959

Table of Contents

I. FAO member nations

II. Associate members

III. Members of FAO council

IV. Committees of the organization

V. Resolutions adopted by the tenth session of the conference

VI. Procedural questions

A. Appointment of Chairman, Vice - Chairmen, General Committee and Credentials Committee
B. Arrangements for the Session
C. Appointment of Chairmen and Vice - Chairmen of Commissions
D. Agenda of the Session
E. Plans for the General Discussion
F. Drafting committee
G. Verification of Credentials
H. Election of Members and Appointment of Independent Chairman of the Council
I. Admission of Observers
J. Message of Sympathy to the Mexican Government
K. Message of Sympathy on the Death of His Majesty, the King of Laos
L. Inauguration of McDougall Memorial Lectures

VII. Review of the world situation and outlook in respect of food and agriculture

A. World Food and Agriculture Situation
B. Food Production in Relation to Population Trends
C. Changes in the Terms of Trade for Agricultural Products
D. The Economic Position of Farm Populations
E. Problems of Agricultural Development in Less Developed Countries
F. Agricultural Price Stabilization and Support Policies
G. Agricultural Price Stabilization and Support Policies

Salient Features of the World Agricultural Commodity Situation and Problems
1. Changes in surplus supply situations
2. Terms of trade of agricultural exporting countries
3. Adjustments of national agricultural policies
4. Regional arrangements
International Trade in Agricultural Products

H. FAO Principles of Surplus Disposal and Guiding Lines

1. Review of consultative procedures
2. Operation and adequacy of the FAO Principles of Surplus Disposal
3. Growing acceptance of FAO Principles
4. Recommendations for further action
5. The FAO Principles of Surplus Disposal and the Guidelines of the Wheat Utilization Committee

I. Further Consideration of Surplus Problems and of Methods of Surplus Disposal
J. Proposals Presented by the International Federation of Agricultural Producers (IFAP) on Intergovernmental Commodity Consultations and Action
K. Future Activities of the CCP
L. Possible joint Session of the United Nations Commission on International Commodity Trade and the Committee on Commodity Problems
M. Freedom - from - Hunger Campaign
N. Social welfare
O. Agrarian reform
P. Mediterranean development project

VIII. Activities and programs of the organization

A. Introduction
B. Animal Production and Health

Animal Production
Animal Health

C. Fisheries

Fisheries Biology
Fisheries Technology
Fisheries Economics and Statistics
Activities in the Regions
Future Trends

D. Forestry and Forest Products

Program of Work 1960 - 61
Regional Forestry Commissions
Program Trends

E. Land and Water Development

Soil Survey and Fertility
Water Resources and Irrigation
Land Use and Farm Management
Agricultural Engineering
Agricultural and Forestry Activities in the Field of Land Use Policies
Agricultural and Forestry Activities in Watershed Management

F. Nutrition

Food Consumption and Planning
Food Processing and Preservation
Nutrition services
Home economics
Future Development of Program

G. Plant Production and Protection

Crop Production and Improvement
Crop protection

H. Rural Institutions and Services

Agricultural Education and Administration
Rural welfare
Land Tenure and Settlement
Atomic Energy in Food and Agriculture

I. Survey and Appraisal of World Agricultural, Fisheries and Forestry Resources in Relation to Needs
J. Forward appraisal
K. The FAO world seed campaign
L. FAO/UNICEF relations
M. Expanded technical assistance program
N. United nations special fund
O. Commodities
P. Economic analysis
Q. Statistics
R. Information and Publications

Rural legislation

IX. Budget for 1960 and 1961


X. Constitutional and legal questions

A. Majority Required for Decisions on the Level of the Budget
B. Transfer of Rule XXIII of the Rules adopted by the Conference to Article XX of the Constitution
C. Increase in the Membership of the Council and Geographical Distribution of Council Seats
D. Attendance at Private Meetings of the Council
E. Voting and Elections
F. International Chestnut Commission and International Poplar Commission

International chestnut commission
International poplar commission

G. Review of Basic Instruments of Bodies established under Article XIV
H. Review of Rules of Procedure of Bodies established under Article VI and Article XIV of the Constitution

Confirmation of Rules of Procedure of Article VI Bodies
Rules of Procedure of Article XIV Bodies

I. Clarification of Ninth Conference Resolutions 43/57 and 46/57 in Regard to Membership and Observer Status in Respect of non - Member Nations of Commissions, Committees, Subcommissions and Subcommittees established under Articles VI and XIV of the Constitution
J. Membership in Commodity Study Groups
K. Granting of Observer Status to Nations
L. Guiding Lines regarding Relationship between FAO and Intergovernmental Organizations
M. Agreement with the League of Arab States
N. Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies

A. Categories of officials to which the provisions of articles VI and VIII of the convention are to apply
B. Amendments to annex 2 to the convention on the privileges and immunities of the specialized agencies

O. Agreement for the Establishment on a Permanent Basis of a Latin American Forest Research and Training Institute under the Auspices of FAO
P. Co - operation Agreement with the International Atomic Energy Agency
Q. Agreement with the Government of Ghana Concerning the African Regional Office
R. Report on the Status of Conventions and Agreements and Amendments thereto in Accordance with Rule XXI - 5 of the Rules adopted by the Conference
S. Designation of the Rules adopted by the Conference

Relations with International Nongovernmental Organizations
Granting of Consultative Status to international Nongovernmental Organizations

XI. Administrative and financial questions audited accounts for 1957

A. Audited Accounts for 1957
B. Audited Accounts for the Expanded Program of Technical Assistance, 1958
C. European Commission for the Control of Foot - and - Mouth Disease - Audited Accounts for 1958
D. Amendments to the Financial Regulations (Publications Revolving Fund)
E. Repatriation grant equalization fund
F. Review of Common System of Salaries (Professional Officers and above)
G. Office Accommodation at Headquarters
H. Reimbursement of the Working Capital Fund
I. Service benefit fund
J. Financial Position of the Organization
K. Scale of Contributions
L. Contributions of New Members Nations and Associate Members
M. Financial implications of the Admission of New Member Nations and Associate Members
N. ETAP headquarters costs

XII. Membership, elections and appointments

A. Admission of new member nations and associate members
B. Appointment of director - general
C. Appointment of independent
D. Election of Council Members
E. Appointment of FAO Staff Pension Committee
F. Date and Place of Eleventh Session of the Conference

XIII. Appendices

A. Agenda
B. Amendments to the constitution, rules adopted by the conference, financial regulations, statement of principles on conventions and agreements, commissions and committees, and to rules of procedure of article VI bodies
C. Agreements between the league of Arab states and the food and agriculture organization of the United nations
D. Agreement between the government of Ghana and the food and agriculture organization of the United nations regarding the African regional office of the food and agriculture organization of the United Nations
E. Agreement for the establishment on a permanent basis of a Latin American forest research and training institute under the auspices of the food and agriculture organization of the United nations
F. Agreement between the international atomic energy agency and the food and agriculture organization of the United Nations
G. Guiding lines for formal relationship agreements between FAO and other intergovernmental organizations
H. Convention placing the international poplar commission within the framework of FAO
I. Scale of contributions 1960 - 61
J. Delegates and observers attending the tenth session of the conference
K. List of conference documents (as of 20.00 hours 16 November)