Contents -
381. The Conference noted with satisfaction the progress made by the Organization in strengthening its activities in crop protection, especially with regard to the promotion of regional co - operation, the expansion of basic studies aiming at the prevention of desert locust plagues and the furthering of co - ordination in sunn pest investigations. The Conference reaffirmed its view that effective control of pests and diseases injuring plants and plant products and the prevention of their spread were essential in improving agriculture and in increasing production. It therefore suggested that the Director - General should continue to give major attention to this aspect of the work of the Organization and to expand those activities to the extent that is feasible. It was suggested that plant protection work in tropical Africa should be extended during the 1962 - 63 biennium, especially with regard to grain storage and pest and disease control.
382. In recognizing the major role of crop protection in relation to the total efforts to increase food production, the Conference adopted the following resolution:
Crop Protection Activities
Realizing the increasing need for promoting plant protection activities throughout the world, and the increasing responsibilities of the crop protection staff of FAO,
Requests the Director - General, wherever possible, to make adequate provision in the budget of the 1962 - 63 biennium or subsequently to permit expansion of activities in crop protection and in the staff of the Crop Protection Branch, with special reference to the appointment of crop protection specialists attached to the regional Offices.
383. The Conference recognized the importance of the uniformity of plant quarantine procedures, such as stipulated in the International Plant Protection Convention, and it suggested that a world - wide meeting of governmental officials responsible for the executive work within the scope of the Convention would be of great benefit.
384. The Conference considered that a plant protection agreement for the Near East as recommended by the Fourth FAO Regional Conference for the Near East would encourage intergovernmental co - operation and strengthen regional activities in this field. The Conference thought it particularly important to initiate an intensive survey in this region to determine the occurrence and prevalence of plant pests and diseases and to establish a working party for studying pest and disease problems of maize.
385. The Conference commended the steps taken by seventeen member countries and by FAO to prepare and present to the United Nations Special Fund a comprehensive 3 3/4 million United States dollar six - year project on desert locust control, concentrating upon investigations, research and training. The implementation of this project would hasten the development and extension of more effective and economical measures for controlling the desert locust to the benefit of many nations. Nevertheless, while desert locust plagues continued, the possible execution of the Special Fund project by FAO should not impede the Organization's current desert locust control program, which continued to be of major importance, particularly in the Arabian Peninsula. It was considered that priority should be given to developing locust control in the Yemen and it was hoped that provision could be made for attaching a locust specialist to the Near East regional office and for the appointment of a locust officer in the Yemen.
386. The Conference was satisfied with the progress made in the implementation of Resolution 19/57 of its Ninth Session 1 relative to the 3 pest. It referred in particular to the organization of a working party for this purpose, the establishment of a Sunn Pest Information and Documentation Center by arrangement with the Pasteur Institute in Paris, and the employment of a group - g country expert. Taking into consideration 1 the importance of the sunn pest in the economy of a number of the Mediterranean countries, the Conference urged FAO to continue this effort and to promote research in both chemical and biological control of the insect.
387. Recognizing the universal nature of the problem of pesticide residues on or in food, the Conference requested the Director-General to continue to compile information on the legal tolerance already established in various countries. It further urged that, in view of the increasing development of insect strains resistant to insecticides and of the cost of chemical control, research on biological control should be encouraged by the Organization.
388. The Conference emphasized the extensive losses occurring annually in stored grains, especially those in farm storage, and expressed satisfaction that emphasis had been given to this aspect of the program for 1960 - 61. It was felt that in formulating the proposed global agreement for shipment of clean grain, reference should be made to the disinfestation not only of grains but also of ships and railroad wagons which carry, grains in international trade.
389. The Conference observed that, while pests and diseases of growing crops attract widespread attention, the infestation of stored agricultural commodities was recognized less, because of the insidious nature of the attack. Losses in stored grains were tremendous but they could be reduced if modern improved techniques in grain storage were introduced and adequate training given to personnel responsible for the management and operation of storages.
390. The Conference reaffirmed the views expressed at its Ninth Session and indicated in para. 166 of its report that the Organization's activities in this field should be intensified and extended to food crops other than rice. As the training of technical personnel was considered of particular importance, the Conference adopted the following resolution:
Prevention of Losses in Stored Grains
Recognizing that insects, mites, rodents, fungi and improper storage continue to cause serious losses in stored grains throughout the world, and that many governments are making efforts toward the modernization of their grain storage facilities and methods in order to reduce losses,
Recognizing further that one of the chief grain storage problems at present is the shortage in many countries of adequately trained technical Personnel for operating modern grain storage facilities and applying effective measures for the prevention of losses in stored grains,
Recommends that Member Governments strengthen their training programs for operating personnel of grain storage facilities by organizing national training courses in grain storage; and
Requests the Director - General to make such provisions as resources permit for assisting the national training centers and other aspects of national endeavor in the improvement of grain storage.
391. The Conference regretted FAO's inability to organize a regional project for the investigation and control of grain - eating weaver birds in tropical Africa, as recommended by its Ninth Session, owing to insufficient financial support from governments. It suggested that the Director - General should give further consideration to the possibility of initiating such a project, whenever resources permitted, in close collaboration with the Commission for Technical Co - operation in Africa South of the Sahara (CCTA) and with the countries concerned.
392. As the lack of information on some current problems of immediate interest handicapped the progress of research, the Conference was satisfied with the Organization's efforts to collect and circulate information relating to crop protection, especially in the fields of herbicides, grain storage, plant quarantine and rice insects. It expressed the hope that FAO would be able to assist governments in gathering information on certain specific subjects, such as the malformation of mango and the control of broom rape (Orobanche).
393. The Conference approved the program of work in plant production and protection for 1960 - 61, and requested the Director - General to take account of the suggestions made in the preceding paragraphs in formulating future programs of work.
H. Rural Institutions and Services
Agricultural Education and Administration
Rural welfare
Land Tenure and Settlement
Atomic Energy in Food and Agriculture
394. The Conference reviewed the work in the field of rural institutions and services under the headings of Agricultural Education and Administration, Rural Welfare, and Land Tenure and Settlement. The Conference, having been informed of the work carried through in 1958 - 59 and having considered the program of work proposed for 1960 - 61, expressed particular satisfaction with the grouping under a single direction of all the elements relating to institutions. The Conference noted the statement made by the observer of ILO and welcomed the continued collaboration between FAO and ILO on matters of mutual concern.
Agricultural Education and Administration
395. The work on agricultural education and administration was reviewed by the Conference under its major headings: Agricultural Organization and Administration, Organization of Agricultural Research, Agricultural Education and Agricultural Extension.
396. Great interest was expressed in the proposal aiming at assisting governments in the improvement of the organizational structure for servicing agriculture, the importance of which, along with the development of effective administrative procedures for making efficient use of technical personnel, both national and international, was recognized. It was considered that governments could be assisted in bringing about such improvement by obtaining, through ETAP, agricultural advisers on organization and administration on whose advice the most suitable application of the recommendations of experts could be secured. At the same time, it is important that international experts serving in different countries in various subject matter fields should be encouraged to fit their own recommendations into the unified organizational structure. The Conference stressed the need for the participation of specialists in organization and administration in planning and survey missions and also in conducting studies and assisting in the preparation of suitable publications for dissemination to Member Governments. Considerable stress was laid on the necessity for training in this important field; at the same time there should be full recognition of the need for improvements to be based on existing administrative structures. Such improvements should be brought about through modification of the existing pattern rather than by, radical measures.
397. As at previous Conference sessions, the key importance of agricultural extension in bringing about increased production and improved levels of living in the rural areas was emphasized. National extension organizations should be specially adapted to local conditions, great importance being placed on the effective functioning of such services, especially at the field level. Increased emphasis should be placed on the development of national training programs and the provision by FAO of the facilities to assist such training. Plans to have at least one national institution in each region to develop facilities and staff for the training of teachers of extension workers were also commended. Stress was laid on the need for simultaneous training in subject matter and extension methods to ensure a sound practical approach to agriculture. Great value should be attached to the granting of facilities by countries to extension officials who come from other countries to observe extension organization and programs.
398. Recognizing the need for greater emphasis on the training of intermediate and lower level agricultural technicians, the Conference welcomed the increased attention to be given to the improvement of secondary and practical agricultural schools. Work in lower and higher education in agriculture should be pursued concurrently,, the latter to include work in the social sciences and in educational and extension methodology. The value of suitable FAO publications in promoting agricultural education was strongly stressed, and the organization by FAO of seminars and meetings was considered an important way of developing agricultural education.
399. The Conference fully supported the view that countries could no longer afford the luxury of unplanned research and stressed the great need for better planning and co - ordinating in this field. Comparative studies by FAO of systems of agricultural research administration in the various countries were requested. Noting the limited resources available for research especially in underdeveloped countries, the Conference emphasized the consequent need for exchanges between countries, not only of personnel but also of results of research. The preparation and circulation of lists of research institutes, scientists and projects was one means of initiating such exchanges. Consideration should also be given to encouraging research stations in the various countries of a region to specialize in different fields and pool the results of their work without neglecting basic research. It was also recommended that attention should be given to the adaptation of the results of research to make them suitable for application at the field level.
400. Great emphasis was placed on the need for developing appropriate liaison between research and extension workers. It was suggested that FAO should carry out a study of the systems of co - ordination used in various countries.
401. The Conference welcomed the offers of certain developed countries to assist in training fellows from underdeveloped areas. The need for audio - visual techniques in training programs was endorsed. The education of women in agriculture, particularly in Africa, was considered to be of special importance.
402. The program of work in rural welfare was reviewed under the headings of Agricultural Co - operatives, Rural Credit, Rural Sociology and General Welfare Activities.
403. The Conference, in supporting all these activities, underlined the importance of ensuring the fullest participation of the people in practical programs for rural betterment, particularly through organizations that could foster self - help and mutual aid. Co - operative organizations, if soundly organized and operated, could become the very heart of village life and act as spearheads for agricultural progress.
404. In considering the proposed programs in the co - operative field, the Conference noted that the shortage of trained personnel in the less developed countries constituted a major obstacle to progress, and one which called for the assistance of FAO in helping to provide such personnel. In this connection, one delegate informed the Conference of the facilities for co - operative training which existed in his country and which could be placed at the disposal of fellowship holders.
405. The Conference noted with interest a study which was being made on New Forms 1 of Co - operative Organizations in Agricultural Production, and which would deal with new types of co - operatives recently evolved in Europe and mainly a combination of the collective and the normal service type of c co - operative. It was recommended that this idea should be followed up at a later stage c by the study of similar developments in other regions. Attention was drawn to the need for careful examination of all the circumstances before recommending the adoption of any of the various types of cooperative or collective farming.
406. The Conference again stressed the importance of improving systems of agricultural credit, particularly for small and medium farmers, as a prerequisite for increased production. Special reference was made to the necessity for the provision of a properly organized credit system in any schemes for land reform or settlement. The importance of supervised credit, combining credit with technical advice on improvements in the farm and the home, was stressed, and support was given for the preparation of a paper on the evolution of supervised credit into co - operative credit.
407. There was general recognition of the need for conducting sociological investigations before plans for rural development were prepared, and that to this end greater emphasis should be placed by FAO on activities in the field of rural sociology, with particular stress on human relations in rural life. The Conference welcomed the action taken by the Director - General in establishing a Working Party on Rural Sociological Problems in Europe and his proposal to prepare a publication on essentials of rural sociology. Work in this field should be carried out in close collaboration with UNESCO. Attention was also drawn to the need for the inclusion of instruction in rural sociology in the training of extension workers.
408. The Conference noted with interest the international study, based on surveys of economic and social conditions in the Alpine area of Europe, which had been carried out by countries of that region with the assistance of FAO. It was recommended that FAO should consider following up this study by further investigations, on which an over - all development project for the area could be based.
409. The important role to be played by FAO in community development was generally recognized, and the Conference supported the appointment of an officer to work in Africa in this field and in close collaboration with the staff of the United Nations and other agencies.
410. The Conference reviewed the work and program in land tenure and settlement.
411. It was emphasized that sound land tenure systems offering the cultivator security and assuring him of a fair share of the fruits of his labor are basic to other measures for agricultural development. Particular stress was laid on the need for careful investigation of local problems, the evaluation of past programs and the training of specialists. In many land reform and settlement programs the lack of careful planning had hampered the effective implementation of projects. The value of preparatory studies, in advance of the preparation and implementation of programs, was recognized. The emphasis on training national personnel in the various aspects of planning and execution of land policies was also welcomed.
412. Attention was drawn to the complexity of land tenure and land settlement problems and the need to attack them simultaneously on a number of fronts. It was recommended that in future technical assistance to countries, a team approach utilizing the services of a number of experts in related fields might be adopted. The close relationship between land tenure and land settlement and other aspects of the agrarian structure such as credit, extension and co - operatives, was emphasized.
413. The Conference noted with approval the new trend toward the making of evaluation studies of land reform and settlement policies which had already been implemented. Future programs could benefit from the application of knowledge gained through a critical evaluation of already completed programs. For new land settlement projects, special emphasis should be put on the development of simple methods of farm planning, the careful selection of new settlers, the recognition of their needs and the interrelationship between economic and social and human criteria.
414. The Conference noted with satisfaction the reaffirmation of FAO's technical leadership in the international field of agrarian reform and agreed that the preparation of the 1962 report on agrarian reform for the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations should be one of the major tasks during the coming biennium.
415. The Conference approved the program of work in rural institutions and services for 1960 - 61, and requested the Director-General to take account of the suggestions made in the preceding paragraphs in formulating future programs of work.
Atomic Energy in Food and Agriculture
416. The Conference, having reviewed the work of the Organization in atomic energy in 1958 - 59, considered that the program was developing in a satisfactory and balanced manner.
417. The Conference recognized that the main interests for food and agriculture in atomic energy related to the use of radioactive isotopes in research, the use of radiation in plant breeding programs, for food preservation, and for the control of insect pests, and the problems of radioactive contamination in food chains. As these applications were still relatively new to most countries of the world, considerable importance was attached to the diffusion of information and early exchange of the results of research in progress. To this end the publications that had been issued and the technical meetings, seminars and training courses that had been organized were commended, and plans for their continuation and extension on a regional basis were endorsed.
418. Emphasis was laid on the importance of training as a means of assisting governments to develop a nucleus of investigators with experience of nuclear science techniques. It was recommended that further training courses on radioisotopes in agricultural research should be organized similar to that held under FAO/IAEA auspices in the United States in 1959.
419. Many countries were interested in the potentialities, under appropriate circumstances, of the use of radiation in genetical research and as a means of developing improved varieties of crop plants. It was noted that the Organization was considering the convening of a technical meeting on this subject in the near future. It was also noted that many countries, following the successful eradication of the screw worm fly by American workers in certain areas were also considering the possibility of using radiation in the control of other insect pests.
420. Appreciation was expressed of the objective nature of the evaluation made by the 1958 European Meeting on the Use of Ionizing Radiations for Food Preservation, in the organization of which the Nutrition Division had played an important part in co - operation with the Atomic Energy Branch. It was recognized that there were still many basic problems arising from radiation to be solved through research before radiation treatment of foods for the extension of their storage life would be ready for widespread development and application. The Conference noted the need for formulating fundamental principles governing the use of radiation in food processing, with regard to such aspects as wholesomeness, susceptibility, economic feasibility, etc., in order to establish a common basis for legislation on this subject in individual countries. The part that FAO could play in assisting in such developments was stressed.
421. The Conference noted that many countries were developing substantial programs of research on the food and agricultural aspects of environmental radioactive contamination arising from the expanding usage of atomic energy. It was also noted with satisfaction that FAO was working in close co - operation with the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation, WHO and the IAEA in this field. Plans for the organization of further seminars on the training of agricultural advisory services on protective measures against radioactive contamination were endorsed. The Conference further noted with approval that, in support of the work of the United Nations Radiation Committee, FAO was convening an Expert Committee on Radioactive Materials in Food and Agriculture in 1959, for the evaluation and interpretation of existing environmental radiocontamination data from the food and agricultural standpoint, and to make recommendations for further research work needed in this field. The important part that FAO could play in assisting Member Governments in this field was stressed, and it was recognized that the program now being initiated was likely to become of increasing importance in the Organization's sphere of responsibility.
422. The Conference noted that the relationship agreement between FAO and IAEA had been in operation on a provisional basis since its approval by the Council in November 1958, as a result of which close and satisfactory working relations were already in existence. This was confirmed in the statement presented by the representative of the Director - General of IAEA. The Conference also commended the establishment of effective co - operation in atomic energy matters between FAO and other international organizations, especially the UN, WHO and UNESCO.
423. The Conference approved the increased program of work and staffing proposed by the Director - General, which would enable the Organization to maintain its role in this rapidly developing and highly important technical field.
I. Survey and Appraisal of World Agricultural, Fisheries and Forestry Resources in Relation to Needs
424. The Conference had before it Document C 59/20, in which the Director General indicated that the pilot stage of this project of resources survey and appraisal had been practically completed, and set out his proposals for a careful review of the work so far done: it also had Document C 59/20, Supp. 1, giving a synopsis of the completed study on the resource potentialities of the Lower Ganges - Brahmaputra basin in India and Pakistan.
425. The Conference expressed appreciation of the fact that FAO was developing an integrated approach to the analysis and interpretation of resources data coming from different subject matter fields. It considered that the work had been based on a sound approach and wished to congratulate the Organization on an interesting and useful report. Studies of the kind carried out in the Lower Ganges - Brahmaputra and Tigris - Euphrates basins provided a useful basis for future action by governments and international organizations concerned with increasing food supply in areas where there is pressure of population. Resource appraisals of this type were a prerequisite for realistic development planning in underdeveloped areas. On the other hand, in many more developed countries 1 such appraisals were not essential for agricultural policy guidance.
426. While an integrated appraisal of resources was an essential for development planning in many areas, the preparation and implementation of actual development plans, no matter how soundly conceived in relation to the resource possibilities, had to take full account of economic, social and institutional factors. In this connection the Conference noted some of the specific c problems which were currently facing agricultural and economic development in India and Pakistan. Such practical problems would need to be borne carefully in mind in any area in attempting to develop a long - run agricultural policy based in large part on c an analysis of resources. Particular emphasis needed to be given to programs of training and education.
427. It was pointed out that the primary aim of this project should be to develop a methodology that could be used by member countries. There was a need for stimulating interest in resource appraisals and in developing appropriate techniques, whereby countries themselves, singly or in groups where they have common problems, could tackle this very complicated task of appraisal of resources and planning development on the basis of such appraisal. The Conference considered that FAO's work in the field of resources should, as far as possible, consist of the analysis and interpretation of national data; FAO should not be called upon to undertake the basic collection of data. Furthermore, the need for field studies by FAO should not continue indefinitely and the Organization should use its experience gained from pilot studies to guide national authorities in setting up machinery to collect the necessary, basic data.
428. With specific reference to the analysis of forestry potentialities, it was pointed out that the Patterson formula, which appeared to have been used, had been discussed some time ago by the Council of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations, which had concluded that this formula might lead to unsatisfactory results, particularly in the tropics.
429. Reference was made to the future organization of such work within FAO. It was felt that this important project should be an integral part of the work of the Technical and Economic Departments; the Program and Budgetary Service should continue to function primarily as co - ordinator, with the bulk of the work carried out in the divisions concerned.
430. The Conference noted with approval the proposal of the Director - General to review the specific conclusions of the Lower Ganges - Brahmaputra study within the FAO Secretariat and by selected authorities outside FAO on both the technical and economic studies. It noted that a deadline of 31 January 1960 had been set for this review and that, after this stage had been completed, and such revision as might be necessary had been carried out, the study would be ready for official submission to the countries concerned for their review and for discussion with them, in order to indicate specific action which could lead toward economic development along the lines proposed, subject to approval by the governments concerned.
431. The Conference fully endorsed the following proposals of the Director - General for a careful study of the usefulness and applicability under varying conditions of the methodology used:
(a) the establishment of a working party in the Secretariat which would consider not only the value of this type of study as a basis for agricultural development planning but also the general question of FAO's work in the field of resources;
(b) the careful consideration of the results of discussions with the countries covered in part or in whole by the pilot studies;
(c) the convening of an expert group in the Far East during 1960 - 61 to discuss the methodology of resource survey and appraisal appropriate to countries at different levels of development.
432. With respect to the expert group, it was the view of the Conference that since expert knowledge on this subject appeared to exist at present mainly inside the Organization, this meeting should not be called until the Organization itself had thoroughly considered the question of methodology and was in a position to place some definite views before the group.
433. The Conference looked forward with much interest to the Director - General's report on this subject to its Eleventh Session.
434. The Conference had before it the report on the Forward Appraisal of FAO Programs for 1959 - 64 (C 59/21). The preparation of this report was authorized by the Ninth Session of the FAO Conference in response to ECOSOC Resolution No. 665C, calling for an appraisal of the scope, trend and cost of the program of the United Nations and its specialized agencies over the period 1959 - 64. At its Ninth Session the. Conference had recognized that this resolution provided a good opportunity to the Organization to make a review of the programs of FAO, which the Director-General had already started internally, following recommendations of previous Conference and Council sessions.
435. The Conference expressed general approval of the line taken in the report that there were two primary, needs in the sphere of food and agriculture today, especially, in the underdeveloped parts of the world: one was to increase productivity of natural resources, labor and capital by emphasizing improvements in structural and institutional factors, such as land tenure, credit, agricultural education and administration; the other was to improve nutrition irrespective of the level of income.
436. High appreciation was expressed of the manner in which the Director - General had conducted the Forward Appraisal, the techniques followed in its preparation, and the concise form and clarity of the document. The procedure followed in preparing the document was approved.
437. Careful consideration was given to the criteria which had guided the Director-General in making the appraisal and in deciding on the different degrees of expansion to be allotted to various lines of work of the Organization in the period 1959 - 64. The Conference expressed approval of the four sets of criteria used in making the appraisal, which were as follows:
(i) concentration on problems of direct concern to underdeveloped areas;
(ii) establishment of such a pattern of activities as would contribute the most to balanced development in member countries;
(iii) concentration on activities dealing with production of food, especially highquality food, and with nutrition;
(iv) concentration on activities which call for action on the intergovernmental level and lead to specific action by governments.
It was, however, pointed out in connection with (i) above that due account should also be taken of the problems of common interest to all member countries of FAO.
438. While there were some differences of view regarding the relative importance of certain areas of work, the Conference generally approved the shifts in emphasis enviaged in the report. 1 It was felt that the conclusions of the Forward Appraisal provided sound guidance, although the final decisions as to the changes which might be required could be better discussed in the context of the Programs of Work and Budgets to be approved by the Conference at its future sessions. In this way, it would be possible to preserve the flexibility necessary to respond to changing country requirements and world conditions.
439. The Conference noted that the shifts in emphasis were envisaged as taking place on the hypothesis of a 70 percent increase in the resources available to FAO for the activities in the Technical and Economics Departments during the Appraisal period, leaving out of account any increases which might be entailed in administrative and other servicing costs. There were considerable reservations as to the financial acceptability of this hypothesis, but the Conference took note of the fact that this was not a budgetary exercise and that member countries were not committing themselves to any particular level of the budget. In any event the Conference was informed that the shifts in emphasis in the Appraisal would only vary in detail at different levels of budgetary increases.
440. The Conference considered of special importance the suggestion of the Director-General to establish a special technical assistance program to be financed under the Regular Program. It was considered that, when detailing such a program, the Director-General should take the opportunity, of incorporating it into the major fields of work of the Organization, and of studying closely the relationships between this program and the United Nations funds for technical assistance, in particular ETAP and the new United Nations Special Fund.
441. The Conference considered that the report was a useful approach to long - term programming of the work of the Organization and that this type of work should be continued. In this connection it was suggested that reports of this type should be prepared from time to time both as an internal appraisal exercise and to assist the preparation of the future programs of work of the Organization.
442. The Conference agreed that the report as presented should be transmitted to ECOSOC, together with the following resolution, as FAO's contribution to the over - all appraisal of the United Nations organizations' programs. When the consolidated Appraisal report was considered and formulated within ECOSOC, the Conference felt that due regard should be given to the primary importance of food and agriculture in the work of the United Nations family, along the major lines of work emphasized in the Forward Appraisal of FAO. The Conference therefore adopted the following resolution:
Forward Appraisal of FAO Programs
Noting with appreciation the Forward Appraisal of FAO Programs 1959 - 64 (C 59/21) prepared by the Director - General in accordance with Conference Resolution No. 3,41 57, responding to the invitation contained in Resolution 665C (XXIV) of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC) of 1 August 1957,
Recognizing, as did ECOSOC in its Resolution 694D (XXVI) of 31 July 1958, that the programs and budgets of FAO will continue to be determined in accordance with the constitutional provisions of the Organization,
Recognizing also that the consolidated appraisal report of ECOSOC should provide a useful indication of the scope, trend and estimated costs of the combined efforts of the Organizations concerned for the period 1959 to 1964,
Recognizing further the primary importance of FAO's mission in relation to over - all economic and social development,
1. that there is urgent need for strengthening of international work in food and agriculture which falls within FAO's terms of reference,
2. that governments of FAO's Member Nations are not now considering or committing themselves to any particular level of the FAO budget or to the precise nature of the program for any subsequent biennium,
3. that the emphasis placed upon the several lines of work may vary in detail at different levels of budgetary increase and with changing world conditions,
Agrees that subject to the considerations mentioned above, the emphasis outlined in the Forward Appraisal provide sound guidance for the preparation of FAO's future Programs of Work; and
Requests the Director - General to transmit the Forward Appraisal to ECOSOC together with this resolution.
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