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328. The Conference concluded that even with the expansion recommended above (§ 326) for 1958 and 1959, the funds and staff available for FAO's program in nutrition and home economics will be insufficient for the proper development of the work, in view of its increasing significance both to FAO as a whole and to Member Governments. This statement relates to almost all aspects of the program. Special reference, however should be made to the need for increasing resources to enable FAO to collaborate effectively with WHO and UNICEF in the expanded pro" gram of aid to maternal and child nutrition approved by the UNICEF Executive Board in September 1957. Collaboration with the UN and specialised agencies in the expanding work in the social field, particularly in community development activities, will also make increasing demands on FAO staff resources. This collaboration exemplifies the emphasis which is being placed on the welfare aspects of FAO's work.
329. The Conference emphasized the need for strengthening work at Headquarters and in the regions in the following fields, in which great opportunity exists for providing more effective services to governments:
a) The study and appraisal of food consumption 021 a world, regional and national basis, in order to assess the changes and developments in food production, distribution and consumption in relation to needs for satisfactory nutrition. Associated with these activities is the continuing study of physiological requirements for calories and nutrients, and the practical application of advancing knowledge of human requirements and of food composition. A special need exists for the collation of information on the content of diets in amino acids, and certain minerals and vitamins, in relation to human requirements. In this broad field periodic world food surveys are of essential importance.
(b) Intensified study and application of specific measures to ensure that effective use is made of available food supplies with special reference to food technology, supplementary feeding and education in nutrition.
(c) The improvement of family welfare, including family nutrition, through home economics education and extension programs related to the real needs of populations.
(d) Increasing collaboration with other UN agencies, and in particular with WHO and UNICEF in the UNICEF program for expanded aid to maternal and child nutrition
330. Various points at which work in these areas needs expansion are indicated in previous paragraphs in this sect ion. With respect to education in nutrition and home economies, the development and testing of teaching methods and materials is of particular significance. The intensification of regional work in nutrition and home economics is most necessary, and should he planned with reference to existing gaps in FAO regional services. Continuing efforts should be made to evaluate the results achieved in all parts of the program, including study of appropriate methods of evaluation. Many other specific suggestions undoubtedly will be contained in the reports of the Fifth Session of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Nutrition and of the recently-convened Home Economics Advisory Committee.
331. The Conference, concluding that a staff of the order available in 1958 will be insufficient to handle the growing volume of services to governments in the broad fields referred to in paragraph 329, requests the Director-General to give gill consideration to necessary increases in resources for these needed expansions of work ill nutrition and home economics by making any possible budgetary adjustments in 1958 and 1959 and in drawing up the Program of Work and Budget for 1960 and 1961.
332. With regard to future development of the program of FAO in nutrition and home economies, the Conference recommends that a substantial addition to the staff of the Division be made during the next foul to five years. An addition, equivalent perhaps to some 10-15 staff members. including consultant services, could effectively be utilized in the different phases of the Division's work, at Headquarters and in the regions. in accordance with the needs of the growing program in its various aspects.
Collaboration with UNICEF - FAO/UNICEF policy committee
The Conference
Having noted the progress in FAO/UNICEF collaboration and the increasing scope for co-operation in programs to improve maternal and child nutrition,
Considers that basic policy with respect to joint FAO/UNICEF activities in this field and their over-all long-term co-ordination can best be dealt with by a Joint FAO/UNICEF Policy Committee, and
Authorizes the Director-General to consult further with the Executive Director of UNICEF on the establishment of this Policy Committee.
Requests the Council to consider with the Director-General the manner in which this Policy Committee might be established and might operate, and in the light of this consideration to arrange for the agreed procedure to be implemented.
Editorial branch
Audio-visual branch
Documents Branch
Library service
Legislative service
334. In examining the activities in 1956-57 of the Editorial. Audio-Visual and Documents Branches and the Legislative and Library Services,. which constitute the Information Division, the Conference paid particular attention to clarifying the general purposes to be pursued by that Division. It studied the Program of Work and the budget estimates for these Branches and Services for the period 1958-59, as well as the trends of the program in their various fields.
335. The Conference attached great importance to the need for establishing the basic principles that must underlie the activities of the Organization in the sphere of information. It stressed the need of organizing the activities of the Branches and Services of that Division in such a manner that they may all be directed towards the same general purposes.
336. The Conference noted that the activities in the field of information are of a dual nature: on the one hand, there has to be created a vast movement of interest and understanding among the public, even outside the farming sector, in regard to the general problems of agriculture, and particularly the role of FAO in the over-all effort to promote social and economic development; on the other hand, it is important to disseminate technical information for the benefit of farmers and professional agriculturists. The latter task devolves mainly on the technical divisions which carry it out by means of the meetings they convene, their publications, etc. The creation of a current of favorable opinion among the general public implies the supplying of information other than of a technical nature; the latter, as such, does not arouse sufficient interest in some highly influential circles.
337. In referring to paragraphs 309-312 of the Report of the Eighth Session of the Conference concerning the essential tasks of the Information Division, the Conference noted that some improvements had been made in that field. It strongly urged, however, that inch efforts be continued and seriously intensified. It recalled the discussions held in recent sessions of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC Documents E/SR 880, 882, 893 and E/2929) and underlined the necessity to highlight the tasks incumbent upon the Organizations of the United Nations.
338. Having thus defined the main lines and nature of the activities of FAO itself in regard to information, the Conference recognized that the Member Nations have a responsibility of their own and that they must accept this responsibility in order to achieve adequate results in the Organization's information work.
339. It is the responsibility of the National FAO Committees in particular to advise the Organization of their needs in regard to information material, and to adapt the latter to the different languages, mentalities, psychology, requirements and general environment of the countries concerned. Such adaptation can, moreover, already be effected to some extent on the regional level. The Conference stressed the need to entrust these National FAO Committees with co-ordination in the field of information in their respective countries.
340. It recognized that many Member Nations had not yet been able to establish in their respective countries agencies of this kind specifically charged with liaison and collaboration with FAO.(). In view of this fact,, and to help to promote such collaboration on the national level, it felt that in those countries account must be taken of:
(a) the devisability of utilizing the facilities offered by educational institutions, government services - particularly those of agriculture -, private or public associations anti organizations, the press and other publicity organs;
(b) the need to keep those who form public opinion at all levels sufficiently informed of the purposes of the Organization to enable them in turn to help promote any activity calculated to make FAO known, and to encourage people to> have recourse to its services;
(c) the need to give priority to communications and documents of fairly general interest in eases where the information services of FAO are not kept informed by the countries concerned of their specific requirements;
(d) further, where information is concerned the necessity of paying adequate attention to the various circles, including both the rural and urban sectors, of those countries.
341. The Conference, taking note of the activities of this Branch, explicitly mentioned certain desires regarding its work. Many Delegations urge d the publication of a pamphlet for the purpose of informing the general public of the role played by FAO in its efforts to promote social and economic development. Others points out the possibility of issuing to the world press articles dealing with work regularly; reference was made in particular to the sources provided by the speeches made during the general discussions of the Conference.
342. The Conference noted that there was an Information Officer in most technical divisions. It was felt that this might lead to a further improvement in information work. It was considered that these officers should essentially he at the service of the Information Division, to enable it better to cope with its specific tasks.
343. The Conference was of the opinion that the information services and Member Nations could obtain useful advice regarding the most appropriate information methods if each National FAO Committee or other competent administrative organ communicated its own experience and its suggestions on this subject. Some delegations suggested on their part, that a sufficiently detailed questionnaire be sent to the Member Nations in order to collect the aforesaid particulars. The information could also be directly exchanged between governments, which would thus be able to make a comparative study thereof. Such inquiries could be made periodically through the National FAO Committees.
344. In collaboration with the technical divisions, and to the extent allowed by their limited resources, the information services of the Organization, and in particular the Audiovisual Branch, should give their fullest possible assistance to developing extension services. Such assistance can take the form, inter alia, of preparing and demonstrating audio-visual aids, as well as other training of personnel engaged in extension activities, and procuring instructional films for the use of technical divisions. The Conference noted the usefulness of certain visual media in schools, and drew attention to the importance of utilizing the newly-developing medium of television. The Director-General was invited to consider the possibility of producing a film having purposes parallel with those of the pamphlet mentioned in paragraph 341.
345. The Conference recognized that the difficulties which had arisen in respect of the documents and publications requirements of the Organization as outlined by the Director-General were mainly of a programing and budgetary nature. The Conference reaffirmed the need for economy in the costs of publications. monographs and working papers and that it was necessary not to overload the documents services supplied by the Information Division.
346. In this connection the Conference was pleased to learn that the Director-General had initiated measures, through the establishment of a Publications Committee directly dependent on his own office, to find means to overcome the difficulties and prevent a recurrence of the present situation, particularly in respect of the existing backlog of publications.
347. Specifically in respect to arrears of publications, the Conference provided for the display of manuscripts included in such arrears. for the perusal of the delegates and particularly the subject-matter technicians. It requested the Director-General to establish priorities in all the Divisions within the budgetary ceiling set for documents, so as eliminate the backlog as soon as possible.
348. In establishing priorities in the future the Director-General could be greatly aided by a procedure whereby Member Governments might be enabled to take a more active part in the selection of titles to be published and in giving advice which would ensure that the most urgent needs were satisfied. The Conference therefore adopted the following Resolution:
Studies and Development Papers
The Conference
Wishing to assure that FAO publications are of the highest possible quality and usefulness;
Recalling the remarks formulated on this subject in para. 301 of the Report of the Eighth Session of the Conference favoring fewer and more concise publications;
Requests the Director-General to provide a supplement to the Program of Work and Budget containing a précis of each publication intended during the ensuing biennium to be made available prig, to the Conference Session, thus permitting Member Governments to examine the proposals with fuller knowledge of their purpose:
Recommends that a procedure, details of which are to be worked out by the Director-General, be applied as soon as possible and whenever practicable, whereby an appropriate selection of national bodies, such as National FAO Committees or equivalent national administrations, be asked to arrange for the expert scrutiny of "Studies and Development papers" in the original language before publication and make their recommendations to the Director-General, such national bodies being selected so that the three working languages of the Organization are represented.
349. The Conference recalled in this connection the conclusions which the ad hoc Committee on the Organizational Structure of FAO had arrived at. It reaffirmed the necessity for more concise documents and the desirability of assembling in one document only different aspects of the same question. It expressed the hope that the competent services would take all necessary measures for the most economic utilization of documents. These recommendations are equally directed to governments, working groups, committees and commissions.
350. The Conference considered the Library indispensable to the effective work of the Organization's technical staff which requires reference works in many diverse fields. It considered the Library also a valuable central reference source in FAO's fields to the similar Libraries of Member States, and in order to give greater effect to this, endorsed the proposal to publish in 1959 a supplement to the Library's printed catalogue, as commended by the Eighth Session. The Conference wished to support the Library's services, troth by providing adequate staff and adequate funds for expanding the collection of reference material in line with the Organization's activities and the growth of knowledge in these fields.
351. The Conference heard statements by a number of delegations commending the usefulness to their countries, and to the Organization's Program of Work, of the activities of the Legislative Service. The hope was expressed that the Service's Basic Catalogue might be made even more comprehensive by inclusion of the relevant legislative documentation of more of the Member States, and of the legislation of still more of the States or Provinces of Federal Governments. Noting with satisfaction the results of the Service's collaboration with Technical Divisions in studies to which the juridical elements are important, the Conference decided to invite the Director-General to present to its Tenth Session a memorandum describing fully the methods, purposes and effect of the Service's work, together with suggestions as to how it might be made yet more effective.
352. Concluding its review of these Branches and Services, the Conference felt that the functions performed are indispensable to the accomplishment of FAO's work, that the trends of their development are in line with those of the Organization's work, and that they should continue to be supported at levels commensurate with the Organization's program as a whole.
353. The Conference commended the Information Division for its accomplishment in the last biennium and expressed the hope for continuing progress.
Strengthening of the regional structure of the organization
Provision for increased inter-agency co-operation and other unprogramed activities
Mediterranean development project
Atomic energy in food and agriculture
Welfare and community development
Strengthening of the regional structure of the organization
354. The problem of the regional organization of FAO has already been examined on several occasions by the Conference and by the Council. During its Eighth Session the Conference paid particular attention to the improvement of tilt services which FAO renders to Member Governments, and to assuring closer collaboration between the Organization and these countries in the elaboration and implementation of the Program of Work. The objectives envisaged by the Eighth Session of the Conference have, however, not been achieved due to the lack of staff and resources.
355. The Director-General considered that the time had now arrived to put the necessary measures in hand to assure the full development of regional activities, and presented to the Conference detailed proposals towards this end. He envisaged the strengthening of the responsibility of the Regional Representative and the outposting of additional technical officers to the Regional Offices, together with appropriate administrative and secretarial assistance.
356. The Conference considered that the plan for strengthening the regional activities of the Organization was sound and desirable. At the same time, it drew the attention to certain difficulties which would have to be kept in mind, particularly in the initial stages of implementation. Special attention should be paid to the qualifications and qualities of the staff to be recruited, and this might lead to delays in the full implementation of the proposals. The Conference considered that such delays in recruitment would be preferable to any relaxation of standards of recruitment.
357. Certain Member Governments considered that the Director-General's proposals might lead to an undesirable degree of decentralization, but the Director-General assured the Conference that his proposals were in no way intended to decentralize the Organization, but were simply a strengthening of its peripheral activities. To prevent overlapping of technical work between Headquarters and the regions, the Conference therefore recommended that the Director-General keep this consideration of the balance between the authority of Headquarters and of the regions under constant review.
358. In accordance with the considerations stated above, the Conference adopted the following Resolution:
Regional Organization
The Conference
Reaffirming the desire expressed at its Eighth Session to render a better to Member Countries and to obtain closer collaboration in the framing and implementation of the Program of Work;
Desiring to create a more direct channel of consultation with Member Countries;
Recognizing that unless the knowledge and experience being accumulated at Headquarters are made available to Member Countries and effectively utilized within their territories, the Organization will not serve the purpose for which it was created, and that it is an essential part of its duties to provide direct advice and assistance to particular countries or group of countries in the implementation of their programs for social and economic development;
Approves the implementation and the budget of the proposal of the Director-General contained in the Program of Work developing closer collaboration with Member Countries, particularly by:
i) increasing the authority of the Regional Representatives;
ii) strengthening the Regional Offices by outposting additional technical officers;
iii) organizing the consequent close interrelation relation and collaboration between the field officers and Headquarters direction.
Recommends that since the Director-General proposed total budget proposals have been modified by the Conference, the priorities suggested by the Coordinating Committee be observed in relation to the budgetary provision for the strengthening of the Regional Organization of FAO.
359. In order to achieve thc objectives of the proposed strengthening of the regional structure and particularly having in mind activities under the technical assistance program, the Conference stressed the importance of recruiting outposted technical officers who, wherever outposted possible, were familiar with local conditions within the region, and who would also be enabled to remain in outposted region for sufficiently long a period of time as to permit their making the maximum contribution to the development of the region. In this connection some delegates felt there would be an advantage in appointing a competent local person as full-time FAO Country Representative in each country. Most delegates, however, considered that this would not be in conformity with the principles of the technical assistance program, and if financed under the regular program would involve a very considerable extra appropriation. It was generally agreed, however, that Country Representatives should, where possible, be selected from qualified candidates having an intimate know-ledge of the region.
360. In consequence the Conference adopted the following Resolution:
Regional Staffing
The Conference
Considering that the technical assistance rendered by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations to underdeveloped countries should become increasingly effective in practice so that the country programs worked out by FAO experts may really be put into effect by the Government to which they are submitted;
Considering further that the practicability and effective implementation of the country programs advised by the experts depend to a large extent on the knowledge which these experts have of the physical and social background and particular characteristics of the country to which such programs are submitted, which knowledge can only be acquired through a more or less prolonged stay of such experts in the country itself of at least in the region in which the country is located;
Requests the Director-General in the steps which he takes to strengthen the Regional Organization, to make every effort to ensure that staff employed in regional offices supported by Headquarters staff in the various fields are in a position to remain for sufficiently long periods to become familiar with the features of the respective regions and to advise the regional representatives and the governments on technical and economic aspects of the national and regional programs which are under way in each region and which fall within FAO's terms of reference, including those wherein FAO is co-operating with other international agencies in regional planning.
361. It was realized that since the Headquarters of the Organization was in Europe, special problems arose in that there was no Regional Office in this Continent. The Conference therefore considered it most desirable to widen the terms of reference of the European Commission on Agriculture to embrace activities in the field of nutrition and agricultural economics, and to this end adopted the following Resolution:
Strengthening of Regional Work in Europe
The Conference
Recognizing that there are problems which FAO should approach on a regional basis;
Noting that there is no regional office or regional conference either for Europe or for those countries serviced directly by Head quarters;
Bearing in mind FAO's responsibilities and tasks in Europe, and the need for avoiding a dispersion of effort and duplication as between organizations;
Considering the proposal of the Director-General to assign one of the senior officers at Headquarters to the responsibility of developing closer liaison with European Member Governments and National FAO Committees;
Recognizing the valuable results obtained by the European Commission on Agriculture;
Invites the Director-General to take the necessary steps to enable the Organization to assume its full responsibilities in Europe by developing this closer liaison and by extending the activities of the specialized European commissions of FAO;
Decides to broaden the terms of reference of the European Commission on Agriculture to include consideration of all nutrition questions and of such problems of agricultural economy as do not come within the purview of the Committee on Commodity Problems.
362. The Director-General, bearing in mind the scope and importance of African problems in the field of food and agriculture, the fact that several countries in this continent had recently joined the Organization, and the recent discussions within the United Nations concerning the creation of an Economics Commission for Africa, informed the Conference of his proposal to strengthen the Organization's activities in that continent by the establishment of a Regional Office. The Conference endorsed this proposal, but in doing so drew attention to the lack of information on the budgetary implications, and to the undefined geographical area which such an office would cover. Furthermore, the Conference considered that the establishment of such an office raised a number of technical and administrative problems which warranted further study.
363. Attention was also drawn to the necessity of close consultation and collaboration with interested governments and with international and intergovernmental organizations, particularly CCTA, who are already operating in Africa within the same field of activities.
364. The Director-General assured the Conference that he intended to carry out the necessary detailed studies as soon as possible after he had made the appropriate contacts; and that he would lay his detailed proposals before the Program Committee and the Council in 1958.
365. The Conference adopted the following Resolution:
Regional Office in Africa
The Conference
Considering the need for strengthening the Regional Offices;
Considering that the African Continent should increase its participation in FAO to an ever greater extent;
In conformity with the suggestion of the Director-General;
Requests the Director-General to take all the necessary steps to set up a Regional Office in Africa as soon as possible.
Provision for increased inter-agency co-operation and other unprogramed activities
366. Whereas the programs of work and projects of international agencies have in the past ten years continuously expanded and such activities require ever greater co-ordination and integration, their interdependence has become evident.
367. The FAO Conference and Council having repeatedly stated that it is necessary to co-operate closey in the programs of other organisations and the General Assembly of the United Nations and the Economic and Social Council having also stressed the need for greater co-operation, the Director-General has submitted to the Conference a special report on Provision for Increased Interagency Cooperation and other Unprogramed Activities (C 57/5-Sup. 3).
368. This report was submitted to the Seventh Session of the Co-ordinating Committee, then to the Twenty-third Session of the Committee on Financial Control and, finally, to the Twenty-sixth Session of the Council which approved the proposal to earmark $ 200,000 from Unallocated Contingencies in the 1958-59 budget, including $ 100,000 which would, in principle, be considered as provision to meet new activities requested by other international bodies.
369. The Council endorsed the proposals submitted to it and resolved as follows:
"That provision for meeting new activities requiring inter-agency co-operation during 1958 and 1959 shall met by establishing the Unallocated Contingencies chapter at $ 100,000 in the budgets for 1958 and 1959 as recommended by the Twenty-third Session of the Committee on Financial Control and endorsed by the Twenty-sixth Session of the Council."
370. The Conference deems, however, that for the use of funds under the Contingencies chapter provided for such new activities, the Director-General should make sure of the importance and urgency of the projects and their place within the framework of the objectives and Program of Work of the Organization.
371. Finally, the Conference considers that while it is FAO's duty to participate in new activities as may be requested of it by other organizations, it owes it to itself, with the approval of its directing bodies, to take the initiative in sponsoring activities that may be of interest to several agencies in those fields which are primarily within its competence.
372. The Conference also heard the statement made by the representative of the International Wine Office with regard to the collaboration between the FAO and that Office.
373. Having heard the Director-General's presentation of the difficulties being encountered in respect of documentation, the Conference recognized that provision of facilities to produce documentation has not kept pace with expansion and maturing of substantive activities of the Organization, as evidenced by the accumulation of a considerable arrears of publications.
374. The Conference, therefore, although urging every possible economy, as through restraint in the number of working documents called for and conciseness in drafting, recognized the necessity for such expansion in the documents producing facilities as would keep balance with the substantive activities. It requested the Director-General to pursue a vigorous priority approach, especially in view of the need to clear up the arrears of publications as rapidly as possible, while maintaining a level of current documentation which would prevent a backlog from recurring.
375. The Conference stressed that documentation should be budgeted for as an integral necessity of technical activities. It was suggested that economics might yet be found in production methods and in the distribution and utilization of copies of documents, inter alia, the Director-General might work out measures whereby the application of the present rigid quota system of gratis copies to Member States could be made more flexible and economical.
376. The Conference noted that the Director-General had already imposed a ceiling on documentation, while instituting a mechanism for both longer-term policy study and balanced programing of documentation, and continuous review of documentation activities. It noted that the findings of these studies are to be reported to the Co-ordinating Committee, and together with the findings of that body, to the Council. It took note also of the Director-General's observation that the Council might have to be asked to grant additional funds from the Working Capital Fund, in the light of the Council's assessment of the situation. At the same time attention was called to the fact that such requests were appropriate only in cases of emergency and that the existence or nonexistence of an emergency would have to be established at the time any such request was made to the Council.
377. Having so considered the problems of documentation, the Conference adopted the following Resolution:
The Conference
Having noted the accumulation of a publication backlog and other problems relating, to documents to which the Director-General has called attention;
Approves the documentation proposals of the Director-General contained in the Program of Work provided that since the Director-General's full Budget has been modified the item will be adjusted to allow for only that portion of the proposals given first priority rating by the Coordinating Committee;
Requests the Director-General at the earliest possible date, to review the overall documentation activities with a view to including under the normal documents program all remaining manuscripts in the backlog that are considered of major value to Member Countries and to bring about in 1958 and 1959 as nearly as possible a balanced position between documentation and other activities;
Expresses the view that in future the full costs of documents should be included in the Regular Budget or Program of Work for divisional and other activities.
Mediterranean development project
378. The Conference heard a statement by the Director-General introducing the interim report on " Mediterranean Forestry Programs in Relation to Agriculture Rehabilitation and General Development " and was aware of the conclusions regarding the forestry aspects of this project contained in paragraph 283 of this report. The subsequent discussion revealed general agreement about the importance of a broad and bold attack on mediterranean agriculture and forestry in accordance with the general policies indicated in the interim report. While many delegations stressed the urgency of this broad attack and the desirability of combining national action with international considerations, several delegations suggested that a considerable portion of the project might be financed under existing technical assistance procedures and programs. The Conference then adopted the following Resolution:
Mediterranean Development
The Conference
Convinced that a balanced program of agricultural expansion, pasture improvement and reforestation, coul contribute significantly to the economic and social development of the Mediterranean countries;
Considering the interim report on "Mediterranean Forestry Programs and their relation to agricultural rehabilitation and general Development "; the Director-General's Conference Document C 57/5-Sup. 5 proposing the Mediterranean Development Project a; a major expansion of the Program of Work and Budget for 1958 and 1959; the conclusions already reached by the Conference regarding the forestry aspects of the project and the discussion following the Director-General's introductory statement;
Noting the request of various delegations that detailed surveys of their countries be undertaken as soon as possible in view of the urgency they attach to the measures they are contemplating and the steps they envisage on the basis of those country studies with regard to the financing of their programs: as well as the expressed desire of Mediterranean countries to collaborate with FAO to the fullest extent required for the pursuance and achievement of this project;
Recognizing the importance of orienting future work mainly towards the preparation of country studies and national programs in cooperation with the interested governments by means of special committees set up in each country to work with FAO staff and of establishing close co-operation with all other United Nations agencies interested in this project in their fields of competence:
Decides to group the countries of this region, including those of North Africa, in conformity with the regional system applied by FAO for the purpose of summarizing such national studies to the extent deemed desirable at the international level;
Approves the proposals of the Director-General contained in Document C 57/5-Sup. 5 for completing the Mediterranean Study;
Requests the Director-General to submit this study as well as the country studies to Member Governments, if possible 90 days before the Tenth Session of the FAO Conference and, in the meantime, on the basis of already completed studies, to take whatever steps are necessary to help the interested governments in implementing their programs; and
Recommends that, since the total budget has been modified the possibility be considered of achieving economies by concentrating initial efforts upon those countries in greatest need and otherwise, and in this connection to take into account the figure initially suggested by the Director-General for this item, namely $110,000 for the years 1958 and 1959.
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