Contents -
VII. Membership, elections and appointments
A. Admission
of new members
Appointment of independent Chairman of the council
C. Election of
council members
Retirement of sir Herbert Broadley
Appointment of FAO staff pension committee
Appointment of external auditor
561. The Conference was informed that the formal instruments of acceptance of the Constitution, required from nations applying for membership in FAO under Article II-2 and II-3 of the Constitution had been received by the Director-General: for Ghana, on 4 June 1957; for the Federation of Malaya, on 13 September 1957; for the Polish Peoples' Republic on 29 August 1957. These instruments have been found in order.
Admission of Ghana, the Federation of Malaya and the Polish Peoples' Republic
The Conference
Having proceeded to a secret ballot in accordance with Article II, paragraph 2 of the Constitution and Rule XII, paragraph 7 of the Rules of Procedure
Declares that Ghana, the Federation of Malaya and the Polish Peoples' Republic are admitted as members of the Food and Agriculture Organization as from 9 November 1957.
563. The result of the voting on the application for membership by Ghana was: votes cast - 62, in favor - 60; abstentions - 2.
564. The result of the voting on the application for membership by the Federation of Malaya was: votes cast - 62; in favor - 59; abstentions-3.
565. The result of the voting on the application for membership by the Polish Peoples' Republic was: votes cast - 62; in favor - 54: against -3: abstentions - 5.
566. The credentials of the delegations from Ghana, the Federation of Malaya and the Polish Peoples' Republic were found to be satisfactory.
Contributions and Advances of New Members
Contributions and Advances of New Members
The Conference
Having regard to the provision; of Article XVII-3 of the Constitution, Rule XIX-3 of the Rules of Procedure and Financial Regulation 6.2 (b) (iii)
Decides that the contribution to he paid by the new members for the fiscal year 1957 shall be:
for Ghana: | $ 1,490 |
for the Federation of Malaya: | $ 4,800 |
for the Polish Peoples' Republic: | $ 33,597 |
Determines that these contributions shall be treated as Miscellaneous Income and
Further decides that the advances of each of the three additional members to the Working Capital Fund should be in accordance with the 1958 scale of contributions.
Special Case of the Polish Peoples' Republic
The Conference
(a) that Poland's arrears shall be settled through the payment of ten annual instalments. The first instalment, to be paid in 1957, shall be $21,198.02, the following nine annual instalments being equal amounts of $ 20,000.
(b) that the annual payment of the instalments referred to above shall be considered as fulfilment of Poland's financial obligations to the Organization in respect of these arrears; and
(c) that the payment of the instalments shall constitute Miscellaneous Income.
B. Appointment of independent Chairman of the council
Appointment of Independent Chairman of the Council
The Conference
Having proceeded to a secret ballot in accordance with the provisions of Rule XII of the Rules of Procedure, declares unanimously that S.A. Hasnie is appointed Independent Chairman of the Council for a further period of two years, that is until the next Regular Session of the Conference to be held in 1959; and
Having noted the recommendation submitted by the General Committee in conformity with Rule XXIV of the Rules of Procedure;
Decides that the conditions of appointment, including the allowances attached to the office, shall remain the same as set out in Conference Resolution 51/55.
C. Election of council members
570. In accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and Rules of Procedure adopted earlier, the Conference proceeded to elect the following Member Nations:
Europe: | France | Germany |
Norway | Netherlands | |
United Kingdom | Portugal | |
Far East: | India | Indonesia |
Pakistan | Japan | |
Thailand | ||
Latin America: | Cuba | Chile |
Colombia | ||
Near East: | Egypt | |
South-West Pacific: | New Zealand |
D. Retirement of sir Herbert Broadley
Retirement of sir Herbert Broadley The Conference
Having been informed that the Deputy Director-General, Sir Herbert Broadley, will be retiring in June 1958, on completion of his tenth year of service with FAO.
Wishes to convey to him its very deep and sincere appreciation for the outstanding services he has rendered to the Organization.
Places on record that Sir Herbert Broadley has sewed with utmost devotion and competence the ideals for which FAO stands, and
Conveys to him its warmest wishes for his happiness and success in the future.
E. Appointment of FAO staff pension committee
572. Article XX of the Regulations of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund (as amended by the General Assembly effective 1 January 1953) provides that: "Each member organization shall have a staff pension committee, which shall include members chosen by the body of the member organization corresponding to the General Assembly of the United Nations, by the chief executive officier, and the participants. "
573. The FAO Staff Pension Committee consists of:
Three members (with three alternates) appointed by the Conference of FAO;
Three members (with three alternates) appointed by the Director-General. and
Three members (with three alternates) elected by the FAO participants,
574. Appointments are made for a period of two years,
575. It is necessary for the Conference to appoint three members and three alternates to the Staff Pension Committee for the period 1 January 1958 through 31 December 1959.
576. In accordance with the foregoing, the Conference appointed the following to the FAO Staff Pension Committee:
Members: |
Stationed in | |
Dr. Carolus Eygenraam (Netherlands | Rome |
Mr. Walter W. Sohl (United States of America) | Rome |
Mr. Hussein Sadegh (Iran) | Rome |
Alternates: |
Mr. Andjelke Blazovic (Yugoslavia) | Rome |
Mr. Kadhim M. Khalaf (Iraq) | New York |
Mr. Zwi Locker (Israel) | Rome |
F. Appointment of external auditor
Appointment of External Auditor
The Conference
Noting with satisfaction the valuable and effective services of the present External Auditor;
Decides to re-appoint Sir Frank N. Tribe, Comptroller and Auditor to the United Kingdom as External Auditor of the Organization for an additional period of two years commencing Wit/l accounts for the year 1958.
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