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VIII. Administrative and personnel matters
A. Permanent site of regional office for Asia and the Far East
B. Use of
Conference Facilities
C. Administrative
D. Dependency
E. Education grant
A. Permanent site of regional office for Asia and the Far East
336. The Sixth Session of the Conference had recommended that the 1953 Session should review the question of the permanent site of the Regional Office for Asia and the Far East, and instructed the Director-General to continue his negotiations with Member Governments on this matter. The Conference accordingly considered this question and had before it offers from the Governments of India and Thailand for the establishment of this office on a permanent basis in New Delhi and Bangkok respectively. The Conference, while expressing its great appreciation of the most generous offer of the Government of India, concluded that it would not be justified in recommending that the office should be moved from its provisional site in Bangkok. The Conference approved the following resolution:
Regional Office for Asia and the Far East
The Conference
Having regard to the excellent facilities provided since 1948 in Bangkok by the Government of Thailand for the Regional Office for Asia and the Far East;
Having further regard to the fact that the Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East is established in Bangkok:
Noting the considerable expense involved in transferring the Office from its present site;
Decides that the Regional Office shall be established in Bangkok on a permanent basis.
B. Use of Conference Facilities
337. The Conference took note of the report of the Director-General on the action he had taken during 1952 and 1953 to make the FAO Conference facilities available to other organizations in accordance with the principles stated in Resolution No. 60 of the Sixth Session of the Conference. The Conference commended the Director-General for the action he had taken and requested him to continue to act on the same lines in 1954 and 1955, subject to the implementation of his own further proposals which had been endorsed by the Committee on Financial Control. These proposals were as follows:
(i) That the present rates for both full and partial use of Conference facilities be continued, it being assumed that adequate provision will be approved in the 1954 budget, as has been proposed, to cover a period of approximately 20 days of Council use (as well as appropriate provision for Conference and Council Sessions in 1955).
(ii) That the Conference Unit account be again maintained on a two-year basis (any "deficit being absorbed by savings within the regular budget). The Director-General will in this period continue to consult the Council and the CFC, as appropriate, on the policies and rates governing outside use of Conference facilities and will report to the 1955 Conference on developments during the two-year period.
(iii) That in view of the uncertainties in the use of Conference facilities by outside agencies during 1954, the continuing Conference staff be maintained at a minimum. This vacant posts will not be filled unless there is assurance that sufficient use will be made of Conference facilities by outside agencies. This will hinder the effective operations of the Conference staff but there appears to he no immediate alternative.
338. The Conference requested the Director-General to continue to consult with the Committee on Financial Control on this question during 1954 and 1955.
339. The Conference considered the question of the access by staff members to an Administrative Tribunal for the settlement of possible matters of dispute between staff members and the Organization. The Director-General had suggested three possible methods of providing this facility: to adhere either to the Tribunal of the United Nations or that of the International Labour Organization or to establish an FAO Tribunal. The Conference, when considering this matter, had before it also the views of the Staff Council.
340. The Conference was of the opinion that the Organization should as an interim measure, arrange to accept the jurisdiction of the Administrative Tribunal of the International Labour Organization. Disputes with regard to matters concerning the Joint Staff Pension Fund should, however, be referred to the Administrative Tribunal of the United Nations since this Fund is a joint undertaking administered by the United Nations.
341. The Conference adopted the following resolution to which the delegation of the United States of America wished to record the negative vote of its government.
Resolution No. 71
Administrative Tribunal
The Conference
Taking note of Article XV (3) of the Constitution and of Rule XXXI (6) of the Rules of Procedure;
Considering that the General Assembly was currently considering certain questions in connection with the competence of the United Nations Administrative Tribunal;
Being of the opinion that adherence to the ILO Tribunal as an interim measure would afford equitable protection for the rights of staff members;
Decides that the Organization should - as an interim provision- arrange to accept immediately the jurisdiction of the Administrative Tribunal of the International Labour Organization for the purpose of hearing complaints of alleged non-observance of the terms and conditions of appointment of FAO staff members, except for cases arising out of administration of the Regulations of the Joint Staff Pension Fund; and
Decides that the competence of the ILO Tribunal should cover complaints arising on or subsequent to 1 July 1952;
Authorizes adherence of the Organization to the jurisdiction of the United Nations Administrative Tribunal in all matters involving applications alleging nonobservance of the Joint Staff Pension Fund Regulations;
Authorizes provision in Chapter VII - Miscellaneous Expenditure - of the 1954/ 1955 Program of Work and Budget, to cover possible expenditure by the Organization in connection with the ILO and UN Tribunals;
Requests the Director-General to effect the necessary additions or amendments to the Staff Regulations reflecting the provisional adherence of the Organization to the jurisdiction of the ILO Tribunal, and the adherence of the Organization to the UN Tribunal on Pension Fund matters, and to report on such changes to the first Session of the Council in 1954.
342. The Conference considered the possible introduction into FAO of dependency allowances independent of a Staff Assessment Plan, but agreed that no action should be taken at this time to introduce such allowances, in view especially of the conditions of financial stringency under which the Organization was operating.
343. The Conference approved the proposal of the Director-General, which had been endorsed by the Committee on Financial Control, to the effect that eligibility for the Education Grant should be broadened so as to make the grant payable in respect of children under the age of thirteen, of a nationality different from that of the duty station, who attend a school conducted at the duty station in one of the official languages of the Organization, and attended by pupils of more than one nationality. The extended eligibility for the grant should be introduced effective 1 January 1954. The Conference authorized the Director-General to revise the Staff Regulations accordingly.
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