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Item No.Food and DescriptionFrench NameComposition in Terms of 100 Grams Edible Portion
Food EnergyMoistureProteinFatCarbohydrate, total (incl. fiber)FiberAshCalciumPhosphorusIronRetionalB-carotene EquivalentThiamineRiboflavinNiacinTryptophanAscorbic acidRefuse in as purchased
1065.Molasses, made from sugar-cane (Saccharum spp. )Mélasses 24.000   270 7.0  .06.10  0 
    (1)(1)(1)   (1) (1)  (1)(1)  (1) 
1066.Preserves, average of all kinds of fruits Sugar cane, stems and juice. See Fruits.Conserves de fruits                  
1067.Sugar, native brownSucre3447.6  88.8 2.4           
  roux (2)    (2)           
    7.1–8.2    1.8–3.1           
1068.Sugar, refined, whiteSucre                  
 Syrups made from:Sirop                  
1069.Sugar-cane (Saccharum spp. )de canne ā sucre                  
1070.Sorghum (Sorghum spp. ), stemsde sorgho ā sucre                  
1071.“Burgu” (Echinochloa stagnina )de borgou; katou                  
 Ants, flying (Carebara sp. ), raw:Fourmis volantes                  
1074.Antelope (Alcelaphini and Strepsicerotini), saltedAntilope15060.230.42.2  7.2653022.10 .07.287.8 0 
    (2)(2)(2)  (2)(2)(2)(2)(2) (2)(2)(2) (2) 
1075.Ass, domestic (Equus asinus)Ane domestique                  
 Ass, wild. See Zebra.                   
1076.Baboon; monkeySinges                  
1077.Bacon, medium fatBacon62920. 4.8131201.3        
    (1)(1)(1)  (1)(1)(1)(1)        
1078.Bat; flying fox (Eidolon; Pteropus)Roussette                  
 Beef; zebu (Bos taurus; B. indicus):Viande de boeuf,                  
1079.Very thinde zébu12274.620.63.8001.0221414.60 .06.173.2 0 
    (8)(8)(8)  (8)(5)(5)(5)(4) (5)(5)(4) (4) 
    71.8–76.916.9–22.42.4–6.6  .9–1.213–58132–176.6–5.6-- .06–.08.13–.18-- -- 
1080.Medium fat 23763.118.217.7001.0111943.6        
    (7)(7)(7)  (5)(3)(3)(3)        
    59.8–66.113.7–20.112.5–23.4  .9–1.110–12180–2203.0–4.0        
1081.Fat 41047.013.739.000.3102004.0        
    (1)(1)(1)  (1)(1)(1)(1)        
1082.Salted, fat removed ? 11950.627.1.40021.9912705.40 .02.213.4 0 
    (4)(4)(4)  (4)(4)(4)(4)(4) (4)(4)(4) (4) 
    ------  ---------- ------ -- 
1083.Dried, salted 25029.455.41.50013.7499104.90 .02.186.3 0 
    (4)(4)(4)  (4)(4)(4)(4)(4) (4)(4)(4) (4) 
    ------  ---------- ------ -- 
1084.Corned 25153.527.215.0004.3           
    (2)(2)(2)  (2)           
    48.9–57.125.9–28.512.3–17.8  3.9–4.7           
1085.Cooked 17268.522.68.000.916 2.8  .06.207.2?   
    (1)(1)(1)  (1)(1) (1)  (1)(1)(1)   
1086.Beetles (Polycleis;Coléoptères                  
 Sternocera) 19256.227.13.711.26.41.8           
    (2)(3)(3) (1)(1)           
1087.Blood, animal Brain:Sang Cervelle                  
1091.Buffalo, African (Syncerus caffer), meatBuffle d'Afrique                  
1092.Buffalo, water (Bubalus bubalis), meatBuffle domestique                  
1093.Bushbuck; nyala; kudu;Guib;                  
 sita tungas; waterbucksnyala;                  
1094.Bushpig; river hogPotamo-                  
1095.Camel (Camelus dromedarius), meatDromadaire, “chameau”26759.119.620.3  1.0           
    (1)(1)(1)  (1)           
 Caterpillars; palm-weevil;Chenilles;                  
 larvae (Bombycomorpha; Cirina; Gynanisa; Herse; Nudaurelia; Platygenia):vers de palmier; larves                  
1096.Raw 8681.  .50.20    
    (11)(24)(24) (17)(18)(5)(4)(4)  (1)(1)    
    83.6–85.07.0–16.21.5–7.9 1.7–3.0.7–1.714–2056–190.2–1.0        
1097.Dried 4309.152.915.416.95.45.71856172.3220?50?.171.306.0 0 
    (4)(4)(4) (3)(4)(4)(3)(3)(1)(1)(4)(4)(4) (3) 
    7.8–10.151.1–54.913.8–17.5 1.4–7.43.8–8.4124–270142–8542.0–3.0  .09–.35.18–2.873.8–11.2 -- 
1099.Smoked 33320.462. .10.124.2 0 
    (3)(3)(3) (3)(3)(3)(3)(3)(3) (3)(3)(3) (3) 
    ------ ------------ ------ -- 
1100.Smoked, dried 42511.652.615.415.814.24.6           
    (2)(2)(2) (2)(2)           
    11.2–11.951.6–53.513.1–17.7 12.1–16.33.2–5.9           
 Chicken (Gallus gallus):Poulet                  
 Raw, total edible:                   
1101.Young bird 14672.020.56.5001.0102061.1        
    (3)(3)(3) (1)(2)(2)(2)(2)        
    70.0–73.420.0–21.04.8–9.0  --10–11205–2081.0–1.2        
1102.Mature bird                   
 Cut-up pieces:                   
1103.Breast (white meat)                   
1104.Leg (dark meat)                   
1105.Chimpanzee; gorilla (Pongidae)Chimpanzé; gorille                  
1106.Cranes; bustards (Tetrapteryz; Choriotis; Lissotis; Lophotis)Grues; outardes                  
1107.Crickets (Brachytrypes membranaceus), rawGrillons11776. 13.0        
    (3)(5)(5) (5)(5)(2) (2)        
    72.1–77.310.6–16.94.7–7.2 1.8–3.3--16–19 8.0–18.0        
1108.Crocodile (Crocodylus; Osteolaemus)Crocodile                  
1109.Dog (Canis familiaris)Chien                  
 Donkey. See Ass, domestic.                   
1110.Duck (Anatidae), domesticated, total edibleCanard domestique28757.418.623.0001.0           
    (1)(1)(1)  (1)           
1111.Duck, wild (Mergus merganser), total edible,Oie                  
1112.Eland, common (Taurotragus oryx)Elan du cap                  
1113.Elephant meat (Loxodonta africana) Feet:Eléphant Pied                  
1114.Pigde porc                  
1115.Sheepde mouton                  
1116.Flies, lake (Chaoborus edulis), cakeGalettes de mouches38215.748.610.321.2 4.2140 65.6?  1.243.4418.3   
  lacustres (1)(1)(1)  (1)(1) (1)  (1)(1)(1)   
1117.Frog (Rana; Pyxicephalus), wholeGrenouille                  
1118.Gazelle and springbuckBiche                  
 (Lithocranius; Gazella; Antidorcas)Robert et gazelle                  
1119.Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis)Girafe                  
1120.Goat (Capra), meatChèvre                  
1121.Goose, domesticated (Anser), total edibleOie domestique                  
 Gorilla. See Chimpanzee.                   
1122.Grasscutter; rabbit bandicoot; pig-footed bandicoot (Thryonomys), smokedAulacode; “agouti”; n'sibissi                  
 Grasshoppers (Acridium; Zonocerus):Criquet; sauterelle                  
1123.Raw 17062.726. 11.0        
    (1)(4)(3) (2)(2)(2) (2)        
     23.3–29.22.1–5.8 2.0–2.81.2–1.335–45 10.1–11.9        
1124.Grilled, flour 4207.062.210.415.8 4.6177418         
    (1)(1)(1)  (1)(1)(1)         
1125.Guinea-fowl (Numida spp.)Pintade                  
 Ham, raw:Jambon                  
1127.Medium fat                   
1128.Ham, cured, medium fat                   
1129.Ham, smoked, medium fat, with bone                   
1130.Hare (Lepus; Poelagus), flesh only Head:Lièvre; “lapin” Tête                  
1131.Beefde boeuf                  
1132.Hogde porc                  
1133.Sheep Heart:de mouton Coeur                  
1134.Beefde boeuf10977. 1.391724.8    2.7   
    (2)(2)(2)  (1)(1)(1)(1)        
1135.Hogde porc                  
1136.Sheepde mouton                  
 Hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius), meat;Hippopotame                  
1137.Smoked 38520.363.112.80 3.8           
    (1)(1)(1)  (1)           
1138.Dried 36813.380.62.60 3.532099.10 .04.244.5 0 
    (2)(2)(2)  (2)(2)(2)(2)(2) (2)(2)(2) (2) 
    13.1–13.4--2.3–2.8  3.4–3.6--195–218---- ------ -- 
1139.Horse (Equus caballus), meat Igunas, See MonitorCheval                  
1140.Impala (Aepyceros melampus)Impala                  
1141.Intestines, beef Kidney:Rognon                  
1142.Beefde boeuf                  
1143.Calfde veau                  
1144.Hogde porc                  
1145.Sheepde mouton                  
1146.Kob; waterbuck (Adenota; Kobus; Onotragus)Cobe                  
 Kudu. See Bushbuck.                   
 Lamb. See Mutton.                   
 Larvae. See Caterpillar.                   
1147.Lemur (Lemuridae; Indridae) Liver:Lemuriens Foie                  
1148.Beefde boeuf14370.  5.2 71 
    (1)(1)(1)  (1)(1)(1)(1)(1)(1)  (2) (120) 
                 4.2–6.3 41–94 
1149.Buffalo  72.8              72 
    (?)              (120) 
    70.4–74.2              51–92 
1150.Camel  72.8              58 
    (?)              (120) 
    70.4–74.2              39–74 
1151.Goat  72.8              77 
    (?)              (120) 
    70.4–74.2              54–90 
1152.Hogde porc 72.8              69 
    (?)              (120) 
    70.4–74.2              35–134 
1153.Sheepde mouton 72.8              78 
    (?)              (120) 
    70.4–74.2              49–130 
 Locust (Locustana):Locuste;                  
  sauterelle (1)(1)(1)              
1155.Fried   150 5.0        
    (1)(1)(1)   (1) (1) (1)      
1156.Flour 4367.147.522.96.84.9            
    (1)(1)(1) (1)            
 Lung, raw:Poumon                  
1157.Beefde boeuf                  
1158.Hogde porc                  
1159.Sheepde mouton                  
1160.Monitor; iguana (Varanus niloticus)Varan; iguana11373.224.01.2001.6262583.716535.05.205.8 0 
    (2)(2)(2)  (2)(2)(2)(2)(2)(2)(2)(2)(2) (2) 
    ------  ------------------ -- 
1161.Mopanie worm (Conimbrasia belina), dried 4446.156.816.413.89.66.945857672.250595.521.8710.9 4* 
    (2)(2)(2) (1)(1)(1)(1)(1)(1)(1)(1)(1)(1) (1) 
 Mutton; lamb (Ovis aries):Mouton                  
1162.Very thinagneau                  
1163.Medium fat                   
1165.Unspecified 26560.716.921.4001.0101482.010tr.  3.1   
    (3)(3)(3) (1)(2)(2)(2)(2)(1)(1)  (2)   
    55.8–70.015.7–17.511.5–27.7  --8–13100–1951.5–2.5    2.5–3.7   
1166.Cooked 14072.520.05.9.5 1.119 2.1  .07.165.8   
    (1)(1)(1)  (1)(1) (1)  (1)(1)(1)   
1167.Ox tailQueue de boeuf                  
1168.Pangolin (Manis)Pangolin                  
1169.Pigeon; squab; turtle-dovePigeon;                  
 (Vinago; Columba; Turtur;Oena;Alectoroenas; Streptopelia spp.)tourterelle17966. 1.3           
    (1)(1)(1)  (1)           
 Pig's feet. See Feet                   
1170.Porcupine (Hystrix; Atherurus)Porc-épic; athérure                  
 Pork (Sus scrofa):Viande de                  
1172.Medium fat 41846.112.440.5001.0111741.8        
    (2)(2)(2)  (1)(2)(2)(2)        
    --11.9–13.036–45   10–12130–2191.5–2.0        
1174.Pupae (Gonometa)Gonometa; 66.713.513.2              
  chrysalide (1)(1)(1)              
1175.Quail; francolins; partridgeCailles;                  
 (Turnix; Coturnix; Pt ernistis; Francolinus; Margaroperdix)francolins; perdrix                  
1176.Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus), domesticated, flesh onlyLapin                  
1177.Rat; mouse; jerboasRat; souris                  
 (Oenomys hypoxanthus; Rattus; Cricetomys; Rhabdomys; Jaculus)gerboise                  
1178.Rhinoceros (Diceros and Ceratotherium), meatRhinocéros                  
1179.Beefde boeuf                  
1180.Muttonde mouton                  
1181.Porkde porc                  
1182.Unspecified, dry, from United Arab Republic. 5939.436.047.43.0 4.2           
    (20)(20)(20)  (20)           
    2.8–20.518.6–51.334.7–69.2  1.2–8.1           
1183.Snake (Bitis; Python)Serpent                  
1184.Snake, small (Mehilia)Petit9475.           
  serpent (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)           
 Squab. See Pigeon.                   
1185.Sparrows and small birdsPassereaux                  
 (Passer; Quelea spp.)et petits oiseaux                  
1186.Beefde boeuf                  
1187.Hogde porc                  
1188.Squirrel; “Palm-squirrel”Ecureuil                  
 (Xerus; Protoxerus; Epixerus; Paraxerus spp.)“rat-palmiste”9477.919.41.3001.4           
    (1)(1)(1)  (1)           
1189.Stomach, hogEstomac                  
  de porc                  
 Termites (Termes):Termites                  
1190.Raw 35644.520.428.           
    (1)(6)(5) (2)(4)           
     18.4–23.224.6–28.3 2.6–2.72.2–3.6           
1191.Dried 6561.735.754.33.5 4.814278052.0?  .035.975.8 tr. 
    (1)(1)(1)  (1)(1)(1)(1)  (1)(1)(1) (1) 
1192.Smoked 5797.836.544. .10.061.8 0 
    (5)(5)(5) (5)(5)(5)(5)(4)(4) (4)(4)(4) (4) 
    6.0–8.236.0–36.644.3–44.4 3.0–5.15.2–6.464–9857–97---- ------ -- 
1193.Fried 54214.731.842.  .123.238.3? tr. 
    (3)(3)(3) (1)(3)(2)(2)(2)  (2)(1)(1) (1) 
    9.0–22.020.8–45.636.2–52.5  4.3–5.920–139510–53011.5–23.2  .02–.22     
1194.Tongue, beef  68.016.415.0   81994.0        
    (1)(1)(1)   (1)(1)(1)        
1195.Tripe, beefTripe de boeuf                  
1196.Turkey (Meleagris)Dindon; dinde                  
1197.Turtle; tortoise (Chelonia; Dermochelys)Tortue                  
 Turtle-dove. See Pigeon.                   
1198.Udder, cow, rawTétine                  
1199.Veal, rawVeau                  
1200.Venison (Cervus)Venaison                  
1201.Warthog (Phacochoerus aethiopicus)Phacochère                  
 Weevils, palm, larvae.                   
 See Caterpillars.                   
1202.Wildebeest (Connochaetes).Gnou                  
1203.Wild-cat; serval catChat sau-                  
 (Felis lybica)vage; serval                  
1204.Zebra; wild ass (Equus)Zèbre; âne sauvage                  
 Zebu meat (Bos indicus).                   
 See Beef.                   
1205.Birds' egg, from various kinds of birds, wholeOeufs d'oiseaux divers                  
 Duck egg:Oeuf de                  
 Hen egg:Oeuf de poule                  
1208.Raw 14077.011.89.6..601.0452002.6350300  .3   
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)(1)(1)(1)  (1)   
1212.Fermented (Congo)Fermenté                  
1213.Incubated eggOeuf couvé                  
 (embryonated chick)                   
1214.Guinea-fowl egg, wholeOeuf de pintade                  
1215.Ostrich egg, wholeOeuf de d'autruche                  
1216.Turtle egg (Chelonia sp.), wholeOeuf de tortue                  
1217.Albacore, long-finnedGermon;                  
 (Thunnus alalunga; Germo alalunga), rawthon blanc17065.524.07.5003.0           
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)           
1218.Amber jack; yellow tailSériole;                  
 (Seriola dumerili), dried, salted filletpoissonlimon27512.254.94.50028.4     .18.0810.0657  
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)     (1)(1)(1)(1)  
 Anchovy (Engraulis encrasicholus; E. hepsetus):Anchois                  
1219.Raw 9968.121.01.0009.9           
    (2)(2)(2)  (1)           
1220.Dried, salted 30411.561.94.40022.2     .07.2719.6   
    (1)(1)(1)  (1)     (1)(1)(1)   
1221.Dried, smoked, whole. 30920.255.87.80016.22,680          
    (1)(1)(1)  (1)(1)          
1222.Sun-dried, whole 25921.550.44.90023.23,256          
    (2)(2)(2)  (2)(2)          
    21.3–21.848.9–51.93.1–6.7  23.1– 23.23,244– 3,268          
1223.Angel fish; seabatPlatax                  
 (Platax pinnatus), raw. 8479.918.6.5001.0           
    (1)(1)(1)  (1)           

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