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1. Natural - being in accordance with or determined by nature b: having or constituting a classification based on features existing in nature

2. Nature - the inherent character or basic constitution of a person or thing: essence b: disposition, temperment. 2 a: a creative and controlling force in the universe b: an inner force or the sum of such forces in an individual. 3: a kind or class usually distinguished by fundamental or essential characteristics <documents of a confidential nature <acts of a ceremonial nature 4: the physical constitution or drives of an organism; especially: an excretory organ or function - used in phrases like the call of nature 5: a spontaneous attitude (as of generosity) 6: the external world in its entirety

3. (EU) Forests composed of tree species indigenous to the area.

4. (Iran) It is substantiated naturally, without mans' interference. "M.Zobeiri"
[email protected]

5. (Nicaragua) - Draft - Bosque Natural. Agrupamiento vegetal con predominio de especies arbóreas conocidas como autóctonas de la zona, asociadas generalmente a una fauna silvestre y condiciones de suelos naturales con ninguna o escasa intervención humana (see Borrador de la ley, CAPITULO II DEFINICIONES) Harrie [email protected]

6. (UN-FRA 2000) Natural forests are forests composed of indigenous trees, not planted by man. Or in other words forests excluding plantations. (UN/ECE-FAO 1997, FAO 1998).

7. (Vietnam) Natural forests comprise all timberlands and bamboo groves of all ages, not excluding young regrowth under rehabilitation.
Hanoi, January 17th 1992

8. A forest composed primarily of naturally established indigenous species (by opposition to plantation)

9. A forest ecosystem with most of the principal characteristics and key elements of native ecosystems such as complexity, structure and diversity. Natural forests lack the abundance of mature trees and freedom from human disturbance that characterize primary forests.

10. A forest or forest remnant comprising indigenous species of plants (i.e., plant species which are native to a specified area or region in the country). The forest may include naturalized species (i.e., exotic species introduced into or naturally colonized in a region so as to appear native or wild), provided they are not sufficiently abundant or physiognomically dominant so as to alter the general character of the original forest. Natural forest includes unaltered virgin upland and lowland indigenous forest, indigenous forest which has been slightly or significantly modified by human activity but which retains part or most of the general composition or character of the original forest, or indigenous forest which is being managed or exploited primarily for the commercial production of wood. From: New Zealand Forestry Statistics 1997 (Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Wellington, 1998)

11. A forest that has evolved and reproduced itself naturally from organisms previously established, and that has not been significantly altered by human activity. A natural forest may include, but is not equivalent to, an "old-growth forest."

12. A stand of trees resulting from natural seed fall or sprouting.

13. A woodland comprising trees that have not been planted by humans, and where no human interference has occurred (Allaby 1994).
Helene M Cleveland CCMAIL
[email protected]

14. An area with an existing stand of naturally grown trees of dipterocarp, premium, and other classified commercial species, as well as other naturally associated forest flora and fauna

15. An ecosystem with a hyperbolic distribution of age classes of trees, including a minimum of 10% mature trees.

16. Ecosystems dominated by trees or shrubs in an original or nearly original fashion through natural generation. This definition includes mangroves.

17. Floresta Natural - Formação florestal composta por espécies de ocorrência típica de determinada região, cuja composição obedeça às características próprias da sucessão vegetal.

18. Forest area(s) being managed to protect, maintain, or restore natural composition, structures, and functioning.

19. Forest areas where most of the principal characteristics and key elements of native ecosystems such as complexity, structure and diversity are present as defined by FSC-approved national and regional standards of forest management. and FSC glossary, printed in the Principles and Criteria document and

20. Forest areas, including primary forest, where most or all of the principal characteristics and key elements of native ecosystems, such as complexity, structure, and diversity, are present given the physical parameters of climate, geology, hydrology and successional patterns. and additional FSC terms proposed in the December, 1996 FSC newsletter.

21. Natural forests contain only the original patterns of biodiversity, the native species occurring in established seral patterns. These formations and processes have not been impacted by humans with a frequency or intensity to change established seral patterns. Ranil Senanayake [email protected]

22. Natural forests are forests naturally grown but not planted, either virgin forests without any human disturbance or secondary forests with natural generation.

23. Natural regeneration - The natural establishment of trees and other vegetation with at least 400 woody, free-to-grow seedlings per acre, which are capable of reaching a height of at least 20 feet at maturity.

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