1. Non-forest - Land not
primarily intended for growing or supporting forest. Includes alpine, rock,
slide, non-productive burn, non-productive brush, swamp or muskeg, cultivated,
cleared, urban, open range, wild hay meadow, clay bank, gravel bar, and other
2. Non-forest ecosystem - Grasslands, shrublands, chaparral, wetlands, deserts, etc., where trees are
not the dominant life form, although they may be present as scattered
individuals or in patches. See forest ecosystem.
http://legacy.ca.gov/pub_docs/CCRISP_ResourceAssessmentMethodologyCaseStudies.pdf and http://www.eman-rese.ca/eman/ecotools/protocols/terrestrial/vegetation/glossary.html
3. Non-forest land - Land
not primarily intended for growing or supporting a forest.
http://www.babineefmpp.com/glossary/N.html http://www.swp.bc.ca/myw/html/21_Glossary.htm
4. Unforested [adj.] Not covered with forest; "unforested lands."