General Information
· Main climates: Tropical Wet and Dry, Tropical Wet and Dry at 600 m above sea, Tropical Wet, Tropical Steppe and Semiarid
· Total land area: 91 205 000 ha
· Internal renewable water resources: 200 km3
· GNP per capita, 1998: PPP$ 5 706
· Main food consumed: Maize, Oil & fat, Sugar & honey, Wheat, Fruits
· Rice supply, 1999: 23.3 kg paddy/capita/year
Basic Statistics
1985 |
1990 |
1995 |
2000 |
Harvested area (T ha) |
180 |
114 |
177 |
150 |
Yield (kg/ha) |
2609 |
4313 |
4266 |
4913 |
Production (T t) |
471 |
495 |
756 |
737 |
Imports (T t) |
0.755 |
0.352 |
68.07 |
NA |
Exports (T t) |
0.028 |
0 |
76.92 |
NA |
Population (M) |
17.13 |
19.50 |
21.84 |
NA |
Agr population (M) |
2.631 |
2.763 |
2.541 |
NA |
Irrigated agr area (T ha) |
470 |
480 |
536 |
NA |
Fertilizer cons (T t) |
477 |
427 |
298 |
NA |
Agr tractors in use (T units) |
43.50 |
48.00 |
49.00 |
NA |
Producing Zones and Cropping Seasons
Rice is grown in only 5 provinces/zones in the country as shown in the following table.
Production zone |
Harvested area (% total harvested area) |
Portuguesa |
57.01 |
Guarico |
38.01 |
Cojedes |
4.18 |
Barinas |
0.57 |
Zulia |
0.23 |
Two rice crops are grown in a year
Cropping season |
Planting |
Harvesting |
Wet season |
jul-aug |
nov-dec |
Dry season |
nov-dec |
may-jun |
Production Practices
The following figure show that rice is grown only under irrigated condition
Rice-rice and rice-other crops (sorghum, maize, oil seed crops, and cotton) are main cropping systems. Rice production is highly mechanised. Most of planted varieties belong to indica type. In the late 1970s, CICA 4 was widely planted. Other high yielding varieties have been then released for cultivation.
Variety Name |
Released period |
Growth duration (days) |
1975-79 |
1980-84 |
1980-84 |
1980-84 |
1980-84 |
CICA 4 |
1975-79 |
120-140 |
CICA 6 |
1975-79 |
126-137 |
CICA 8 |
1980-84 |
120-145 |
Cimaron |
1988 |
117-120 |
1985-89 |
CT 8240-1-3-9P-M |
1990-94 |
CT 8250-412-6P |
1990-94 |
CT-8008-12-24-8P-M |
1990-94 |
1992 |
120-125 |
1990-94 |
Fonaiap 2000 |
2000 |
110 |
Fundarroz PN-1 |
2000 |
105 |
IR 22 |
1975-79 |
123-137 |
1990-94 |
Palmar |
1988 |
120-135 |
SEL # 2 |
1990-94 |
Land preparation is done under wet conditions. Broadcasting of pre-germinated rice seed to wet field is the main method of crop establishment. Traditionally aeroplane is used for seeding and other cultural operations. However, Broadcasting by hand and small equipment has become more and more popular to reduce cost. Farmers applied high doses of fertilizers and other agro-chemicals to rice.
Constraints and Issues of Sustainable Production
There are several constraints to sustainable rice production in Venezuela. Following are the majors:
Rice Hoja blanca virus, Blast, Brown spots and Sogata insect
Weed and Red rice competition
Iron toxicity, poor internal and external drainage due to heavy soils in Portuguesa and Guarico
Yield decline in intensive irrigated areas
Yield potentials of present irrigated varieties have reached a plateau.
The following table show the costs of rice production
Other information |
Yield (t/ha) |
Cost ($/ha) |
Cost ($/t) |
1996 irrigated |
4.5 |
910 |
202 |
Rice yields in the country are among the highest under tropical climate areas. Sustainable rice production would require, therefore, new varieties with higher yielding potential and new approach in crop management such as the Integrated Crop Management - Ricecheck system.
Research and Development Institutes
· Estacion Experimental Barinas Torunos, Sistema de Riego Santo Domingo, Km. 10 Barinas Edo. Barinas
· Estacion Experimental de Araure A.P. 102 Carretera Araube Acarigua Portuguesa
· Estacion Experimental de Los Llanos A.P. 14 Bancos de San Pedro Calabozo Guarico
· Fundacion Servicio para la Agricultura Estacion Experimental de Cagua Cagua Aragua
· Centro Nacional Investigaciones Agropecuarias FONIAP Fondo Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias A.P. 4653 Zona Universitaria, Via El Limon 2101 Maracay Aragua Phone: 492491 Telex: 48277 SIRCA VC Fax: (043) 454320