FAO AGRICULTURAL SERVICES BULLETIN 151 Manual for the preparation and sale of fruits and vegetables by
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ISBN 92-5-104991-2
ISSN 1010-1365
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© FAO 2004
1.1 Harvest systems
1.2 Harvest ripeness and readiness for harvest
1.3 Handling during harvest
1.4 Harvest recommendations
1.5 Curing
Chapter 2. Preparation for the fresh market
2.1 The need for a packhouse
2.2 The packhouse2.2.1 General considerations about design
2.2.2 General considerations about operations
2.2.3 Special operations
2.2.4 Packaging
3.1 The need for storage
3.2 Requirements and general characteristics for a storage facility
3.3 Storage systems3.3.1 Natural or field storage
3.3.2 Natural ventilation
3.3.3 Forced air ventilation
3.3.4 Refrigeration
3.3.5 Combination of storage systems
3.3.6 Controlled atmospheres
Chapter 4. Hygiene and Sanitation
4.1 Background
4.2 Microbiological risk in the production and distribution of fruits and vegetables4.2.1 Before harvest
4.2.2 Market preparation
4.2.3 Storage and transport
4.2.4 Sale
Chapter 5. The Quality in Fruits and Vegetables
5.1 What does the consumer demand?
5.2 Definition of quality
5.3 Perception of quality5.4 Obtaining a product of quality
5.5 Towards total quality in fruits and vegetables
Chapter 6. Selling Fruits and Vegetables
6.1 Understanding the consumer
6.2 Non-direct marketing
6.3 Direct marketing6.3.1 The retail outlet
6.3.2 Street selling
6.3.3 Community markets
6.3.4 Farm stall Sales
6.3.5 Selling to restaurants and hotels