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93. The session underlined - as had previous sessions - the importance the results obtained by EIFAC could have for developing countries. It further noted that assistance provided by some member countries to other countries, either through training or field missions, is not negligible, as shown by document EIFAC/XII/82/19 and additional information orally provided to the session.

94. In this respect, the representative of the Director-General of FAO drew the attention of the participants to the very serious problems encountered by the capture sector of inland fisheries in developing countries where there is a continuously growing demand for fish as food. But in most cases the operations and development of inland fisheries are hampered by the following constaints:

It would, therefore, be highly desirable that the European countries expand their programme of cooperation or assistance to developing countries in inland fisheries technology.

95. The session agreed that the plea made by the representative of the Director-General of FAO should be brought to the attention of the European institutions working in the field of gear and fishing technology and of interested governmental bodies.

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