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277. The Conference approved the way in which work on commodities had been carried out in 196061 and the proposals for work in 1962-63.

278. Stress was laid on the growing importance of commodity problems generally and especially on FAO's work in this field and its special significance for the economies of developing countries whose future growth depended largely on the solution of world-wide problems facing individual commodities and groups of commodities. The Conference recognized the responsibilities devolving upon FAO from the fact that there was no other intergovernmental unit specialized to the same extent as FAO for the study of such a wide range of primary products. Attention was called to the need for careful determination of priorities by the Committee on Commodity Problems (CCP), its subsidiary bodies and secretariat, in view of the heavy workload for the ensuing biennium.

Commodity intelligence and current report

279. The Conference welcomed the new annual FAO commodity review which, it agreed, should be a basic document for FAO organs including FAO regional conferences, as well as for other United Nations bodies. The Conference further suggested that the commodity intelligence services might, if possible, be expanded within existing resources to include commodity news sheets containing information on major agricultural commodities, and summary reports on intergovernmental conferences and consultations in the commodities field. Interest was expressed in further studies on rice, dairy and livestock products, fibers, fats and oils.

Commodity policies and trends

280. The Conference recalled the suggestions of its Tenth Session for strengthening work on commodities policies and trends and noted with satisfaction the provision made in the proposed program of work on the lines so indicated.

281. Commodity trend studies, which are of importance for national development programs and policies, require very careful preparation. The Conference noted that, as requested by the Economic and Social Council and a previous FAO Conference session, a report on medium-term projections of the supply of and demand for primary commodities was to be considered by a joint meeting of CCP and the United Nations Commission on International Commodity Trade in 1962. The Conference requested the Director-General to continue to develop work on national and international commodity policies and arrangements, including stabilization techniques, regional integration schemes, and compensatory financing.

282. The effective working relations established with the United Nations, GATT and other intergovernmental organizations should be maintained and similar relations developed with the United Nations regional commissions and other regional groups such as the European Economic Community (EEC).

283. The Conference recognized that such arrangements, even when carried out on a very selective basis, were bound to make substantial calls on the time of professional staff and on the supporting services, notably travel. In the view of the Conference, these efforts were likely to be fully repaid, however, in the improved contacts and substantive division of labor resulting from them.

Servicing of CCP and commodity groups

284. While commending the servicing provided to CCP and its subsidiary bodies, the Conference urged CCP, its subsidiary bodies and the secretariat to review the policy of requesting new documents, keeping the heavy workload of the Commodities Division in mind. In this and other ways, CCP, its subsidiary bodies, and the secretariat might be able to reduce the documentation for meetings to a few concise working papers and to facilitate their dispatch well in advance of the meetings. Any time and work saved thereby should be used in favor of the regular publications series of the Division.

285. The Conference noted that, apart from the post of special assistant to the Director, the proposals for increased allocations had been limited to supporting services where the shortage of funds had been most acutely felt in 1960-61. These increased costs related to travel, meetings, clerical staff and consultant services.

286. The Conference also noted, however, that calls on the professional staff under the program as proposed were likely to become increasingly heavy and might thus necessitate some minor adjustments and transfers as between provisions for regular professional staff and those for other supporting services, with a view to providing some strengthening of the former where corresponding savings could be found possible with regard to the latter.

Economic analysis

Agricultural planning and programing

287. The Conference noted that both the direct technical assistance work and the studies made under the Regular Program were contributing to the formation of policy in less developed countries, which were becoming increasingly aware of the value of systematic programing for agricultural development as a means of making the best use of their limited resources in human skills and finance. A hope was expressed that the newly-independent countries could have increased technical guidance not only in the formulation of agricultural plans, but also in their implementation. The Conference welcomed the attention which was to be given to the training of specialists for programing work by means of fellowships and training centers. The chapter included in The state of food and agriculture on agricultural planning and programing was most valuable, as also was the report of a special seminar on agricultural programing held in the Far East in late 1960. It was requested that the report of this seminar should be published as soon as possible, since it would be a valuable document for government staff with responsibilities in this field.


288. The work on marketing was accorded a high priority. Marketing problems must be solved if there was to be any substantial progress in agricultural development. It is essential to ensure effective agricultural price policies at the producer level. The Conference approved the intensive program of marketing training centers carried out in 1960-61 and the proposal to establish permanent marketing training facilities in the different regions was welcomed. The publication of a series of marketing guides had also clearly proved useful to the developing countries. The proposal to hold a marketing center in the Far East was also welcomed.

Agricultural price stabilization and support policies

289. Appreciation was expressed for the work done in developing guiding principles for price stabilization and support policies. The subject is of great importance to governments in connection with the formulation of price policies and in international discussions. The need for continuing reports to CCP on changes in such policies and the value of further work in developing countries was emphasized.

Other projects

290. The Conference was apprised of certain differences of opinion with regard to further work on (a) factors underlying changes in terms of trade for agricultural products and (b) regional economic integration arrangements, and to the priority to be given to work on crop and livestock insurance. The Conference noted that some delegations attached high priority to the first item.

Interagency relations

291. The Conference stressed the importance of close co-ordination with GATT and other international organizations and approved the joint work with GATT on the measurement of the degree of agricultural protection arising from support policies. Requests for information should be carefully co-ordinated, where possible, in co-operation with other international bodies.

African program

292. The Conference noted the work done on area surveys, notably in Africa and stressed the need for increased attention to be given to African problems in the preparation of analytical studies, development programing and marketing.


293. The Conference recognized that the Organization's statistical activities were fundamental to the rest of its work, took note of the increased workload resulting particularly from the assistance rendered to developing countries in improving the basic data needed for planning, and stressed the need for still further increasing such assistance in cooperation with other international agencies.

294. Concern was expressed that there was only one regional statistician in each of the four regions, Africa, Asia and the Far East, Latin America, and the Near East, and the Conference felt strongly that the staff in these regions should be strengthened so as to expedite the improvement of agricultural statistics and the training of personnel. The adequacy of the regional statistical organization should be reviewed when proposals for the 1964-65 program of work are being formulated.

Statistics Advisory Committee

295. The Conference noted with satisfaction the proposal for the establishment of a statistics advisory committee in response to Conference Resolution

No. 46/59 and agreed that the members should be appointed in their individual capacity by the Director-General after such consultations as are necessary with individual governments.


296. The Conference considered that the Production and Trade yearbooks are of the utmost importance. It welcomed plans for earlier publication of the Trade yearbook and urged governments to co-operate by the early return of questionnaires. Less importance was attached to publication of tables on trade by countries of origin and destination.

297. The Conference desired the publication of a compendium containing descriptions of the statistical series published in the Production and Trade yearbooks, which should be included in the program for 1964-65.

298. The Conference also appealed to countries to provide FAO with the necessary data to enable the Organization to fill in the gaps in the publication on Technical conversion factors, which it considered a useful document.

Standardization of production statistics

299. The Conference took note of the intensified program of work on standardization of production statistics in Europe and hoped that the need to set up adequate machinery in other regions to ensure tangible results there, would be considered when the program of work for 1964-65 came to be formulated.

Prices, index numbers and agricultural income

300. The Conference agreed with the proposed program of work on the assembly and analysis of methods used in the different countries for compiling estimates of agricultural income in Europe and recommended the extension of this work to other regions.

301. The Conference recognized the basic importance of the work on index numbers for studying and summarizing the food and agriculture situation which it recommended should be kept under continuous review. It also recommended that this work be extended to other regions.

Agricultural census

302. The Conference stressed the need for an early beginning with preparations for the 1970 World Census of Agriculture and requested the Director-General to include appropriate proposals in the program of work for 1964-65.

Food consumption

303. The Conference noted the plans for adapting the program of food consumption surveys to the special conditions and needs of the regions and endorsed the attention given in the program to the practical and methodological difficulties on conducting food consumption surveys in view of the high costs entailed. The Conference welcomed the proposal to publish a methodological manual on the subject.

Statistical methodology

304. The Conference commended the publications on statistical methodology and strongly supported the preparation of two manuals on area estimation and on the use of aerial photographs in the improvement of agricultural statistics. The need was felt for a manual on crop forecasting, both for field and tree crops, but as no provision for this purpose could be made in the program of work for 1962-63, the Conference hoped that the experiences on field and tree crop forecasting now being assembled could be made available to governments in the form of short notes as and when completed.

Near East regional research and training institute

305. The Conference noted with satisfaction the progress made in formulating a United Nations Special Fund project for the establishment of a Near East regional research and training institute in agricultural statistics and the expressed intention of many countries to support it. This development complied with the recommendations of the Tenth Session of the FAO Conference. The Conference requested the Director-General to inform the Special Fund of the importance it attached to this project.

Strengthening of regional structure

306. The Conference stressed the need for assistance in statistics to the countries in Africa. While noting that as an emergency measure two regional advisers in agriculture statistics had already been assigned for one year on the TAB Executive Chairman's contingency fund, the Conference reaffirmed the recommendations of the Tenth Session of the Conference to create the post of an additional regional statistician for Africa as soon as possible. It further recommended the immediate establishment of a permanent commission to promote the improvement of agricultural statistics in Africa.

307. The Conference noted that there was no machinery for promoting the development of agricultural statistics in the Near East region and recommended that immediate steps be taken to set up a permanent commission for the purpose.

308. The Conference expressed the hope that the funds required for two permanent commissions on agricultural statistics for Africa and the Near East could be found by adjustments in the work program of the Organization and that the funds needed for an additional regional statistician could be found either from additional resources or from a regional project allocation from Technical Assistance funds.

309. The Conference adopted the following resolution:


Strengthening of statistical setup in the Near East and Latin-American regions


Noting the work carried out by FAO in co-operation with the statistical bodies established by the United Nations regional economic commissions, such as the regional conferences of statisticians and the working parties established by them for the promotion, coordination and standardization of agricultural statistics,

Recognizing that there is no United Nations economic commission for the Near East region and hence no satisfactory machinery is available for promoting and developing agricultural statistics in the Near East region commensurate with the pressing need for reliable data required in formulating economic planning and development,

Realizing the urgent need for immediate measures to remedy this disadvantageous position of the Near East and Latin-American regions,

Requests the Director-General:

1. To immediately establish and adequately service a permanent Near East commission on agricultural statistics under Article VI of the Constitution, to review the state of food and agricultural statistics in the region and advise member countries on the development and standardization of agricultural statistical services within the general framework of FAO work in statistics, and to convene study groups or other subsidiary bodies of national experts required for this purpose;

2. To request such commission to work out at its first meeting more detailed terms of reference for consideration at an early session of the Council;

3. To provide within the framework of the approved budget of the Organization as presented or from other sources the necessary funds for the establishment of the commission;

4. To implement the recommendation of the Tenth Session of the Conference for the appointment of a regional biometrician for the Near East to assist member countries in the application of modern statistical techniques to agricultural experimentation and the analysis of experimental results, such post, if feasible, being established in 1962-63 using the possibilities offered by the recent increase in regional project allocations of the Expanded Program of Technical Assistance funds, to consider the provision of resources in the 1964-65 Program of Work for this purpose, and to implement Conference Resolution No. 47/59 concerning the appointment of an additional statistician for Latin America; and

5. To convey to the authorities of the United Nations Special Fund the importance attached by the Conference to the proposed Near East regional research and training institute in agricultural statistics as being essential for agricultural development and investment purposes, and to request the United Nations Special Fund to facilitate the early establishment of this institute.

N. Information and publications

Public information
Publications service
Legislation research

Public information

310. The Conference took note of the strengthening of the Public Information Service in accordance with the recommendations of its Tenth Session, and of the consequent favorable effect on the variety and quality of its output, which was reflected in its greatly improved standing with the users of FAO information material. The Conference commended the work carried out in 1960-61 and approved the proposals made for 1962-63. The Freedom from Hunger Campaign (FFHC) had made it possible to bring FAO and its functions more prominently before the public than had been possible through Regular Program activities. While appreciating the quality and usefulness of the information material produced, in particular for the Freedom from Hunger Campaign, the Conference requested the production of cheaper pamphlets and brochures of a giveaway type, that could be more readily reproduced by national FAO committees and national FFHC committees. More material on the food and malnutrition situation in underdeveloped countries was also requested.

Agricultural information services

311. The Conference directed particular attention to the problem of providing information to the developing countries to assist them in their efforts to increase food production and improve the marketing and distribution of food. It therefore adopted the proposal that FAO should help Member Governments to strengthen their information services particularly in support of their extension and education programs. Seminars and workshops and regional training centers on visual aids, radio and other information techniques should be held, and fellowships provided. In this connection, the Conference considered that, in view of the budget implications involved, there should be a short-term program and a long-term program and recommended that the short-term program should consist of:

1. discussions at FAO regional conferences, based on a specific item on the agenda requiring delegations to make known their country's needs in strengthening agricultural information services, with emphasis as a first step on rural and farm broadcasting programs;

2. the organization of seminars or training centers on such programs in each of the four regions, if justified by the discussions and recommendations of the FAO regional conferences and if FFHC or other funds are available for this purpose;

3. the provision of fellowships in agricultural information service techniques, if FFHC, EPTA or other funds are available for this purpose; and

4. provision at Headquarters for the necessary co-ordination of these activities;

and that the long-term program should be based on:

1. a statement of the principles governing agricultural information services and techniques;

2. the situation and needs revealed by Member Governments at FAO regional conferences.

312. The Conference welcomed the assistance offered by the Government of the United States of America for the preparation of the aforementioned statement of principles in consultation with other governments as deemed necessary, and recommended that the FAO Council convene a small working party of its members, drawn principally from developing countries, to meet immediately before the Council session in October 1962, to review the statement of principles and functions and to make recommendations thereon. Members of the working party should be specialists in the field of agricultural information services.

313. The Council would then recommend the lines along which FAO could best help Member Governments to improve the techniques used in their agricultural information services and a program of work in the light of this guidance should be prepared for submission to the Twelfth Session of the Conference.

Visual material

314. The Conference welcomed the preparation of a brochure on FAO and its organization, functions and activities which was shortly to be printed. Stress was laid on the need for filmstrips, film slides and other visual material accompanied by a commentary, easily translatable for use in developing countries. Whilst recognizing the value of press releases, the Conference felt that greater selectivity should be exercised in their issuance.

Publications service

315. The Conference welcomed the marked overall improvement in the quality of publications during the preceding two or three years.

316. The Conference noted that the proposed increases in staff were related to the over-all proposals included in the Program of Work and Budget 196263. Adjustments in the program of work would be reflected in the staff services required by the Publications Service.

317. The modernization of equipment and techniques already carried out and proposed for 1962-63 for handling all FAO working documents was approved.

318. The Conference expressed concern at the growth in the total volume of publications, documents and other material being produced (e. g. 51,000,000 page impressions by the internal printing unit in 1961 compared with 44,600,000 page impressions in 1959) and strongly recommended that representatives of Member Governments, all official bodies of the Organization and the secretariat should exercise the greatest possible restraint in initiating documents and publications. Every step should be taken to control the output of printed material. The Conference requested the Director-General in consultation with the Program Committee to scrutinize and review carefully the publications proposed for each biennium, and expressed the wish that estimated production costs be included against each publication in the biennial program.

319. The Conference noted certain instances of failure to issue all documents and publications, including manuals and bibliographies, in the three official languages of the Organization, and strongly recommended that all necessary steps should be taken to obviate such a situation and to ensure that in future the action indicated in Conference Resolution No. 24/55, and reiterated in paragraph 550 of the Report of the 10th Session of the Conference, should be taken with regard to simultaneous publication in the three working languages of the Organization.

Legislation research

320. The Conference approved a change in the title of the Branch from Rural Legislation to Legislation Research.

321. The Conference commended the prompt advice given on request to Member Governments and especially to their legislative bodies in framing and improving legislation in the fields in which FAO operates. This was a basic advisory function of the Organization and such advice should continue to be made available to Member Governments on request. At the same time, the Conference recognized that any substantial increase in the number of such requests would place too heavy a burden on the limited resources available to meet them.

322. The Conference agreed in principle with the need to reinforce work on legislative aspects of agrarian structures but was of the view that the appointment of a consultant for six months only would not meet the requirement. It therefore requested the Director-General to explore the possibilities, within the framework of the 1962-63 Program of Work and Budget, for meeting the requirements. Any work undertaken could be carried out in association with the activities proposed under the heading Rural Institutions and Services (C 61/3, Chapter VI A (viii) paragraph 55).


323. The Conference examined the report of the Director-General on the development of the Library and expressed its appreciation of the substantial improvements in administrative efficiency achieved. It noted with satisfaction the publication of a selected catalogue of acquisitions 1951-58 and the preparation of a guide to the Library.

324. The Conference recalled the proposals for expansion presented to the Tenth Session of the Conference and noted that a survey of the organizational and management aspects of the proposed expansion had since been carried out. The Director-General's proposals, based on the report of a consultant and on the organizational survey, aimed at making the Library a service to the secretariat and to Member Governments rather than a storehouse of publications. Development would include an acquisitions policy formulated on a rational basis, increased contacts with outside institutions and libraries primarily through the medium of corresponding libraries, and a bibliographic service. The expansion proposed for the biennium 1962-63 was on a small scale but some reinforcement of staff would be necessary for the additional tasks envisaged, and some additional funds for the necessary increase in acquisitions.

325. The Conference welcomed the assurance given by the Director-General that the work of the proposed Bibliographic Unit would not extend to abstracting and was intended only to supplement the bibliographic work of the divisions, and was satisfied that there was no danger of duplication with the work of existing bibliographic services.

326. The Conference stressed the service aspects of the Library's work and the need for the widest possible distribution of the printed catalogue and periodical list of accessions. The importance of an adequate photocopying service was also emphasized.

327. The Conference recognized the varying needs of member countries for FAO Library services. Countries with well-developed library systems of their own had little need for such services, but other countries could be helped considerably, especially by the provision of information on literature in languages other than their own. The Conference also recognized that the service the Library could render might best be provided through corresponding libraries in each member country. These libraries could channel requests for and the supply of books, documents, photocopies and bibliographies.

328. The Conference adopted the Director-General's report (C 61/5), which it also regarded as valuable in that it provided a framework for a more specific evaluation of the Library, its services and users. In doing so, however, it recommended that no action be taken with regard to paragraph 55 thereof, except that the Director-General should report to the Council on the situation regarding abstracts and bibliographies in the Organization's subject matter fields. Such report should include the work undertaken by FAO in this respect, the possibilities for handing it over to other agencies and the gaps in subject coverage that such agencies might be asked to flu.

O. André Mayer fellowships

329. The Conference noted that under the André Mayer Fellowship Program, first introduced in the Regular Program of Work and Budget for 1956-57 and implemented each year with an average of 9 to 10 fellowships, a total of 47 awards to candidates from 2X different countries had been made.

330. The Conference unanimously expressed its appreciation of the program of research fellowships and approved the proposal for its continuation and the restoration of the budget level to $110,000 as set forth in C 61/3, Chapter VI C.

331. The Conference welcomed the Director-General's intention to issue regularly a publication containing a summary of research work completed by the fellows.

332. The Director-General's policy of maintaining a balance between fellowships to candidates from developing countries and awards to candidates from technically more advanced countries, was also approved.

333. The Conference invited the Director-General to consider the possibility of further expansion of the program.

P. Regional activities

334. The Conference considered the activities of the Regional Offices. It reaffirmed the importance of Regional Offices as links between FAO Headquarters and member countries to ensure close contact with Member Governments, and approved the program of work of the Area Liaison Service (C 61/3, Chapter VII).

335. The Conference noted with approval the Director-General's efforts in negotiating with the governments concerned for the establishment of the two subregional offices in Africa, one at Rabat and the other in Eastern Africa at a site to be determined. The Conference, however, urged the Director-General to set up these subregional offices as soon as possible.

336. In discussing the establishment of the Subregional Office at New Delhi, some doubt was expressed as to the clarity of Article XI of the FAO Constitution in relation to the role of the Conference in the setting up of subregional offices. While affirming approval of the establishment of the Subregional Office in New Delhi, the Conference recognized that Article X.1 of the Constitution was not entirely clear as to the manner in which the Conference should give approval to the establishment of such offices and requested the Council, through its Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters, to consider how that article might be clarified.

337. The Conference decided to invite the Director-General to place the question of subregional offices in the Asia and Far East region and of their location on the agenda of the Regional Conference for Asia and the Far East to be held in 1962. It also agreed that a decision in regard to the establishment and location of subregional offices in the Asia and the Far East region might be taken by the Twelfth Session of the Conference in 1963 in the light of such recommendations as may emerge from the said Regional Conference.

338. The need was stressed for prior consultation with Member Governments in a given region be fore establishing a regional office or subregional office there.

339. As regards the establishment of the Regional Office for Europe, the Conference adopted the following resolution:


Establishment of a European Regional Office


Noting with approval the reasons indicated in Document C 61/3 - Sup. 3 for the need for the establishment of a European Regional Office,

Noting further the proposals made Jo this effect by the Program Committee at its Fourth Session (May 1960), and endorsed by the Finance Committee (June 1960),

Resolves, in accordance with Article X of the Constitution, to establish a European Regional Office with the functions and organizational structure outlined in Document C 61/3 - Sup. 3.

Q. Interagency relations and consultations - matters arising out of the administrative committee on co-ordination and the economic and social council discussions

340. The Conference was informed of various matters in the field of interagency relations and consultations discussed by the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) in July/August 1961 and by the Administrative Committee on Co-ordination (ACC) in October 1961.

341. The most important of these matters, such as EPTA and the United Nations Special Fund activities and the provision of food surpluses to food-deficient peoples through the United Nations system were reported to the Conference in other documents and discussed separately.

342. The Conference was particularly interested to hear of the arrangements made by the United Nations, in accordance with ECOSOC Resolution 834 (XXXII), for a conference, in collaboration with the specialized agencies, on the application of science and technology for the benefit of the less developed countries.

343. It was noted that the use of volunteer technical personnel in the United Nations technical assistance activities had been discussed by ECOSOC and the United Nations General Assembly and also with the U. S. A. authorities. It was recognized that such volunteers might be usefully employed in field programs.

344. In the social field, it was clear that FAO has a major role to play, together with other specialized agencies: this had been recognized by the subcommittees of ACC. The Conference noted the recent trends toward intensified action by the United Nations and the specialized agencies in the fields of industrialization and water development and that FAO would be participating in the new centers that were being set up in those fields under the aegis of ECOSOC.

345. Reference was also made to the ECOSOC resolution that called upon members of the United Nations and specialized agencies, particularly the highly industrialized countries, to pursue national and regional agricultural policies to promote expansion of world trade.

346. The Conference considered that FAO should participate in the ACC consultations with a view to obviating overlapping or duplication in respect of survey missions.

347. The Conference supported the principles adopted by ACC for strengthening the role of TAB Resident Representatives as co-ordinators of EPTA programs. The need for greater co-ordination at governmental level to ensure better co-ordination between the different international organizations was also strongly stressed.

348. The Conference noted the decisions taken at the Thirty -Fifth Session of the Council concerning the method of reviewing the Program of Work and Budget in so far as the interrelationship of activities between FAO and other organizations was concerned, and particularly with regard to problems of overlap and jurisdiction.

R. FAO/UNICEF relations

349. The Conference re-emphasized the importance of the assistance jointly provided by FAO and UNICEF to governments for programs of nutritional improvement. It noted the rapid growth of activities, particularly in the field of nutrition, horticulture, poultry and dairying (and related training activities). It recognized that, in principle, FAO is responsible for the technical guidance essential to the jointly-assisted projects, including the provision of project personnel within FAO's fields of competence, and that the Executive Board of UNICEF allocates funds to projects for material aid including the training of national personnel.

350. The Conference noted that financial questions arising out of the joint program had been considered in consultations between the Director-General of FAO and the Executive Director of UNICEF and in several sessions of the FAO Conference, Council, Program Committee and Financial Committee and the FAD/UNICEF Joint Policy Committee as well as by the UNICEF Executive Board. It also noted that the cost of FAO Headquarters' activities and central supporting services, as distinct from field costs were being provided for under the Regular Program budget.

351. The remaining issue was how to meet the field project costs of expert services and fellowships for FAO/UNICEF jointly-assisted projects of member countries. The Conference noted that greater efforts were being made to cover such costs, which had not been fully met in the past by UNICEF allocations or EPTA, by their inclusion in country requests for EPTA aid and wished these efforts to be continued. The Conference specifically urged recipient countries to include requests for such personnel and fellowships in Category I in their overall requests to the Technical Assistance Board. The Conference expressed its appreciation of what UNICEF had done in the past to bridge the gap and of the UNICEF Executive Board's willingness to continue such action on an interim basis during 1962-63 in order to avoid curtailment of the program, if the Board were assured that FAO would assume increased responsibility thereafter.

352. In the light of the above, the Conference considered that the Member Governments of FAO should determine their position in respect of the provision of funds to the Organization for the employment of not only the essential headquarters staff but also the technical field personnel necessary for the operation of FAD/UNICEF assisted projects. Such resources should be available in EPTA, or if that fails, in the Regular Budget or in other allocations under which FAO has direct responsibility for the employment of staff and the operation of technical phases of projects. During 1962 and 1963, and on a decreasing scale for such limited additional period as might be necessary, UNICEF, in line with interim arrangements agreed upon, might provide funds to bridge the gap between the total requirements and the portion that could be met out of EPTA funds and FAO's Regular Budget.

353. The Conference emphasized that FAO should take increasing responsibility for the selection and planning of projects, such activities being carried out in the closest collaboration with UNICEF, but with FAO being charged with the technical responsibility.

354. The Conference also emphasized that programing procedures and the timing of action thereunder should be so worked out that the very different approaches in FAO (Regular Budget), FAO/ EPTA, and UNICEF can be effectively co-ordinated, thus ensuring that only those projects are implemented, the financing of which is assured for all their phases. In this connection, it was recognized that under programing procedures which could not be fully synchronized there would probably be some gap in each biennium that would have to be met by UNICEF.

355. The Conference recommended that, when making program and budgetary provision for the 196465 biennium, the Director-General should consult with the FAD/UNICEF Joint Policy Committee about the degree to which the above objective could be attained in that biennium.

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