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c) Documents and information services

299. The Conference noted the Director-General's intentions to combine the present Documents and Information Services and expressed the hope that the changes proposed would achieve the intended results of improving the information and public relations work of the Organization, while promoting economies and simplification of procedures in editing, translating, duplicating, and despatching operations. Since, however, these adjustments, including the transfer to the combined Service of certain units concerned with duplicating and despatching, will begin to be put into effect only on, or as soon as possible after, 1 January 1956, the Conference examined the activities of the Documents and Information Services in their present structure on the basis of the Program and Budgets proposed in Document C 55/5.

Documents Service

300. The work of the technical divisions and of the Conference, Council and other bodies of the Organization, inevitably requires a considerable amount of documentation, in the form both of publications and of working papers. The translation of these into two additional languages, the editing of publications, the duplicating and printing of documentation and its despatch become the workload of the Documents Service. To produce this documentation requires a substantial part of the Organization's resources.

301. Beyond those economies which must always be sought through improvement of efficiency in the production and despatching operations, economies in this area can only be achieved through a reduction in the number of working papers and publications and condensation of their contents. The Conference therefore requested the Director-General to study such questions as the necessity for the documentation issued and the distribution given it, while continuing to devote attention to efficiency and economy in producing documentation. In the latter regard, the Conference noted with satisfaction the expectation that combinations of operations and changes in procedure are expected by 1957 to achieve substantial savings.

302. The Conference expressed general approval of the provisional proposals, reviewed in the several Technical Committees, for publications in the various languages in 1956.

303. The Conference noted the substantial use already being made of contractual translation, and felt that such facilities should be used as extensively as feasible in the interests of economy and timeliness, but with due regard to maintaining quality. In the resident translation staff, the Conference agreed that the highest reasonable norms of quality and quantity of work should be sought. The desirability of facilitating translation work by increasing the provision for terminology and reference assistance was agreed.

304. In considering the linguistic problems which must be met in producing publications of a high quality, frequently on most urgent schedules, the Conference heard the Director-General's plans to maintain adequate central editorial facilities within the combined Information Service. It was of the opinion that the Divisions originating publications should endeavor to facilitate the editorial as well as the translating work by as much care and timeliness as possible in the preparation of the original material.

305. The Conference felt that a close correlation should be maintained between the purposes, presentation and contents of FAO publications and working papers, and emphasized the need for production in the most economical form, consistent with quality and timeliness.

306. Noting that some wastage of documents and publications results from the automatic sending to Member Governments of numbers of copies provided under agreed quotas, the Conference recommended that methods of ascertaining more closely the actual requirements of governments, and despatching in accordance with these, should be explored. In this respect, the Conference wished to bring to the attention of Member Governments the desirability; of making the most efficient internal distribution of the documentation they receive.

307. The Conference noted with satisfaction that the sales of FAO publications continued to show a rising tendency, leading to expectation that the Publications Revolving Fund will return earnings to the Organization, and agreed with the desirability of further promoting sales of publications.

308. The Conference strongly felt the desirability of affording all Member Governments equal facilities as regards documentation in the three working languages. It was of the opinion that this would contribute to maintaining the spirit of friendly collaboration in which the work of the Organization can best be carried out. To this end, the Conference adopted the following resolution:

Resolution No. 24/55

Simultaneous Distribution of Documents in the Three Working Languages

The Conference


(i) that it is essential for the good functioning of the Organization that the various Member Governments be placed in equal working conditions;

(ii) that the simultaneity of distribution of documents is in the spirit of the Constitution of the Organization, and that it is the sole guarantee against an undue discrepancy between the times when documents are received;

Urges the Director-General as soon as possible to see that distribution of the documents relating to the preparation of sessions of the Conference and Council, and of meetings of Commissions and Committees, and also those of current interest, is effected simultaneously in the three working languages;

Requests the Director-General, in respect of other publications, to ensure that versions in the other working languages of publications which have appeared in one working language be given priority in production and distribution over new titles, except in cases of extreme urgency.

Information Service

309. The Conference reaffirmed the principles contained in paragraph 216 of the Report of the Seventh Session of the Conference, which recognizes the importance of the eventual success of FAO's efforts to create a broad public understanding among the people of member countries of FAO's work in cooperation with these countries. It considered that increased emphasis should be given to the dissemination of information and the creation of better understanding among non-farming circles, and in particular in the industrial centers of highly advanced countries.

310. In this connection the Conference felt that information on the broad economic, social and technical questions which FAO confronts has so far not sufficiently reached the influential circles of public information, and that some new efforts should be made towards this end.

311. The Conference therefore considered that information of this type for the audience indicated should be published on a trial basis with a certain limited continuity (though not necessarily fixed periodicity) in a form such as "cahiers" or a magazine-type series, within the intended publishing program.

312. The Conference re-emphasized that information should be as closely adapted as possible to the different mentalities, interests and requirements of the people in the different parts of the globe, recognizing that even within a generally similar region such differences exist, and agreed with the need to have within the staff of the Information Service qualified officers with a wide knowledge of the official languages of the Organization and capable of reflecting the characteristics and customs of the peoples for whom the information is intended. The Conference further agreed that in material for public information use, the Organization should, so far as possible, employ those languages which best meet the media requirements governing each particular issuance, and that the most economical means of doing so should be used. The diversities mentioned lead, for example, to different evaluations of even such regionalized general information publications as the monthly FAO Memo. The Conference felt that in this publication efforts should be reinforced to give a clear and complete view of FAO's work as a whole to its intended audience in the ranks of non-governmental organizations. In this, as in other materials, continuing care for improvement should be taken in the selection of topics and in the preparation of material, in order to command the greatest possible attention through the media of public communication, having in mind the adaptations mentioned above to varying conditions.

313. The Conference also recommended that such material as is included in the Feature Service and Picture Sheets should be more frequently supplied and that the contents should deal with economic and social as well as technical matters, so as to provide to National FAO Committees, to the press, etc., more material of this kind.

314. Appreciation was expressed of the Director-General's Monthly as a means of keeping persons actively associated with FAO's work in general touch with current developments.

315. The Conference felt that, while the informative material is issued through the Information Service, the Organization as a whole has responsibility for providing suitable material and for assisting the general effort. In this connection, the value of lectures before interested groups was stressed.

316. The Conference expressed the hope that National FAO Committees would make the most effective use of information material and collaborate in so far as their means permit in informing the people of their respective countries of the problems encountered in these matters, of the programs elaborated and of the progress achieved in them.

317. In this connection the Conference commended the activities already undertaken by many National FAO Committees to create wider public knowledge of FAO's work, e.g., through national bulletins, and hoped that other countries might find such activities possible. It considered that an exchange of such material among countries might usefully be promoted by FAO.

318. The Conference noted that the Information Service had conformed to recommendations of the Seventh Session in stressing the importance of visual and audiovisual information media, and felt that proposals to continue and strengthen this trend were sound. This should not, however, lead to the subordination of such media as radio, the Press in its various forms, and work with interested non-governmental organizations. In respect of the last, the Conference appreciated the assistance which such organizations render, through their own publications and programs, in widening public understanding of FAO's work.

319. Recalling the emphasis laid by this and previous Sessions on the importance of extension services efficiently reaching rural people, the Conference considered that a most desirable development in the work of the Information Service is that relating to extension information aids. It considered that the collaboration between the Information Service and the technical divisions should be intensified in respect of the preparation and demonstration of the use of extension information aids, as an essential part of the Organization's efforts to assist Member Governments in the creation or improvement of their extension advisory services. It pointed out that in suitable kinds of projects this Service's specialized staff could give useful assistance to the field work of ETAP as well as of Regular Program officers. This might be through intensive briefing of such officers at Headquarters or Regional Offices in the methods and materials which assist in extending practical information to rural people. Exploration of the possibility of assisting, through ETAP aid and other means, extension information workers in member countries by training arrangements in which the specialists of this Service would participate, was recommended.

320. In reference to the efforts carried on within countries by Member Governments and national information services of all kinds, the Conference felt that it should be a recognized duty of the regional information officers to provide the link between the national efforts and the informational resources of the Organization itself. In this connection, the possibility of assisting the national informational services of those Member Governments participating in bilateral aid programs was suggested.

321. Concluding its review of these Services, including the longer-term trends, the Conference felt that the functions performed are indispensable to the accomplishment of FAO's work, that the trends of their development are in line with those of the Organization's work, and that they should continue to be supported at levels commensurate with the program as a whole.

D. Budgets for 1956 and 1957

Budget levels for 1956 and 1957
Carry-over of funds from 1956 to 1957
Budget revisions approved by the conference
Basis for savings
Clerical cadets
Miscellaneous income


322. Resolution No. 25/55

Budgets for 1956 and 1957

The Conference

Resolves chat for the financial years 1956 and 1957

(i) Appropriations are voted for the following purposes:




Chapter I - Conferences and Council $ 189 000 $269 800
Chapter II - Office of the Director-General 312 300 333 200
Chapter III - Informational and Educational Services 526 000 556 000
Chapter IV - Administrative and Financial Services 457 400 479 300
Chapter V - Common Services 519 800 512 600
Chapter VI - Technical Divisions 4 072 800 4 144 700
Chapter VII - Area Liaison Service (Regional Offices) 454 200 481 900
Chapter VIII - Miscellaneous Expenditure 36 500 35 500
Chapter IX - Contingencies 40 000 40 000
Less: Savings to be effected by the Director-General (8 000) (53 000)
Total $ 6 600 000 $ 6 800 000

(ii) That the appropriations voted in paragraph (i) above should be financed by contributions from Member Nations after adjustment as provided in the Financial Regulations; for this purpose Miscellaneous Income is estimated at $ 140,000 for the financial year 1956 and $ 140,000 for the financial year 1957;

(iii) That contributions from Member Nations in 1956 and 1957 should be paid in accordance with the scale adopted by the Conference at its Eighth Session.

Budget levels for 1956 and 1957

323. Resolution No. 26/55

Budget Levels 1956 and 1957

The Conference

Agreeing that, as a means of achieving budgets of $ 6,600,000 for 1956 and $ 6,800,000 for 1957, the proposed extension of existing activities in the technical divisions will be subject to an agreed over" all average postponement in the first year over and above that indicated by the Committee on Financial Control; that agreed over-all reduction in travel appropriations will be made; and that these savings will be applied within and as between the different technical programs by the Director-General in the light of the discussions at this Session of the Conference; and

Expressing its full confidence in the judgment of the Director-General;

Authorizes him to effect the necessary savings amounting to $ 8,000 in 1956 and $ 53,000 in 1957 to the best of his judgment.

Carry-over of funds from 1956 to 1957

324. Resolution No. 27/55

Carry-over of Funds from 1956 to 1957

The Conference

Authorizes, in accordance with Financial Regulation 4.4, the carry-over into 1957 of the following budgetary provisions in Chapter I of the 1956 budget:

(i) Session of the Conference $ 33,000
(ii) Conference Documents $ 17,000
Total $ 50,000


Budget revisions approved by the conference

325. In reviewing the Program of Work and Budget submitted by the Director-General, the Conference was able to effect certain financial and administrative savings:




Chapter I - Conference and Council: Co-ordinating Committee $ 2500 $ 2500
Chapter II - Office of Director General: Travel 10 000 10 000
Chapter III A. - Information and Educational Services: Maintenance of two photo-technicians as a charge to ETAP fund 4 500 4 600
Maintenance of half the cost of "Memo" as a charge to ETAP funds 4 500 4 500
Document sales promotion 5 000 5 000
Chapter IV - Administrative and Financial Services: Elimination of three posts 11 800 12 000
Chapter V - Common Services: Removal of provision for additional space - 28 250
Chapter VIII - Miscellaneous Expenditure: Elimination of provision for Staff Council Secretary 3 500 3 600
Chapter IX - Contingencies: Removal of provision for non-payment of contributions 30 000 30 000
Removal of provision for second Council Session in 1956 20 000 -
Reduction in general provision for Contingencies 7 800 8 000
General Savings: Increase from 2% to 21/2 % in allowance for lapses 20 600 21 200
TOTAL $ 120 200 $ 129 850


Basis for savings

326. As agreed by the Director-General it will be possible to cover the requirements of the Co-ordinating Committee, including travel of members, with $ 2,500 less than originally estimated. The Director-General also agreed that the provision for travel in his own Office could be reduced by $ 10,000 in both years through adjustments in travel plans.

327. In the Information Chapter, a reduction of $ 5,000 annually in the estimate for documents was possible as a result of the adoption of the revised Financial Regulations which authorize the use, of monies in the Publications Revolving Fund for the cost of documents sales promotion. The Conference recognized the difficulties involved in the allocation of charges as between the Regular Program and ETAP funds; however, it felt that in two specific instances - photo-technicians and issuance of the publication FAO Memo - ETAP funds should continue to bear an appropriate share; this amounts to a total of $ 9,000 in 1956 and $ 9,100 in 1957.

328. Reductions in the proposed new activities and delays in the extension of the existing program permitted elimination of three proposed new posts in Administrative and Financial Services, amounting to savings of $11,800 in 1956 and $12,000 in 1957.

329. The Conference reviewed the desirability of making special provision in the 1957 budget for additional accommodation, in the event that an arrangement would he made with the Italian authorities resulting in the construction of a new wing to the existing building for use by the Organization. The Conference agreed with the Committee on Financial Control that the matter could be left for Council review in the second half of 1956 in connection with the Council's re-examination of the 1957 budget and that in the meantime no budgetary provision should be made for additional space, resulting in a reduction of the 1957 estimates by $ 28,250.

330. The Conference agreed that provision of secretarial services for the Staff Council did not require additional budgetary appropriation since such a post could be covered within the existing provision for stenographic services in Chapter IV; this amounts to a saving of $ 3,500 in 1956 and $ 3,600 in 1957.

331. In Contingencies, the Conference found it possible to make substantial savings against the original estimates:

(i) The original provision of $ 30,000 annually to cover non-payment of contributions was removed. Some delegates felt that the changes in the Financial Regulations governing " foreseeable receipts " made such a provision unnecessary; others regarded such a provision as inappropriate in principle.

(ii) There was also a reduction of $ 20,000 because of the decision to have only one session of the Council in 1956.

(iii) In view of the elimination of the " foreseeable receipts " provision, it was agreed that the level of Contingencies could safely be reduced to $ 40,000 in each of the two years; this enabled further reductions of $ 7,800 in 1956 and $8,200 in 1957.

332. The Conference agreed that on the basis of the most recent experience the allowance for lapses in established positions should be increased from 2 percent to 2 1/2 percent; this resulted in reduction in the budgets for 1956 and 1957 of $ 20,600 and $ 21,200 respectively.

333. The Conference reviewed the general provision for travel and felt that a global reduction of about 10 percent in 1956 and 8 percent in 1957 could be recommended, to be distributed as appropriate among the various budgetary chapters. It was believed that such a limitation on travel would not impair the program if full account were taken of the possibilities of combination of travel missions, a careful scrutiny of invitations for representation of FAO at meetings of other agencies, and a decrease in Headquarters travel as a result of the strengthening of area liaison offices. Other economies would result from the delays in recruitment of new officers for both new activities and the enlarged regular program in 1956. The over-all savings on this item, apart from the $ 10,000 savings in the Office of the Director-General, amounted to 34,750 in 1956 and $ 25,500 in 1957.

334. The Conference also concurred in principle with the recommendation of the Committee on Financial Control that, as a result of a reappraisal of recruitment prospects, substantial reductions could be made in the original 1956 estimates of cost for staff required under the new activities and the expansion of existing activities.

Clerical cadets

335. The Conference approved the inclusion in the budgetary provision for Administrative and Financial Services of an amount for the training and employment of clerical cadets, as endorsed by the Council and the Committee on Financial Control. While it was not possible to make an accurate estimate of the savings which might result from the introduction of the plan, it was believed that there would in fact be some savings eventually, if the experiment should prove successful in permitting the use of locally recruited employees instead of non-local staff.

Miscellaneous income

336. The Conference agreed with the Committee on Financial Control that the original estimates for Miscellaneous Income in 1956 and 1957 should be increased to $ 140,000 in each year. This increase reflects a favorable trend in the income from investments and new income from the Publications Revolving Fund.

E. Constitutional and legal questions

Geographical distribution of council seats
Principles for selection of council members
Admission of associate members
Authentic texts and certified copies of conventions
Establishment of commissions and committees and convening of conferences
Admission of the Spanish zone of Morocco to the general fisheries council for the Mediterranean
Granting of consultative status to non-governmental organizations
Granting of observer status
Report on the status of conventions and agreements and on amendments thereto requiring conference action
Agreement between the Government of Venezuela and the organization for the establishment of a Latin-American forestry research and training institute
Agreement with the Council of Europe
Structure, functions and procedures of the council and of certain committees

Geographical distribution of council seats

337. The Seventh Session of the Conference, at the time it increased the number of Council seats from 18 to 24, decided that the 24 seats should be distributed among the regions as follows:

1 seat to the African Region (which comprises 2 Member Nations)

5 seats to the Asia and Far Eastern Region (which comprises 13 Member Nations)

1 seat to the South West Pacific Region (which comprises 2 Member Nations)

7 seats to the European Region (which comprises 21 Member Nations)

5 seats to the Latin-American Region (which comprises 20 Member Nations)

3 seats to the Near Eastern Region (which comprises 11 Member Nations)

2 seats to the North American Region (which comprises 2 Member Nations)

338. In approving the above distribution of seats, the Conference recorded its view that the question should be reconsidered at its Eighth Session.

339. The present Session of the Conference wished to emphasize that in indicating the distribution of 24 seats among the; 7 regions and the number of Member Nations in each of these regions, the Conference did not mean to imply that the number of countries in any one region was the sole criterion determining the number of seats allocated to the region. The Conference is fully aware that a number of factors are involved in determining such allocations.

Resolution No. 28/55

Geographical Distribution of Council Seats

The Conference

Having considered the question of the geographical distribution of Council seats, feels unable to recommend a change in distribution of seats between regions at the present time in view of the complexity of the issues involved and the short time available for their consideration at the present Session of the Conference;

Decides to maintain provisionally tire status quo with respect to geographical distribution of Council seats until the next regular Session of the Conference; and Requests the Council to consider in detail all aspects of the problem of geographical distribution of Council seats and to submit in good time recommendations to the next regular Session of the Conference.

Principles for selection of council members

340. At its Seventh Session, the Conference laid down four principles which should apply when electing members of the Council and requested the latter to consider the possibility, by amendment of the Rules of Procedure or by other means, of giving effect to these principles, and to submit recommendations to the Eighth Session of the Conference.

341. After careful consideration of this matter, the Twentieth Session of the Council felt that an attempt to set hard and fast rules for giving effect to these principles would not only create many difficulties but would tend to defeat their purpose. The Council therefore merely recommended that prior to any future election of Council members the General Committee should formally draw attention to all four principles referred to above.

342. When one of the four principles, namely that of geographical distribution, was discussed at the Eighth Session of the Conference several delegations expressed the view that the present distribution of Council seats within the various regions was not satisfactory.

343. Having considered the report of the Council, referred to above, the Conference decided to adopt the following Resolution:

Resolution No. 29/55

Principles for Selection of Council Members

The Conference

Decides to amend Rule X paragraph 2 (i) Of the Rules of Procedure of the Organization by adding to this provision the words underlined below:

2 (i) "make recommendations to the Conference on the filling of vacancies on the Council, drawing formally the attention of the Conference to the provisions of Rule XXIII, paragraphs 6 and 7."

Admission of associate members

344. The Seventh Session of the Conference considered a proposal submitted by the Government of India to amend the Constitution in order to provide for associate membership in FAO for non-self governing territories.

345. The Conference at that Session approved the proposal in principle, but found that it necessitated considerable modification of the Constitution, Rules of Procedure and Financial Regulations. It therefore requested the Council to study the matter, "paying particular attention to the question of the choice of representatives of Associate Members from among nationals of these territories and to submit to the next Session of the Conference a report embodying the necessary draft amendments" (Resolution No. 47/53).

346. When considering the report of the Council, the present Session of the Conference recognized that the interests both of FAO and of Associate Members themselves would be best served in the Conference and its Commissions by delegates who could participate competently in the discussions of these organs and could also be fully representative of the interests of the territory or territories concerned. However, the Conference felt that it was not necessary to include any provision in the Constitution to cover this point which could be made the subject of an organic Resolution recommending that delegates of Associate Members should be fully competent in the field of food and agriculture and should be chosen, insofar as practicable, from among the peoples of the Associate Members.

347. Furthermore, the Conference considered that the basic principles which should govern the status of Associate Members in the Organization should likewise be embodied in an organic Resolution. The Conference therefore adopted the following resolution:

Resolution No. 30/55

Admission of Associate Members

The Conference

Noting that in 1953 it had approved in principle a proposal from the Government of India to the effect that territories or groups of territories which are not responsible for the conduct of their international relations might be ad misted as Associate Members by the Organization;

Having received a detailed report from the Council on the action to be taken to implement this proposal, embodying appropriate amendments to the Constitution, Rules of Procedure and Financial Regulations;

Reaffirms its approval of the principle of the proposal submitted by the Government of India and endorses the recommendations submitted by the Council for its implementation;

Declares that Associate Members upon admission to the Organization in conformity with the provisions of the Constitution and Rules of Procedure shall be empowered to participate with Member Nations in the activities of the Organization, except that they shall not have the right to vote or hold office in the Conference, its Commissions and Committees, and shall not be eligible for election to the Council, the Nominations Committee, the General Committee, the Credentials Committee, the Committee on Commodity Problems or the Committee on Relations with International Organizations, nor shall the members of the Co-ordinating Committee or the members of the Committee on Financial Control be selected from among the peoples of Associate Members;

Recommends that the delegates of such Associate Members to the Conference and other bodies be competent in the field of food and agriculture and that they should be chosen from among the peoples of the Associate Members;

Declares that Associate Members shall be subject to the same obligations as Members except that the difference in their status within the Organization shall be taken into account in determining the amount of their contributions to the budget of the Organization;

Adopts the amendments to the Constitution, Rules of Procedure and Financial Regulations embodied in Appendix B to this Report, the purpose of which amendments is to specify the conditions under which Associate Members may be admitted to the Organization and to define the rights and obligations of such Associate Members.

348. The Conference noted that the terms "Member(s)" and "Member Nation(s)" were equally used in the Constitution, Rules and Regulations, and furthermore, that the Food and Agriculture Organization was at times referred to as "the Organization" and at others as "FAO." It noted that, in the Preamble, the Food and Agriculture Organization was referred to as "the Organization." It therefore decided that throughout the Constitution, Rules and Regulations, the terms "Member Nation" and "Organization" should be used, and that the necessary editing changes should therefore he made.

Authentic texts and certified copies of conventions

349. The Conference noted that the Constitution of the Organization contained no provision regarding the deposit in the archives of the Organization of authenticated copies of conventions or agreements approved by the Conference or Council, nor with respect to the issuance of certified copies thereof.

350. The Conference therefore adopted the following resolution:

Resolution No. 31/55

Authentic Texts and Certified Copies of Conventions

The Conference

Considering the desirability of ensuring that authentic texts and certified copies of conventions and agreements shall be available;

Decides to amend Article XIV of the Constitution by inserting after paragraph 3 of this Article, which is to be renumbered paragraph 4 (see Appendix B), the following provision as paragraph 5:

"Two copies in the authentic language or languages of any convention or agreement approved by the Conference or the Council shall be certified by the Chairman of the Conference or of the Council respectively and by the Director-General. Of these copies, one shall be deposited in tire archives of the Organization and the other transmitted to the Secretary-General of the United Nations for registration in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 6 below. In addition, the Director-General shall certify copies of the conventions and agreements and transmit one copy to each Member Nation of the Organization and to such non-member Nations as may become parties to the conventions or agreements."

Further decides that the present paragraph 4 of Article XIV of the Constitution the text of which follows shall be renumbered and become paragraph 6:

"6. The Director-General shall register with the United Nations any convention or agreement which has come into force as a result of action taken under this Article."

Establishment of commissions and committees and convening of conferences

351. The attention of the Twentieth Session of the Council had been drawn to the fact that the provisions of the Constitution and Rules of Procedure of the Organization regarding the establishment of technical and regional commissions and committees and the convening of general, regional, technical or other conferences were insufficiently clear and resulted in some confusion with regard to the power to establish and convene such bodies between the sessions of the Conference.

352. Pursuant to the provisions of Rules XXII paragraph 1 and XXXIV paragraph 3 of the Rules of Procedure under which the Council may suggest amendments to the Constitution and Rules of Procedure, the Twenty-first Session of the Council submitted proposals for the amendment of Article VI of the Constitution and Rules XXV, XXVI, XXVII, and XXIX of the Rules of Procedure in order to remedy the situation.

Resolution No. 32/55

Establishment of Commissions and Committees and Convening of Conferences

The Conference

Having examined the report of the Twenty-first Session of the Council on "Commissions, Committees and Conferences" pointing out in detail the ambiguities and inconsistencies in and the inadequacy of the provisions of the Constitution and Rules of Procedure governing the establishment of technical and regional commissions and committees and the convening of general, regional, technical or other conferences;

Considering the desirability of readjusting existing statutory texts for the purpose of including therein appropriate provisions concerning the establishment, composition, terms of reference and reporting procedures of commissions and committees and the convening of conferences;

Decides to amend Article VI of the Constitution and Rules XXV, XXVI, XXVll and XXIX of the Rules of Procedure as shown in Appendix C to this report.

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