Contents -

Information service

216. The Conference recognized the importance of the eventual success of FAO's efforts to create a broad public understanding among the people of member countries of FAO's work in co-operation with these countries. The Conference further laid great stress on the need to make extension services as effective as possible, and believed that an important part of FAO's work in this connection could be stimulation and assistance to the wider and better use of extension informational aids.

217. The Conference felt that in future plans for locating regional information officers the strongest consideration should be given to the need for strengthening this service for the South American portion of the Latin American region.

218. The Conference recognized that national bodies, such as National FAO Committees, play an indispensable role in disseminating information to the public. This is an inherent responsibility of Member Governments to carry out. The Conference therefore strongly renewed the recommendations of past Sessions that each National Committee where possible appoint one or more officers whose duty would be, working closely with the FAO Information Service, to disseminate information within the country about the Organization and its work. In this connection, the issuance of National FAO Committee Bulletins or News-letters, such as are already distributed by some Committees, was commended to the attention of other governments.

219. In this connection also, it was recommended that Member Governments consider whether their appropriate institutions could not prepare teaching material suitable for their own schools, and under take school programs utilizing such material to widen knowledge of the work in which the Member Governments participate through FAO. While the furnishing of such material would be beyond FAO's capacity, the Organization should support such efforts.

220. The Conference heard with approval plans for extending the efforts already being made to serve better the interest of scientific and semi-technical journals, reaching an audience recognized to consist of leaders of public opinion, and hoped these efforts would be carried out as resources permit.

221. The Conference, having taken the opportunity to examine exhibits showing FAO's work in various parts of the world, including exhibits of agricultural and forestry tools, commended such efforts in view of the great effect of visual means, and hoped that ways could be found to keep such material in traveling exhibits, passing from country to country. The opportunity to arrange for showings of such materials within countries was brought to the attention of Member Governments, with a recommendation that cooperation be extended to FAO in arranging for transport. showing, and servicing of such exhibits.

222. Attention was also given in the Conference's review of the work of the Information Service, to the opportunities for obtaining worthwhile public reports on the Organization's work in the field of Technical Assistance. The present practice of asking each outgoing expert to consider himself also a reporter of appropriate material for this purpose was commended. The present practice of utilizing the services of such experts, upon their return, as lecturers, radio speakers, and as sources of written material was strongly endorsed.

223. The Conference heard with approval of results obtained through a European Farm Radio Meeting organized in 1953 by FAO in cooperation with the British Broadcasting Corporation and other agencies. It was felt that, subject to proper preparation and further interest shown by governments and rural broadcasting personnel, such meetings would also serve a useful purpose in the future. At the same time, FAO might under suitable conditions find it useful in the future to consider organizing meetings and workshops for improvement in the use of other extension informational aids, including especially those in the visual field.

224. The Conference requested that increased emphasis be placed on activities in the fields of extension information aids, exhibits and visual information, as well as on making the fullest possible use of the services and facilities of FAO National Committee.

H. Expanded technical assistance program

225. The Conference examined the report on the Activities of FAO under the Expanded Technical Assistance Program 1952/53 and the Director-General's Program of Work and Budget for 1954 and 1955. The Director-General and his staff were highly commended for their accomplishments and the excellent presentation of the work and the requirements of FAO's action program. The deliberations on methods of carrying out the program resulted in reaffirming, with but little change of emphasis, the conclusions reached and the Resolutions (Nos. 21 and 22) adopted at the Sixth Session of the Conference dealing with appraisal and screening of projects, the development of regional programs and projects, the relation of technical assistance to the economic and social structure of recipient countries, the qualifications of experts, the liberal interpretation of the fellowship policy, the necessity for Member Governments to build up their own service organizations as rapidly as conditions permit, and co-operation with other agencies engaged in technical assistance programs. It was stressed that the Organization should continue to give attention to the coordination of the technical assistance activities with the regular program while at the same time making certain that the work of the technical assistance program does not place undue burdens on the regular staff. The Conference therefore adopted the following resolution:

Resolution No. 27

Expanded Technical Assistance Program

The Conference

Having examined the activities of FAO under the Expanded Technical Assistance Program for 1952-1953;

Commends the Organization for the wide range of valuable and effective projects being undertaken;

Invites the Director-General to keep under constant review the distribution of FAO's expenditure in the different fields of activity for which the Organization is responsible;

Urges that the maximum co-operation should be developed with contributing countries for securing experts at the most appropriate level of experience and who will be available for as long periods as, their services are needed;

Commends the Director-General for the emphasis which the FAO program is placing on training, particularly with regard to fellowships and training centers, and urges that this form of activity should be developed to the maximum possible extent;

Recommends that governments should ensure that fellows who receive training under the Technical Assistance Program should upon return to their countries be utilized fully in their fields of training;

Notes with satisfaction the offer of the Netherlands Government to provide junior technicians at their own cost to assist more highly qualified experts responsible for the overall supervisions of projects;

Recommends that so long as the available resources are insufficient to enable all approved requests to be implemented, the Organization should concentrate upon those projects likely to lead to early results and effective progress in economic development.

226. The Conference discussions reflected the wisdom of the increasing experience of FAO in developing an action program, and indicated the existence of four administrative problems that require early solution:

(i) The selection of experts;

(ii) The provision of the necessary local facilities to ensure the full implementation of projects essential to the development of country programs;

(iii) The need for FAO to appraise the results of continuing and completed projects; and

(iv) The present financial difficulties in the administration of the Technical Assistance Program.

227. Delegates from all regions stressed the fact that the technical assistance program is a " co-operative venture of mutual aid in which the recipient country must often make efforts as great or greater than the assisting agency. " This involved better country program planning, the provision of adequate facilities to enable the expert to give his best services, and the training and appointment to responsible positions of nationals to ensure the continuance of the development program.

228. The Conference stressed the very great advantage to be gained when countries requesting assistance made thorough preparations for all phases of a project prior to the arrival of a mission. Only in this way was it possible to secure proper economy in effort and time. It was emphasized that the Organization should take steps to keep under review the follow-up work undertaken in any country that had received aid under the Technical Assistance Program.

229. Particular attention should also be given to continuation and extension of projects designed to benefit groups of countries, such as training centers for countries having more or less similar conditions, and projects for the control of diseases and pests which recognize no national boundaries. The utilization of experts for two or more countries should also be explored wherever possible. Projects may be organized on this basis in cases where financial restrictions make it impossible to meet all the requests in a particular field from countries that are adjacent to each other, and as means of continuing advice on important projects which are already well advanced and do not require the full time of an expert in a country.

230. The Conference realized that the release of ETAP reports must always remain subject to the consent of the governments to which they were addressed. However, it expressed the view that many governments could derive benefit from information and recommendations contained in reports by experts having worked in other countries. It was hoped that the Organization would keep Member Governments informed of reports which could be released from the restricted category.

231. The Conference approved the present broad distribution of FAO's technical assistance resources over the different fields of activity, but recommended the maintenance of flexibility in the allocation of funds to these different fields. While recognizing the increasing ability of field officers and headquarters staff to determine priorities on individual projects, it was agreed that some more thorough method should be devised for appraising the results of continuing and completed projects.

232. Provision should be made within the Organization, subject to budgetary limitations, for more effective economic and financial appraisal of all FAO/ETAP projects, so that those projects may be selected with the greatest prospect of contributing to the general economic development of recipient countries.

Resolution No. 28

Evaluation of ETAP Projects

The Conference

Noting the suggestion of the Technical Assistance Committee of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations that "governing bodies of the Participating Organizations scrutinize their expanded technical assistance activities in order to evaluate their effectiveness;"

Recognizing that this sort of evaluation has been and is being performed both by the Director-General and through the medium of the Coordinating Committee, the Council and the Conference;

Requests the Coordinating Committee to consider the most suitable methods for FAO to comply with this suggestion of the ECOSOC.

233. The most serious problem faced by the Conference was the prospect of curtailment of the Expanded Technical Assistance activities in 1954 because of the obligation to introduce more conservative methods of managing the funds available, thereby limiting expenditure during the first half of 1954 With the best will and ability in the world, no technical staff can be expected to develop a sound program and administer it effectively and economically under the financial uncertainties which have hitherto prevailed. The delegates were encouraged to learn that this problem is receiving immediate attention.

Resolution No. 29

Financial Limitations to ETAP

The Conference

Regrets the necessity for temporary curtailment in 1954 of FAO's Technical Assistance activities in the face of increasing demands for the implementation of timely and well planned projects;

Notes with commendation the willingness of certain governments, themselves in receipt of Technical Assistance, to meet some of the costs involved in obtaining additional experts, etc. so as to ensure the maximum amount of development;

Trusts that methods will be devised for improving the financial procedures under which the Program operates so as to give it the necessary continuity and stability;

Believesthat the action program of FAO is of fundamental importance to the economic and social welfare of Member Nations end basic to the success of the whole Expanded Technical Assistance Program;

Recommends that, so far as possible within the total resources available, the allocation of funds to FAO be made on the basis of an expanding program) and in such a manner as to provide for their most effective use by the Organization.

234. The Conference listened with great interest to a report on conditions in the Republic of Korea. Noting the action of the Government of the Republic in restoring extension and education services, undertaking land reform policies, developing improvement programs in agriculture, forestry and fisheries, and in establishing a National Institute of Nutrition, the Conference passed the following resolution:

Resolution No. 30

Assistance to the Republic of Korea

The Conference

Recognizing the serious concern for and interest of FAO in the importance of the early rehabilitation of Korea's agriculture, forestry and fisheries; and

Welcoming the report of the FAO/ UNKRA Mission and the recommendations therein as being effective and useful;

Recommends that urgent representation should be made to the United Nations to make the fullest practicable use of the information and recommendations contained in the FAO/UNKRA Report in providing assistance to the Republic of Korea; and calls upon all Member Nations of FAO for their co-operation and assistance to achieve these ends.

I. Selected special problems

Reform of agrarian structures
Establishment of European Foot-and-Mouth Disease Commission
Desert locust control
Measures to combat protein malnutrition of mothers and children
Pre-conference regional meetings
Technical co-operation with International Organization
Work in the social field
Coordinating committee

Reform of agrarian structures

235. The Conference reviewed the progress report presented by the Director-General in implementation of Resolution No. 8 of the Sixth Session of the Conference, the program of work dealing with associated matters and the experience gained at the successful Seminar on Land Problems held recently at Campinas, Brazil. The length of time occupied by the discussion and the very wide participation therein of the delegates of member countries showed clearly the intensified interest in this subject. It was noted that actual knowledge and practical experience had accumulated since the discussion at the Sixth Session.

236. The Conference felt that considerable progress had been made since this matter was raised in the Sixth Session of the Conference. However, the unsatisfactory conditions of man/land relations, particularly relative to the uneconomic sizes of farms, inequitable rents and taxes, insecurity of tenure, imbalance between land, labor and capital, still present great obstacles to the full utilization of resources and to the improvement of rural welfare. FAO's approach in attacking these problems on a broad front, by giving emphasis to tenure improvements, to rural credit, to the promotion of co-operatives, to sound land and water use, to extension systems, to improved rural taxation and to allied subjects was considered fundamentally sound.

237. The relationship of man with the land, of which the "agrarian structure" is the institutional framework, must be judged by its suitability to time and place. The importance of the discussion at this Session consisted in the general recognition of this problem's great importance to the work of the Organization and in the virtually unanimous agreement as to the manner in which international work on the subject must be carried out and its priorities established. The discussions fully recognized the extreme intricacies and complexities of the subject itself, and that these are enhanced by association with the most intimate features of the social life of the community. Consequently the problems can only be successfully attacked on a very broad front-a front indeed so broad as to include much of FAO's own. proper work and large parts of the fields of work of other international agencies. Good reason was, for example, given for conducting studies of systems of rural local government and their effect on agricultural policy and production. The Conference felt that the difficulties that lie in the way will not deter governments and individuals from pursuing the desired goal. Therefore, the Conference, while agreeing that the subject is one of the most difficult dealt with by the Organization, reaffirmed its belief in the importance of action by governments in this field.

238. It was clear that the Director-General's program had been framed and was carried out in the same spirit, and the Conference accepted it as generally sound both in conception and in detail. In particular, it endorsed the "priorities" established in the program: first, actual technical advice and assistance given to Member Governments to the full extent of their requests; second, training in all forms; and third, the dissemination of knowledge through suitable publications; first emphasis throughout being given to the practical aspects of the subject.

239. The Conference accepted the importance attached by the Director-General to close and continuous collaboration with other international agencies, and approved the steps he had taken through the holding of interagency meetings and the work on the joint questionnaire. It suggested that two fruitful fields for such collaboration would be that of land settlement for agriculture, which currently is important in connection with problems of migration and the effects of systems of rural local government on agricultural development.

240. Generally the Conference commended the work already done and endorsed the program submitted.

Resolution No. 31

Reform of Agrarian Structures

The Conference

Reaffirms its belief in and support of Resolution No. 8 of the Sixth Session of the Conference and emphasizes the importance of action by governments to improve the agrarian structures in their countries by providing measures and institutions to ameliorate the living standards of rural people and enhance their dignity and freedom;

Notes with satisfaction the progress made in this field under the Regular and Expanded Technical Assistance Programs;

Invites Member Governments interested in improving their agrarian structures to take full advantage of the international help available through FAO, not only in the carrying' out of specific measures, but also in the preliminary appraisal of present problems and projects as a good basis for planning future improvements;

Requests the Director-General to:

(i) Give high priority in FAO's Expanded Technical Assistance Program to filling country requests and to regional projects concerned with agrarian structures;

(ii) Give priority in the relevant program of work to projects of a practical nature, especially to seminars and training centers and to the associated field demonstrations) pilot projects, field studies and training of technicians in connection with these projects;

(iii) Promote the work of teams of experts in field projects over single specialists in order to achieve an integrated approach of various subjects involved such as tenure, credit, cooperatives, taxation, rural industries, etc.;

(iv) Continue on a long-range basis to gather experience on land problems and ways of solving them, including the collection, analysis and dissemination of information in the various fields associated with agrarian structures, so that FAO will be in a better position to render effective assistance in this field;

(v) Assure that within FAO there will be a well integrated approach of all the technical specialists connected with the various aspects of this broad subject.

241. The Conference gave special attention to the value attached during the discussion to " Land Problems Seminars " like that held at Campinas, Brazil, and noted with approval the proposed holding of such seminars in the Near East and Far East regions. The system adopted at Campinas of discussing in their natural relationship both physical and institutional problems of land use and land tenure gives great realism and flexibility in discussion which can be directed to practical questions and to aspects of the subject directly related to the most urgent needs of particular regions. The Conference regarded the suggestion emanating from the Latin American Seminar to establish in the region a permanent center for agrarian studies as an important practical approach to these complex problems.

Resolution No. 32

Latin-American Center of Agrarian Studies

The Conference

Notes with satisfaction the successful holding of a Latin-American Seminar on Land Problems;

Calls upon Member Governments to study the proceedings of the Seminar, and to undertake such suggested measures as are applicable to their land problems;

Welcomes the favorable indication of the Government of Mexico to establish, following the recommendations of the Seminar, a permanent center of agrarian studies, and recognizes the importance of such a center, not only for Mexico, but for other Latin-American countries to carry on the work of the Seminar;

Calls upon the Director-General to give appropriate assistance to this center through the Expanded Technical Assistance Program

Calls upon governments in the region and on interested international organizations such as the O.A.S. to lend this center appropriate support and trusts that the maximum co-operation will be established between all concerned.

Establishment of European Foot-and-Mouth Disease Commission

242. The Conference considered the proposal for the establishment of a European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease. It had before it a draft Constitution as drawn up at technical meetings, as requested by the Council. There was general agreement on the need to establish such a Commission in order to organize regional control of the disease. Some countries expressed doubts as to the needs for establishing new machinery considering the activities of the International Office of Epizootics. Stress was laid on the desirability of having all countries in the region participate to make the Commission as effective as possible. In the light of the above, certain countries reserved their position regarding adherence to the Constitution. However, the general feeling was that the Commission should be established and the following resolution was passed without dissenting vote:

Resolution No. 33

European Foot-and-Mouth Disease Commission

The Conference

Having considered the recommendations and specific proposals regarding the control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease in Europe formulated at the technical meetings convened by the Organization to examine this problem;

Approves and submits for consideration by Member Nations of FAO concerned with a view to their acceptance, in conformity with Article XIV of the Constitution of the Organization, the text of the Constitution providing for the establishment of a European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease, which Constitution shall forthwith be open to acceptance and shall come into force in accordance with provisions of Articles XV and XIX of this Constitution; and further.

Recommends that the text of this Constitution be transmitted to the International Office of Epizootics for submission to its Member Nations concerned, and to the Organization for European Economic Cooperation. (The text of the Constitution is contained in Annex B).

Desert locust control

243. The Conference considered the problem of desert locust control in the Arabian Peninsula, and recognized that, owing to the unusually early breeding in that area, there is danger to surrounding countries from invading swarms. It recognized further that emergency action is necessary during the coming seven months if serious damage to agricultural areas in the Near East and elsewhere is to be avoided.

244. The Conference was informed that the Saudi Arabian Government, in co-operation with other governments, was willing to do its utmost to deal with the situation in its country. The situation requires, however, prompt action on a scale beyond the immediate capacity of the current organization and resources of the Saudi Arabian Government, which government associated itself with other Near East governments in asking for international assistance to bring the infested areas in the Arabian Peninsula under control. The Conference also understood that current outside assistance to Saudi Arabia is about to be reduced owing to other demands on the British Desert Locust Control organization (with headquarters at Nairobi), since the locust control needs of parts of South Western Arabia and parts of eastern Africa necessitate a concentration of D.L.C. resources there this season.

Resolution No. 34

Desert Locust Control

The Conference

Considering that the countries of the Near East at the Third FAO Regional Meeting at Cairo, 7-9 September 1953 and at the FAO Desert Locust Control Meeting at Damascus, 5-7 November 1953 have proposed international action to aid in the prevention of damage from the Arabian Peninsula, and are organizing a Coordinating Committee of Near East governments with responsibility centered in an "Executive Committee for Desert Locust Control in the Arabian Peninsula", which Committee is taking the leadership in exploring the possibility of providing immediate international assistance for such work;

Recommends to the Director-General to discuss the matter of temporary emergency assistance with the Saudi Arabian Government to determine the extent to which that government is in a position to work out this operation in line with the provisions of the usual form of Technical Assistance agreements with respect to local labor, facilities, services, privileges, and the assumption of costs that can be paid in local currency;

Authorizes the Director-General to cooperate with the Government of Saudi Arabia and with such other governments as are concerned and as are welcomed by the Saudi Arabian Government as participants, (i) in assigning to the work in this area such competent FAO staff members as may be available for coordinating and implementing this international project in the central part of the Arabian Peninsula, and as are acceptable to the Government of Saudi Arabia and to the "Executive Committee " which is being set up, and (ii) by employing equipment, facilities, and supplies now owned by FAO in supporting this work;

Further authorizes the Director-General (i) to accept from interested governments contributed funds (in local or other currencies), equipment, supplies, and other resources for the purpose of implementing the control program; and (ii) to match such contributions either from ETAP allotments or from any regular funds that might be available for this purpose, not to exceed $150,000. Any funds so subscribed by contributing governments will be placed in a special reserve fund for "Desert Locust Control in Central Arabia", to be administered by FAO on the recommendations of the "Executive Committee" proposed at the Damascus meeting. The resources so far expected for this purpose are listed in the report of the First Meeting of the Provisional Executive Committee held in Damascus, 7-8 November 1953;

Requests the Director-General (i) to consult with interested governments to determine whether they could make special contributions to this fund to assist in the operation of the campaign, and (ii) to encourage full participation by such governments through the use of local labor, facilities, services, privileges, materials) equipment and funds;

Considers this a temporary emergency measure to meet the current threat of early locust breeding in the central Arabian Peninsula and not as a permanent means for future operations extending beyond the winter-spring season of 1953-54. The Coordinating and Executive Committees, recommended by the Damascus meeting, should start planning as soon as possible with respect to proposals for the remainder of 1954, and for 1955, and the proposals of these Committees should be submitted to the Director-General, and through him in due course to the Council. Plans for future years shall be submitted to the next Session of the Conference.

Measures to combat protein malnutrition of mothers and children

245. Malnutrition of mothers and children, who form a large percentage of the world's population, is discussed in another section of the Conference Report (See pp. 90-92). The prevention of malnutrition calls for joint action on the part of departments and experts concerned with nutrition, agriculture, animal husbandry, fisheries, and food technology. In some cases, for example, it is possible to improve protein quality and quantity by selection and introduction of new strains of staple and protective food producing plants. The animal husbandry expert e an contribute by making available more dairy products. meat and eggs. The development of fisheries can equally help to increase supplies of protein. and in some countries fish culture is an effective method of achieving this end. Special reference should be made here to anti-malarial projects in which the intensive cultivation of fish serves two purposes: the destruction of mosquito larvae and the production of more food.

246. Assessment of the dietary needs of a population in respect of protein and other essential nutrients should be followed by practical programs to increase the supplies of necessary food and ensure that they reach the malnourished and vulnerable groups. Careful evaluation of the results obtained is essential as these programs develop. In planning food production and distribution policies, governments should give particular attention to measures of this nature.

247. A number of United Nations organizations, including FAO, WHO, UNICEF and the UN, are interested from various angles in the improvement of child welfare and child nutrition. The Conference was glad to note that, in respect of the problems under discussion, collaboration had already been established between these organizations. and that in the Concerted Program of Action in the Social Field, with which the UN and various specialized agencies are jointly concerned, prominence had been given to maternal and child nutrition.

248. The fact that widespread malnutrition exists in some countries among sections of the population while in others there is difficulty in disposing of supplies of nutritious foods is of great significance.

Resolution No. 35

Protein Deficiency of Mothers and Children

The Conference

Recognizing the existence of much serious malnutrition, due to deficiency of proteins in respect of quantity and quality, in many parts of the world, particularly among mothers and children;

Draws the attention of governments to the need for taking into consideration the problem of protein deficiency in planning food production and distribution, with special reference to measures which will result in greater supplies of the necessary foods and in ensuring that these are effectively utilized;


(i) that the work of FAO in the fields of nutrition, agriculture, animal husbandry, fisheries and food technology, which can contribute, especially through well coordinated programs, to the solution of the problem, should be intensified;

(ii) that FAO should continue to collaborate with WHO, UNICEF and other international organizations in joint activities concerned with the prevention of malnutrition.

Pre-conference regional meetings

249. The Conference drew the attention of the Director-General to the desirability of directing the agenda of the regional meetings on food and agricultural programs and outlook (Pre-Conference Meetings) towards more specific issues. It also underlined the importance of correlating items of the agenda more closely with matters for discussion at the FAO Conference.

Technical co-operation with International Organization

250. The Conference heard a statement on co-operation between the World Meteorological Organization and FAO and felt that co-operation would be especially useful in three lines of work now pursued by WMO: conservation of renewable natural resources, fight against losses in food and agricultural products, and action to increase supplies of food and agricultural products. The attention of the Conference was drawn to a special recommendation passed by a Working Party which had met under the auspices of WMO, regarding coordination between WMO and FAO to establish on an international basis a practical application of meteorology. It was noted that various WMO Committees already were engaged on work related to climatology, conservation of renewable natural resources and fisheries. WMO was prepared to receive suggestions from FAO concerning its activities and to implement them within its budgetary possibilities. Co-operation between agriculture and meteorology should exist also on a national basis.

Resolution No. 36

Co-operation between Agricultural and Meteorological Services

The Conference

Noting the work undertaken by WMO in the application of meteorology to agriculture and food production throughout the world,

Recommends that Member Governments should establish coordination between agricultural and meteorological services at the national level to assure the practical implementation of their programs of work.

251. The Conference considered the Report of the Director-General on Co-operation with Other Organizations to Promote FAO's Objectives. In approving this Report, it wanted especially to commend the new FAO Policy Concerning Relations with International Nongovernmental Organizations and passed the following resolution:

Resolution No. 37

Co-operation with Other Organizations

The Conference

Having considered the Report of the Director-General on co-operation with other organizations to promote FAO's objectives,(C 53/21 and C 53/21 Supp. 1);

Notes with satisfaction the increasing interest and support by international nongovernmental organizations for the work of FAO;

Hopes that the Director-General will take all appropriate measures aimed to encourage and develop this valuable type of co-operation;

Notes that a detailed review of the experience gained by FAO in conducting relations with international organizations has led to the formulation of a new FAO policy concerning relations with international non-governmental organizations (described in Annex 1 of C 53/21), which has already been applied on a provisional basis and that this policy has been formulated by the Council Committee 077 Relations with International Organizations and adopted by the Sixteenth Session of the Council to be forwarded to the Seventh Session of the Conference;

Amends Section III, paragraph I (a) of Annex I (C 53/21) by adding the following sentence at the end of the paragraph:

"In a year in which there is no Session of the Conference, the Council may examine and take a decision on applications for consultative status, subject to review by the Conference at its next Session ";

Believes that the principles set forth in this policy provide a suitable framework within which to operate these relationships;

Approves the Report of the Director-General, and in particular approves the FAO Policy concerning Relations with International Non-Governmental Organizations.

The FAO Policy Concerning Relations with International Non-Governmental Organizations, as amended by the above decision, ii found in Appendix D).

Work in the social field

252. During recent years increasing emphasis has been placed by member countries of the United Nations, through the Economic and Social Council, the General Assembly, and other organs, on work in the social field. This reflects an increasing concern for the welfare of mankind and also the realization that economic development in the broad sense of the term depends on the active co-operation of communities and families.

253. All the work of FAO, which aims at increasing the production and improving the distribution of food, has social repercussions. A number of its activities are directly concerned with social welfare and bettering the conditions of rural populations.

254. The Economic and Social Council Resolution on Programs of Concerned Practical Action in the Social Field of the United Nations and Specialized Agencies, 496 (XVI), reinforced in October 1953 by the General Assembly, calls for the participation of FAO in the planning and execution of community development programs. The Report on Concerted Practical Action in the Social Field, prepared in 1952 by the United Nations and the specialized agencies, outlines the part which FAO can play in a coordinated program to promote social welfare. The Conference considered that FAO should continue to cooperate in these conjoint activities within the limits of its resources, due regard being given to the need for full prior inter-agency consultation before joint programs are undertaken and to the fact that the program of FAO in its own spheres of interest, especially that of food production, is already a very heavy one.

Resolution No. 38

Co-operation with United Nations Agencies on Work In the Social Field

The Conference

Convinced that (i) all the work of FAO has a bearing on social betterment and that (ii) certain activities of the Organization, namely those concerned with agricultural extension, rural cooperatives, small-scale industries, agricultural credit social aspects of land reform, home economics, and certain aspects of nutrition, have a special social significance;

Notes with satisfaction the increased importance which is being attached to work in the social field by Member Governments of the United Nations and the specialized agencies;

Welcomes the steps taken to coordinate and concentrate the efforts of the United Nations and the specialized - agencies in this field;

Stresses the importance of (i) the earliest possible inter-agency consultation when programs or projects of joint interest are being envisaged in accordance with ECOSOC Resolution 324 B (XI); (ii) securing the examination of the most equitable manner in which any substantial extra expenses resulting from special work required of FAO should be borne;

Recommends that the Organization continue to cooperate closely with the United Nations and the specialized agencies within the limits of its resources in joint activities concerned with practical action in the social field.

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