
Report of the Conference of FAO
Special Session
Washington, 3-11 November 1950

Table of Contents

I. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

A. Director-general
B. Council of FAO
C. Member nations

II. Officers of the special session of the conference

III. The 1950 Special Session of the Conference of FAO

IV. General actions of the conference

A. Procedure and cognate matters

Adoption of agenda
Organization of the work of the session
Admission of observers from international organizations
Admission of observers from nonmember governments
Interpretation of date of membership
Admission of new members
Appointment of the director-general
Appointment of independent chairman of the council
Election of members of the council
Relations of near east office with the government of Israel
Convention on privileges and immunities of the specialized agencies
Consultative status for commission of churches
Place and date of the next session
David Lubin memorial library
Proliferation of international agencies

B. Technical assistance for economic development

Co-operation with UN on agrarian structure and land tenure

C. Commodity problems
D. Korean relief and reconstruction
E. International plant protection convention

V. Program of work and budget for 1951

A. Income in 1951
B. Prior charges in 1951
C. Program of work and budget for 1951
D. (1) Tropical agriculture and (2) Horticulture
E. Regional arrangements

European regional office
Latin-American regional offices
Far east regional office
North American regional office
Regional information services
Pre-conference regional meetings
Co-operation with the organization of American States

F. Personnel and related matters

Reorganization of the secretariat
Application of cost-of-living differential in Rome
Staff pension fund
Legal adviser
Proposals regarding a system of FAO attachés
Advisory committees
Form of the budget and: of the program of work
Principles governing the program of work and budget in 1952,1953, and thereafter

VI. Constitutional matters

A. Policy implications of the amended financial regulations

VII. Administrative and financial matters

A. Headquarters removal fund
B. United nations loan
C. Level of working capital fund
D. Currency of working capital fund
E. Establishment of a special fund
F. Scale of contributions
G. Collection of contributions
H. Action to obtain payment of contributions in arrears
I. Currency of contribution payments
J. Residual assets of I.I.A.
K. Audited accounts

VIII. Appendices

A. Amended texts of the constitution, rules of procedure, and financial regulations

Constitution preamble
Rules of procedure
Financial regulations

B. Budget for the sixth financial year(ending 31 December 1951)
C. Scale of contributions, sixth financial year (1951)
D. Delegates, representatives, and observers attending the special session of the conference