Contents -

VI. Constitutional matters

A. Policy implications of the amended financial regulations

The Conference at its Fifth Session charged the Director-General with the task of proposing to the next Session of the Conference general revisions of the texts of the Constitution, the Rules of Procedure, and the Financial Regulations, both to reflect the changes required for biennial sessions and to remedy certain procedural defects.

The Conference has given full consideration to the view that general revision of the texts should be postponed until a regular Session of the Conference because of (1) the time required for extensive study and discussion of such proposals and (2) the desirability of awaiting concerted action to effect the maximum practicable conformity with constitutional and procedural instruments of the United Nations and specialized agencies. The Conference, however, has concluded that it should at this Session act on the detailed recommendations submitted, and that it is desirable to proceed at this time as far as possible in the direction of a complete revision, considering that any progress along this line is a useful step in the direction of a definitive form.

The Conference also believes that the greatest warranted degree of conformity attainable, consistent with the individual technical requirements of the several agencies concerned, is greatly to be desired and that, accordingly, no revisions presently adopted should be regarded as in any way limiting or prejudicing future consideration among the agencies of uniform provisions, on the same principle as the uniform Financial Regulations now proposed. Heretofore the Constitution has been officially formulated only in English. The Conference believes that in the future, after adoption of the revised English text at this Session, consideration should be given to a further constitutional amendment to make texts of the Constitution in the other official languages equally authentic.'

These views are expressed in the two following resolutions, the first of which was adopted by the Conference at its Seventh Plenary Meeting, 9 November. The Constitution before amendment provided that amendments could be made by a two-thirds majority of the members of the Conference. The following resolution was adopted by a roll-call vote of 44 for and 0 against:

The Conference -

- Amends the Constitution by adopting the revised text appended to this Report. [See Appendix A]

The Rules of Procedure and Financial Regulations may be amended by a two-thirds majority of votes cast. The following resolution was adopted at the Tenth Plenary Meeting, 11 November, by a roll-call vote of 44 for and 0 against .

The Conference -

- Amends the Rules of Procedure and the Financial Regulations by adopting the revised texts appended to this Report.

A. Policy implications of the amended financial regulations

The Conference believes that adoption of the amended Financial Regulations at the present session meets the immediate requirements of the Organization. However, it considers that further study on certain matters is required.

The Conference therefore -

- Requests the Council to direct the Committee on Financial Control

  • (a) to continue the study of the Financial Regulations of the Organization, with the aim of achieving the greatest warranted degree of conformity with the Financial Regulations of the United Nations and other specialized agencies;

    (b) to study the problem of the utilization of the payment of contributions of new members in the financial year of their admission to membership, particularly in connection with paragraph 5.8 of the amended Financial Regulations.


  • Revision of FAO Constitution, Rules of Procedure, and Financial Regulations (C50/6 Rev.)

    Revision of FAO Constitution, Rules of Procedure, and Financial Regulations: Note by the Director-General (C50/6 Supp.)

  • Contents -