Codex Committee on Food Import and Export Inspection and Certification Systems (CCFICS)
FAO/WHO ID No: | CX-733 |
Reference: | CX/FICS |
Terms of Reference: | (a) to develop principles and guidelines for food import and export inspection and certification systems with a view to harmonising methods and procedures which protect the health of consumers, ensure fair trading practices and facilitate international trade in foodstuffs; (b) to develop principles and guidelines for the application of measures by the competent authorities of exporting and importing countries to provide assurance where necessary that foodstuffs comply with requirements, especially statutory health requirements; (c) to develop guidelines for the utilisation, as and when appropriate, of quality assurance systems to ensure that foodstuffs conform with requirements and to promote the recognition of these systems in facilitating trade in food products under bilateral/multilateral arrangements by countries; (d) to develop guidelines and criteria with respect to format, declarations and language of such official certificates as countries may require with a view towards international harmonization; (e) to make recommendations for information exchange in relation to food import/export control; (f) to consult as necessary with other international groups working on matters related to food inspection and certification systems; and, (g) to consider other matters assigned to it by the Commission in relation to food inspection and certification systems. Quality assurance means all those planned and systematic actions necessary to provide adequate confidence that a product or service will satisfy given requirements for quality (ISO-8402 Quality - Vocabulary) |
Status: | Active |
Host: | Australia |