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CXS 306-2023
Standard for Chilli Sauce

CXS 294-2023
Standard for Gochujang

CXA 6-2023
List of Codex Specifications for Food Additives

CXS 356R-2023
Regional Standard for Fermented Noni Fruit Juice (North America and South West Pacific)

CXC 82-2023
Code of Practice for the Prevention and Reduction of Mycotoxins Contamination in Cassava and Cassava-Based Products

CXG 101-2023
Guidelines on Recognition and Maintenance of Equivalence of National Food Control Systems (NFCS)

CXG 102-2023
Principles and Guidelines on the Use of Remote Audit and Inspection in Regulatory Frameworks

CXS 354R-2023
Regional Standard for Soybean Products Fermented with Bacillus Species (Asia)

CXS 355R-2023
Regional Standard for Cooked Rice Wrapped in Plant Leaves (Asia)

CXG 99-2023
Guidelines for the Control of Shiga Toxin-Producing E. coli (STEC) in Raw Beef, Fresh Leafy Vegetables, Raw Milk and Raw Milk Cheeses, and Sprouts

CXG 100-2023
Guidelines for the Safe Use and Reuse of Water in Food Production and Processing

CXG 95-2022
Guidelines for ready-to-use therapeutic foods (RUTF)

CXS 348-2022
Standard for Onions and Shallots

CXS 349-2022
Standard for Berry Fruits

CXC 81-2022
Code of Practice for the Prevention and Reduction of Cadmium Contamination in Cocoa Beans

CXG 97-2022
Guidelines for the Recognition of Active Substances or Authorized Uses of Active Substances of Low Public Health Concern that are Considered Exempted from the Establishment of Maximum Residue Limits or do not give rise to Residues

CXG 96-2022
Guidelines on the Management of Biological Foodborne Outbreaks

CXG 98-2022
Guidelines for Developing Harmonized Food Safety Legislation for the CCAFRICA Region

CXS 352-2022
Standard for Dried Seeds – Nutmeg

CXS 350R-2022
Regional Standard for Dried Meat (Africa)

CXS 353-2022
Standard for Dried or Dehydrated Chilli Pepper and Paprika

CXG 93-2021
Principles and Guidelines for the assessment and use of voluntary third-party assurance programmes

Protecting health, facilitating trade

What is the Codex Alimentarius?

The Codex Alimentarius, or "Food Code" is a collection of standards, guidelines and codes of practice adopted by the Codex Alimentarius Commission. The Commission, also known as CAC, is the central part of the Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme and was established by FAO and WHO to protect consumer health and promote fair practices in food trade. It held its first meeting in 1963. [... more]

Why do we need Codex standards?

Codex standards ensure that food is safe and can be traded. The 188 Codex members have negotiated science based recommendations in all areas related to food safety and quality. Codex food safety texts are a reference in WTO trade disputes. [... more]

Codex and...

 Animal Feed

Good animal feeding plays a vital role in animal health & welfare and in the production of safe and quality products of animal origin.

 Antimicrobial resistance

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a major global threat of increasing concern to human and animal health. It also has implications for both food safety and food security and the economic well being of millions of farming households.


While there is little controversy about many aspects of biotechnology and its application, genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are often the target of very intensive debate.


Contaminants are chemical substances that have not been intentionally added to food or feed and may pose a risk to animal and human health.

Nutrition & Labelling

The food label is one of the most important tools consumers can use to make informed choices about healthy and safe foods.


Pesticides with public health uses are intended to limit the potential for disease. By their nature, many pesticides may pose some risk to humans, animals, or the environment.

Scientific Approach

Codex committees, when developing standards, need to analyze risk. Independent scientific advice is provided to Codex by expert bodies organized by FAO/WHO. These bodies also give direct advice to Member Governments. [... more]

Sound Science

Upcoming Meetings

Codex Committee on Fish and Fishery Products
by correspondence
Codex Committee on Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Foods
Omaha, Nebraska
United States of America
Codex Committee on Food Labelling
Quebec City
Executive Committee of the Codex Alimentarius Commission
Codex Alimentarius Commission
FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for North America and the South West Pacific
Codex Committee on Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
Mexico City
Codex Committee on Food Additives



The Procedural Manual (PM) of the Codex Alimentarius Commission sets out the basic Rules of Procedure, procedures for the elaboration of Codex standards and related texts, and basic definitions and guidelines for the operation of Codex committees. The PM helps national delegations and international organizations attending as observers, participate effectively in the work of Codex.


Updates to this edition include: amendments to the section on commodity standards dealing with non-retail containers, text on committees working by correspondence, and a new annex on extrapolation of maximum residue limits of veterinary drugs.




An important step forward and a great gift for the 60th anniversary of the Codex Alimentarius Commission!

Jean-Luc Angot, France
Chairperson Codex Committee on General Principles

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Codex and SDGs

On September 25th 2015, countries adopted a set of goals to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all. How is Codex working to achieve these goals? [... more]