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Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues
04/07/2022 - 13/07/2022 | Virtual,

The 53rd Session of the Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues (CCPR53) will take place in virtual mode from 4 – 8 July 2022 with adoption of the report on 13 July 2022 (13:00 – 16: 00 CEST).

The Codex Secretariat has prepared guidance for Members and Observers to facilitate the smooth running of Codex virtual meetings. Codex members and observers participating in the upcoming virtual meeting are kindly invited to consult the "Information for Delegates" webpage and in particular to read the Guidance to participants of virtual meetings available in English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese and Russian.

All participants should provide their information (names and addresses) through the Online Registration System by accessing the link below, latest by 48 hours in advance of the start of the plenary meeting i.e. 2 July 13:00 CEST.
Login and password for the online registration to the plenary meeting and the adoption of the report will be provided to all Codex Contact Points of Member Countries and Observer Organizations. If the login and password have not been received, please contact [email protected].

A tentative timetable will be available for advance notice of Codex members and observers attending the plenary session and adoption of the report and will be submitted for endorsement by the plenary session during the Adoption of the Provisional Agenda (Agenda Item 1).
The timetable remains flexible to be adjusted according to the progress made on the different items of the Provisional Agenda and as such it remains as an advisory document to guide the discussion over the next week.

Pre-meetings of the following WGs will be held as indicated below to facilitate the consideration and resolution of the matters raised in the relevant working papers by CCPR. Interpretation services will be available in English, French and Spanish. The program is available in English only.

Monday 27 June (13:00 – 16:00 CEST)
  • Revision of the Classification of Food and Feed
  • Coordination of work between CCPR and CCRVDF
Tuesday 28 June (13:00 – 16:00 CEST)
  • Guidelines for compounds of low public health concern that may be exempted from the establishment of Codex MRLs or do not give rise to residues.
  • Engagement of JMPR in parallel reviews of new compounds - Criteria for selecting the global project manager for the parallel review process.
  • Management of unsupported compounds without public health concern scheduled for periodic review

Click here to register to the pre-meeting webinars

A letter from the Chair of the Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues, Dr. Guibiao YE, addressing all Codex members and observers participating in the 53rd Session of CCPR and related activities, can be found here in English, French and Spanish.

Interview with the Chair of CCPR:

Guibiao YE introduces the 53rd session of the Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues – Available |here|.


Circular Letters

The list of CLs relevant to CCPR53 is available from "Related Circular Letters”.

JMPR Reports

The reports of the Extra and Regular meetings of JMPR that took place in May/June and September 2021 in virtual mode are available from the FAO and WHO websites to inform comments on CL 2022/20/REV1-PR concerning MRL recommendations arising from these meetings (Agenda Item 6) and as background information for matters for consideration under Agenda Items 5(a) and 5(b). JMPR reports are available in English only.

Documents issued for CCPR53

Documents for consideration by CCPR53 will be published on this page as soon as they become available.

Cooperation of work between CCPR/CCRVDF (Agenda Item 7d)

Codex members and observers participating in the plenary session are kindly invited to consult the report of the Joint JECFA/JMPR Working Group on the Revision of the Guidance Document for Residue Definition: Harmonization of MEAT MAMMALIAN MRLs to support the consideration of harmonization of terms/definitions between CCPR and CCRVDF for edible animal tissues i.e. fat, meat and muscle to facilitate the establishment of single MRLs for compounds with dual uses for food of animal origin. The report is available in English only. Click here to download the document submitted at CCPR51 (2019) (CX/PR 19/51/3-Add.1).

Chair's letter

Chair's letter

Chair's letterEnglish

Related documents

ItemDescriptionUpload date
Document Reference
119Comments of China01/07/2022
7.21Revision of the Classification of Food and Feed (CXA 4-1989): Class B – Primary Food Commodities of Animal Origin12/05/2022
CX/PR 22/53/7
7.3Revision of the Classification of Food and Feed (CXA 4-1989): Class E - Processed Foods of Animal Origin 12/05/2022
CX/PR 22/53/8
7.41Revision of the Classification of Food and Feed. Coordination of work between CCPR and CCRVDF: Class B. Primary food commodities of animal origin. Harmonization of meat mammalian maximum residue limits between CCPR and CCRVDF. Harmonized definition for edible offal and other edible animal tissues 12/05/2022
CX/PR 22/53/9
9.1Guidelines for the recognition of active substances or authorized uses of active substances of low public health concern that are considered exempted from the establishment of MRLs or do not give rise to residues 13/05/2022
CX/PR 22/53/11
11.1Management of unsupported compounds without public health concern scheduled for periodic review13/05/2022
CX/PR 22/53/13
4.1Matters arising from FAO and WHO16/05/2022
CX/PR 22/53/3
10.1Engagement of JMPR in parallel reviews of new compounds: Criteria for selecting the global project manager for the parallel review process15/05/2022
CX/PR 22/53/12
13Establishment of Codex Schedules and Priority Lists of Pesticides for Evaluation/Re-Evaluation by JMPR23/05/2022
CX/PR 22/53/15
7.11Revision of the Classification of Food and Feed. Establishment of MRLs for pesticides for okra.12/05/2022
CX/PR 22/53/6
1Provisional Agenda23/05/2022
CX/PR 22/53/1
8Coordination of work between CCPR and CCRVDF: Joint CCPR/CCRVDF Working Group on Compounds for Dual Use - Status of work - 23/05/2022
CX/PR 22/53/10
18Enhancing operational procedures of JMPR and CCPR to eliminate the backlog of evaluations and meet the future demand of establishment CXLs23/05/2022
CX/PR 22/53/20
16Mitigation of trade impacts associated with the use of environmental inhibitors in agricuture25/05/2022
CX/PR 22/53/18
3Matters referred to CCPR by CAC and/or its subsidiary bodies26/05/2022
CX/PR 22/53/2
17Modification of the portion of commodities to which Codex MRLs apply and which is analyzed: Group 14 (Assorted fruits – Inedible peel) (CXG 41-1993)30/05/2022
CX/PR 22/53/19
4.2Matters arising from other international organizations 02/06/2022
CX/PR 22/53/4
12National registrations of pesticides06/06/2022
CX/PR 22/53/14
15Monitoring the purity and stability of CRMs of pesticides during prolong storage13/06/2022
CX/PR 22/53/17
101Division of Competence and Voting Right between the European Union and Its Member States According to Rule of Procedure II Paragraph 5 of the Codex Alimentarius Commission09/06/2022
105Proposal for a modification of the portion of the commodity to which MRLs appy and which is analyzed for fruits with inedble peel (Ecuador) 25/06/2022
14Review of mass spectrometry provisions in the Guidelines on the use of mass spectrometry for the identification, confirmation and quantitative determination of pesticide residues (CXG 56-2005) and the Guidelines on performance criteria of pesticide residues in food and feed (CXG 90-2017)30/06/2022
CX/PR 22/53/16
118Comments of Morocco29/06/2022
130Comments of USA and Costa Rica06/07/2022
Report of the 53rd Session of CCPR22/08/2022
6.1MRLs for pesticides in food and feed (at Steps 7 and 4)20/06/2022
CX/PR 22/53/5
106Management of Unsupported Compounds without Public Health Concern Scheduled for Periodic Review (Chile as EWG Chair) 24/06/2022
104Guidelines for the Recognition of Active Substances or Authorized Uses of Active Substances of Low Public Health Concern that Are Considered Exempted from the Establishment of MRLs or do not Give Rise to Residues (Chile as EWG Chair)24/06/2022
103Revision of the Classification of Food and Feed (CXA 4-1989) (USA and Netherlands as EWG Chairs) 24/06/2022
200Statement from the United Kingdom Concerning Russia’s Assault on Ukraine 23/06/2022
111Revision of the Classification of Food and Feed (CXA 4-1989): Group 023 Oilseeds (Australia)14/06/2022
112Comments of Ghana14/06/2022
114Comments of Philippines25/06/2022
10.2Comments in reply to CL 2022/38-PR25/06/2022
CX/PR 22/53/12-Add.1
11.2Comments in reply to CL 2022/39-PR25/06/2022
CX/P5 22/53/13-Add.1
9.2Comments in reply to CL 2022/37-PR25/06/2022
CX/PR 22/53/11-Add.1
7.42Comments in reply to CL 2022/36-PR25/06/2022
CX/PR 22/53/9-Add.1
7.12Comments in reply to CL 2022/34-PR25/06/2022
CX/PR 22/53/6-Add.1
7.22Comments in reply to CL 2022/35-PR25/06/2022
CX/PR 22/53/7-Add.1
115Comments of Iran25/06/2022
6.2Comments in reply to CL 2022/20-PR27/06/2022
CX/PR 22/53/5-Add.1
116Comments of Nigeria27/06/2022
201Statement of the European Union and its Member states on the Russian aggression against Ukraine28/06/2022
108Report of the Virtual Pre-Meeting - Guidelines for the Recognition of Active Substances or Authorized Uses of Active Substances of Low Public Health Concern that are Considered Exempted from the Establishment of Maximum Residue Limits or Do Not Give Rise to Residues 30/06/2022
109Report of the virtual Pre-Meeting - Discussion Paper on the Management of Unsupported Compounds without Public Health Concern Scheduled for Periodic Review 30/06/2022
203Statement from Australia on Russia’s Actions in Ukraine 01/07/2022
117Comments of Rwanda28/06/2022
120Comments of Japan01/07/2022
121Comments of Thailand02/07/2022
122Comments of Uganda02/07/2022
123Comments of Uruguay02/07/2022
124Comments of Ecuador02/07/2022
125Comments of AgroCare Latinoamérica02/07/2022
204Statement from Canada Concerning Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine01/06/2022
107Revision of the Classification of Food and Feed - Prepared by the Chairs of the VWG04/07/2022
126Comments of CropLife05/07/2022
127Comments of India05/07/2022
128Comments of National Health Federation05/07/2022
129Comments of Arab Industrial Development, Standardization and Mining Organization (AIDSMO)05/07/2022
113Comments of EU25/06/2022
205Statement from the United States regarding Russia’s unprovoked war on Ukraine06/07/2022
131Monitoring the Purity and Stability of Certified Reference Materials of Pesticides during Prolonged Storage (REVISED) (Prepared by India as Chair of the EWG)06/07/2022
132Comments of Peru06/07/2022
133Comments of Croplife06/07/2022
102Establishment of Codex Schedules and Priority Lists of Pesticides for Evaluation by JMPR - Prepared by Australia as Chair of the EWG on Priorities 07/07/2022
206Statement from New Zealand on Russia’s actions in Ukraine08/07/2022
207All files zip collection