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Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling
22/02/2016 - 26/02/2016 | Budapest, Hungary

The 37th Session of the Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling will be held from February 22nd–26th 2016 in Budapest, Hungary.
The organizers do not provide accommodation for participants. Participants should make their own arrangements, special Conference rate is available.

Venue – The Aquincum Hotel Budapest (former Ramada Plaza Hotel)
Address: H-1036, Budapest, Árpád Fejedelem útja 94.
Phone: +36 1 436 4100
Fax: +36 1 436 4156
E-mail: [email protected]

The participants of the meeting should provide the information (names, official titles and addresses) through the online registration system by accessing the link below. Login and password for the online registration have been provided to all Codex Members and Observers. If the login and password have not been received, please contact [email protected]. In case of technical difficulty the registration may also be sent to the Hungarian Codex Contact Point directly.
Registration facilities will be located at the conference room and will be opened on Monday, February 22 at 9:00 a.m. and also at the day of the Endorsement Working Group session on Sunday, February 21 at 9:00 a.m.
The Physical Working Group on Multi component analytes will be held from at Sunday, February 21 at 2:00 p.m.
In the registration form please indicate your partecipation to the above events.
Participants will receive their identification badges and all necessary organizational information at the time of registration. It will be required to carry your identification badge visible during the whole meeting.

Delegates are advised to bring computers and, if they prefer to use, hard copies of the working documents, as due to protection of the environment, previously published documents will not be printed at the venue.

The 37th CCMAS meeting will be conducted in English, French and Spanish. Simultaneous interpretation will be provided in these languages.
More information are available in the Information for Delegates document in the table here below.

Related documents

ItemDescriptionUpload date
Document Reference
1Provisional Agenda15/12/2015
CX/MAS 16/37/1
9Procedures for determining uncertainty of measurement results15/12/2015
CX/MAS 16/37/9
2Matters Arising from the Codex Alimentarius Commission and other Codex Committees18/12/2015
CX/MAS 16/37/2
4Development of Procedures/Guidelines for Determining Equivalency to Type I methods04/01/2016
CX/MAS 16/37/4
7Review and Update of Methods in CODEX STAN 234-199904/01/2016
CX/MAS 16/37/7
8Information Document on Practical Examples on the Selection of Appropriate Sampling Plans15/12/2015
CX/MAS 16/37/8
3Endorsement of methods of analysis provisions in Codex standards20/10/2015
5Criteria approach for methods which use a "sum of components"19/01/2016
CX/MAS 16/37/5
3.1Replies to CL 2015/6-MAS20/10/2015
CX/16/37/3 Add.1
6Discussion paper on criteria for endorsement of biological methods used to detect chemicals of concern21/01/2016
CX/MAS 16/37/6
7.2Proposal for an introductory text/preamble to CODEX STAN 234-199920/10/2015
CX/MAS 16/37/7 Add.2
7.1Review and update of methods in CODEX STAN 234-199921/01/2016
CX/MAS 16/37/7 Add.1
101Division of competence16/02/2016
CRD1 - Opening
2.1Matters Referred from the CCFICS2220/10/2015
200Report of the 37th Session of the Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling22/03/2016
0Information for Delegates07/12/2015
0.5Hotel Registration Form08/12/2015
105Information provided by IDF28/01/2016
CRD5 - Agenda 2
106Information provided by AOAC, ISO and IDF08/02/2016
CRD6 - Agenda 3
107Information provided by AOCS12/02/2016
CRD7 - Agenda 2
109Comments from Kenya16/02/2016
CRD9 - Agenda 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9
108Comments from Equador, India, Kenya, Nigeria, ENSA, EUVEPRO16/02/2016
CRD8 - Agenda 2
115Comments from Nigeria16/02/2016
CRD15 - Agenda 3, 4, 7
113Comments from El Salvador16/02/2016
CRD13 - Agenda 6, 7, 9
112Comments from Equador16/02/2016
CRD12 - Agenda 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
111Comments from Israel16/02/2016
CRD11 - Agenda 7
116Comments from European Union18/02/2016
CRD16 - Agenda 4, 6, 7, 9
117Comments from Chile18/02/2016
CRD17 - Agenda 3, 5, 6, 7, 9
118Comments from Republic of Korea18/02/2016
CRD18 - Agenda 2
119Information provided by ISO18/02/2016
CRD19 - Agenda 2
110Comments from Thailand 20/10/2015
CRD 10 - Agenda 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
114Comments from India16/02/2016
CRD14 - Agenda 2, 3, 4, 5, 7
120Comments from Indonesia20/10/2015
CRD20 - Agenda 2
122Comments from Iran21/10/2015
CRD22 - Agenda 2
121Comments from AOAC, IDF21/10/2015
CRD21 - Agenda 3
103Report of the In-session Working Group on 'Sum of Component'22/02/2016
CRD3 - Agenda 5
130Comments from Uruguay20/10/2015
CRD30 - Agenda 2
129Comments from IFU20/10/2015
CRD29 - Agenda 7
126Comments from Germany20/10/2015
CRD26 - Agenda 9
125Comments from Germany20/10/2015
CRD25 - Agenda 8
124Information provided by Endorsement WG20/10/2015
CRD24 - Agenda 3
123Comments from Ghana20/10/2015
CRD23 - Agenda 4, 6, 7
131Comments from IDF, ISO20/10/2015
CRD31 - Agenda 3
127Comments from AOAC, IDF, ISO20/10/2015
CRD27 - Agenda 3
102Report of the WG on Endorsement22/02/2016
CRD2 - Agenda 2, 3
132Comments from ICUMSA22/02/2016
CRD32 - Agenda 7
128Comments from Switzerland20/10/2015
CRD28 - Agenda 7
104The Report of the 26th meeting of IAM20/10/2015
CRD4 - Agenda 10
133Comments from Argentina24/02/2016
CRD33 - Agenda 2