Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Profil des membres

M. Ali Obad

Organisation: Human Resilience and Sustainability Organization
Pays: Yémen
I am working on:

Contribute to the establishment, promotion, and development of the role of the education sector at all levels of various facilities and community groups and the exchange of information, experience, and knowledge and technology transfer in various fields related to national, regional, and international level.
Contribute to the achievement of food security and the promotion and implementation of development projects in this area.
Advocate for women's issues, environmental issues, and sustainable development and contribute to the establishment, implementation, and integration of the concepts of climate change and flexibility at the national and international level and in all the different sectors.
Empowering local communities in the design and implementation of sustainable, appropriate, and high quality health care systems for all groups in society and implementation of studies and research on the impact of climate change on this important care systems sector.
Work on the design and implementation of project management, programs and grants for humanitarian development, environmental sustainability, and climate adaptation and clean development mechanisms in various sectors and mobilize resources to take advantage of international support and preparing studies, research and consultancy in the relevant fields.
The establishment and implementation of social and humanitarian programs and projects aimed at alleviating the suffering of the poor and affected by climate change and environmental degradation, wars, and disasters of all kinds.
Establish and find solutions to encourage the establishment of development projects aimed at raising awareness and building technical and institutional capacity of all of the different sectors.