Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Développement agricole


Consultation électronique du HLPE sur le projet V0 de Rapport: Approches agroécologiques et d’autres innovations pour une agriculture durable et des systèmes alimentaires qui améliorent la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition

Au cours de sa 44e session plénière (9-13 octobre 2017), le CSA a demandé au HLPE d’élaborer un rapport sur le thème « Approches agro-écologiques et autres innovations

pour une agriculture durable et des  systèmes alimentaires qui améliorent la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition », qui sera présenté à la 46e session plénière du CSA en octobre 2019.

Dans le cadre du processus d’élaboration de ses rapports, le HLPE organise une consultation pour solliciter vos contributions, suggestions et commentaires sur la version V0 du rapport (pour plus de détails sur les différentes étapes de ce processus, cf. l’annexe attachée à la version V0 du rapport). Le HLPE utilisera les résultats de cette consultation pour améliorer le rapport qui sera ensuite soumis à une révision par des experts externes avant sa finalisation et son approbation de la version finale par le Comité directeur du HLPE.

Lauch of a new CoP on Evaluation for Food Security, Agriculture and Rural Development

EVAL-ForwARD is a new Community of Practice on evaluation for Food Security, Agriculture and Rural Development, jointly promoted by the evaluation offices of the Rome-based agencies: CGIAR (formerly known as the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research), FAO, IFAD and WFP.

Its first public launch took place at EvalColombo2018 during the side event The role of Evaluation in the public sector: how best to support national capacities. Conference participants had the opportunity to engage with the Directors of the Evaluation offices of FAO, IFAD and WFP on the aims, opportunities and thematic focus of this initiative.

The objectives of EVAL-ForwARD are to enhance awareness and capacities at country-level about evaluation in the agriculture, food security and rural development sectors, with a close focus on the evaluation of efforts to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 2 – End Hunger.

Evaluators, development practitioners, researchers and government officials are welcome to join the Community of Practice and:

  • Exchange evaluation information, practice and knowledge;
  • Propose resources and blogs;
  • Post information about events, conferences, training opportunities.

The first EVAL-ForwARD webinar on Evaluating with a Sustainable Development Goal 2 lens: experiences to date is planned for the second half of October and aims to uncover the challenges encountered and the good practices on which the development community could build, fostering further discussion and exchanges on the topic, which is at the core of the Community’s mandate.

EVAL-ForwARD uses a Dgroup mailing list for knowledge-sharing and a website as a repository of information and resources. To sign up to the Community and to find out more, please visit:

The State of Food and Agriculture 2017

Today, the 2017 edition of the State of Food and Agriculture has been released. This year, the theme of the report is “Leveraging food systems for inclusive rural transformation”.

The new report looks at how population growth, increasing urbanization, technologies, and climate change are transforming rural and urban areas, and how the world’s food systems are evolving. The report concludes that fulfilling the 2030 Agenda depends crucially on progress in rural areas, which is where most of the poor and hungry live today, and outlines a strategy for how agriculture and rural economies in developing countries can provide prosperity.  

Please visit the following website to download the report and additional material one of the six UN languages:




Leaving No One Behind: Achieving Gender Equality for Food Security, Nutrition and Sustainable Agriculture

12:30 - 14:30 Rome time, FAO Headquarters.

This Special Event will provide government representatives, UN entities, civil society and the private sector and other stakeholders with a platform to share experiences in accelerating progress towards gender equality and rural women’s empowerment. It will highlight forward-looking strategies and partnerships in the fight against hunger, malnutrition and extreme poverty.

Rural women play an important role in agriculture and rural development, and make a strong contribution to food security and nutrition at household and community levels. Worldwide, there is an increasing recognition that rural women must be at the centre of any intervention to promote sustainable agriculture and eradicate food insecurity and poverty. The 2030 Agenda envisages a future in which no one is left behind, where achieving gender equality and empowering women is an absolute precondition to break the cycle of poverty and hunger, and to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The event can be followed on webcast:


Opening remarks

José Graziano da Silva, Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO

Presentation on FAO’s technical work on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment

Kostas Stamoulis, Assistant Director-General, Economic and Social Development Department, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO

Panel discussion

  • His Excellency Hugo Martinez, Minister of Foreign Affairs of El Salvador
  • Her Excellency Néziha Labidi, Minister of Women and Family Affairs of Tunisia
  • Her Excellency Fatimata Dia Sow, Commissioner for Social Affairs and Gender of ECOWAS
  • His Excellency Ty Sokhun, Secretary of State, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Cambodia
  • His Excellency Ali Recep Nazli, General Director of Foreign Relations and EU Coordination of Ministry of Food Agriculture and Livestock of Turkey
  • Haowa Bello, CEO and Founder of Madame Coquette - Beneficiary of the Youth Employment in Agriculture Programme
  • Jessica Vega Ortega, Coordinator of the Yani Tundavii Dikuintií Collective of the Network of Young Indigenous Peoples of Latin America, Focal Point for the Global Indigenous Youth Caucus

Questions and answers

Concluding remarks

Boîte à outils et Cours en ligne sur l’agriculture et les systèmes alimentaires sensibles à la nutrition

La FAO vient de publier de nouvelles ressources : la Boîte à outils et les Cours en ligne sur l’agriculture et les systèmes alimentaires sensibles à la nutrition. Cet ensemble intégré de manuels – résultat d’un processus collaboratif impliquant les différentes divisions techniques de la FAO et les partenaires extérieurs – a pour but d’améliorer les capacités pour formuler, mettre en œuvre, suivre et évaluer des politiques et programmes d’alimentation et d’agriculture sensibles à la nutrition, ceci en ligne avec la Déclaration de Rome sur la nutrition, les ODD et la Décennie d’action des Nations Unies pour la nutrition.

La boîte à outils comprend quatre manuels:

La série de Cours en ligne sur l’agriculture et les systèmes alimentaires sensibles à la nutrition s’appuie sur l’utilisation de scenarios et une méthode d’apprentissage expérimentale afin d’aider les professionnels impliqués dans la formulation de politiques et de programmes à intégrer la nutrition dans leur travail.  

Deux modules sont déjà disponibles en ligne:

Ces ressources sont gratuites et libres d’accès, et téléchargeables aux liens suivants :



Online discussion on "Agroecology and Nutrition"

TECA (Technologies and practices for small agricultural producers), FAO’s free web based online information and communication platform for smallholders, has launched an online discussion on "Agroecology and Nutrition". The objective of this discussion is to identify successful agroecological farming practices which contribute to nutritious food systems.

Many successful experiences have already been documented on various platforms of FAO, e.g. TECA (during the previous discussions on “Sustainable agriculture through Agroecology” and “Agroecology and Soil Health”) and on Agroecology Knowledge hub. Based on these and other experiences, a three-week discussion will be held, inviting you to share your knowledge and experiences on agroecology and successful agroecological farming practices and approaches.

The discussion page can be accessed through the following link:

The discussion will be available from 20 March until 12 April 2017.

For any further information please contact: [email protected].

The State of Food and Agriculture (SOFA) report for 2016 has been released

The State of Food and Agriculture 2016 report (SOFA 2016), FAO’s annual flagship publication, has been released yesterday.

SOFA assesses issues on agricultural and rural development in the context of global food security. This year’s SOFA report centres on the double challenge of food security and climate change, presenting alternatives to tackle the two as a whole.

The report and furher information are available in all UN six languages at:

Policies for Effective Rural Transformation, Agricultural and Food System Transition

Experiences of multi sectoral policy approaches to promote rural transformation, inclusive agricultural transition and economic growth, across sectors and developing regions will be discussed during an event taking place at FAO headquarters on 17 October from 13:00 to 14:30 CEST.

The structural transformation of economies is a clear pathway out of poverty and hunger when the

process is characterized by inclusive productivity growth in both agricultural and non-agricultural sectors

and by strong linkages between sectors and urban and rural areas.

For further information on this event and on this area of work please contact: [email protected]

Voir les pieces jointes:

Vacancy Announcement: Policy Officer for FIRST Programme

Food and Nutrition Security Impact, Resilience, Sustainability and Transformation (FIRST) is a FAO and the European Union partnership programme with the purpose of providing a policy assistance mechanism for improved food security and nutrition and sustainable agriculture.

FIRST has a vacancy in Pakistan for a Policy Officer, who will work under the overall technical guidance of FIRST Manager (FAO/Rome) and working in close collaboration with the EU Delegation and relevant government ministries/institutions, as well as other stakeholders and development partners. The officer will seek to develop and implement coherent, nitrated, and effective policy assistance and capacity development. The officer will work to provide technical and policy advice and supports the Government of Sindh in development and implementation of their strategies and policies including the Zero Hunger. The officer will facilitate and advocate for an inclusive policy dialogue and supports the establishment of multi-sectoral food and nutrition coordination mechanisms and institutional structures such as SUN, IPC TWG etc. at the federal, provincial and regional level as well as developing strategic partnerships around FNSSA.

The VA closing date is 15 July 2016.

The full VA, including a detailed list of key functions, may be found at: