
26 June 2019 - A new online database ( is available to track trade and environmental measures and policies of over 160 World Trade Organization (WTO) members. With search functionalities to filter data by member/country, sector (e.g. fisheries), objective (e.g. sustainable fisheries management) and type ...
16 May 2019 - The FAO Sub-Committee on Fish Trade has a specific mandate to promote social sustainability in fisheries value chains, in particular the recognition and protection of human and labour rights in national and international value chains.  FAO Fisheries is pleased to announce that ...
01 May 2019 - In recent years, Social Responsibility has become a major concern also in the fisheries sector due to incidents of labour right violations and human rights abuses found at different stages of the fisheries value chain. As a result, numerous international ...
01 May 2019 - 近年来,由于在渔业价值链的各个层面中,发现劳工权益以及滥用人权事件,“社会责任”成为渔业部门的主要担忧之一。国际以及各国渔业部门,开始实施加强对“社会责任”的关注、以及改善渔业行业中劳工社会和生产环境。 根据FAO渔业委员会(COFI)对于宣传渔业和水产养殖价值链中,社会可持续发展性的指示,FAO将会在近几个月内举办多次对话。这些对话将会重点拟出:FAO社会责任引导草案。这份草案将会在11月对FAO渔业贸易小组委员会(COFI:FT)进行陈述。 这些对对话对于FAO来说,是对行业中利益相关方展示,引导政策的好机会。参与方也将借助这些机会,对于草案提供反馈以及意见。通过多方互动,草案中的问题、差距以及担忧可以得到解决。这样的方式,将使得最终引导文件、更加具有包容性和概括性。 FAO引导文件草案也将会在网络平台上发布,使得渔业以及水产养殖价值链中的,不同层面中的参与者都可以轻易阅览,向FAO提供缺失信息。FAO引导文件草案网络版将会在2019年7月下线。 欢迎各方提供您的宝贵意见和建议。 更多信息请联系 Mariana Toussaint: [email protected]
30 April 2019 - Fish is one of the world’s most traded food commodities with millions of people depending on fisheries as a source of jobs, income and livelihoods. In 2016, FAO data indicates that 59 million people were directly engaged in the primary ...
